[Qgis-user] Simulation of dam failure & mapping of flood risk downstream

2012-10-25 Thread laurent celati
Good afternoon,

I have to simulate an artificial dam failure & mapping of flood risk
downstream. I have already generate watershed file thanks to r.watershed.

Now i want to mapping and calculate flood risk downstream (water level /
volume /cubature) from a few available informations like charge,flow,etc.

Could you throw light for me please? If you know other tools and algorithms
that can help me in my study, don't hesitate.

Thank you in advance.

With kind regards. 

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Re: [Qgis-user] Sextante tools via Qgis : information regards Watershed analysis

2012-10-25 Thread laurent celati

Thanks for your reply. As you know yesterday i tested Grass via QgisFORQgis.
There was a bog during the process and i had a error message. 

This morning i have tested Grass via Qgis and it's works well. I have 

1/With Grass r.watershed i have to enter this following parameter : "minimum
size of exterior watershed basin" (without unit value). What criteria
determines the value to be enter? How to know this value ? 

In my case, i 'm using SRTM 90m as DEM raster input. 

2/According to you, what is the better tool for between r.watershed or
Taudem "StreamReach and watershed" ?

Thank you in advance. 

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[Qgis-user] Sextante tools via Qgis : information regards Watershed analysis

2012-10-24 Thread laurent celati
Good afternoon,

I installed "Sextante Tools". I would like tests tool called "Stream Reach
and watershed". 
I have only a raster DEM and I want generate watershed from my raster DEM.

There are many parameters to enter in input. I do not know which parameters
are required and which are optional. 

Could you throw light for me please. 

With kind regards. 

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[Qgis-user] How to Compile GDAL from gdal trunk and qgis from source ?

2012-08-30 Thread laurent celati

I have posted a message there a few weeks. I asked you a way to compile the
"last Gdal version from trunk" and Qgis from source targeting your gdal
source as library in order to use the last Gdal postis raster driver. You
answered that the last binairies qgis 1.8 version is available with the last
version of gdal (1.9.1) and that it's useless to compile.

I understand your reply. BUT I have talked last days with developpers of
"Gdal Postgis raster driver". They just add several important updates to the
driver. And they confirm to me that the only way to use the last driver is
to compile GDAL from gdal trunk and qgis from source using that compilation
as GDAL version.
Please to read below few sentences written by those developpers :
That's the only way to get the development version working. You have to
compile GDAL from svn and qgis from source using that compilation as GDAL
I'm not following osgeo4w binaries, but I don't think they would
provide a QGIS build with both gdal and qgis from svn. It's not entirely
impossible because I know they release a few nightly snapshots.
So, you have to use the last GDAL version from trunk in order to have the
last "Gdal Postgis raster driver updates".You just need to compile QGIS from
source targeting your GDAL source as library.I think that if you make any
header changes you may need to recompile it all since QGIS depends on
GDAL.So you have to work with last gdal version from trunk.

I need this last version of Gdal Postgis raster driver on my windows 7-64
bits station but those developpers working on Linux.
Could you explain to me the way to compile GDAL from gdal trunk and qgis
from source using that compilation as GDAL version (sources links to
download, compilation procédure,etc.). I am a thematician geograph and i am
a novice in software compilation;-(

In advance, thank you for your reply.

Kind regards.

Laurent Celati 

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[Qgis-user] Postgis raster layer plugin : displaying troubles into Qgis 1.8

2012-08-17 Thread laurent celati

I notice displaying troubles into Qgis 1.8 for one of my Postgis raster
layer. The raw file (.tif) is a file with a small size and up to now i have
succeed in importing raster files with a biggest size.
For information : size of the raw file : 194 MO  / Size of generated sql
file : 44.2 MO. 

I send you by attachment 2 SS : 1/ representation of raw tif file into Qgis
1.8 & 2/ representation of Postgis raster layer into Qgis 1.8

Can you help me please to find the cause of the problem? 

In advance, thank you very much for your help.




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[Qgis-user] URGENT* script qgis encoding utf8 toward latin1?

2012-07-23 Thread laurent celati

I have written a script via python in order to develop a plugin (qgis 1.8).
I used utf-8 encoding. 
Unfortunatly, i encountered problems in importing postgis data with utf8
encoding. However, i suceed in importing postgis data with latin1 encoding
into an utf 8 database. 

So that's why i wonder if it's possible to change in my script utf8 encoding
toward latin1 encoding? 

Could you throw light for me ASAP please. It's an urgent request. 



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[Qgis-user] Qgiserver : "webserver configuration" error message(windows7)

2012-07-15 Thread laurent celati

.I want install and test Qgis server on Windows7_64bits. I read the Qgis
server tutorial available at : 

I downloaded the OsGeo4w-Installer. I have tried to select settings proposed
in the tutorial.
 The tutorial says : "-> choose web-access due to your lan" 

At this step, i have choice beteween 3  connection types : 
* Direct Connection
*Use IE5 Settings
*Use HTTP/FTP Proxy

Shall i select  the "Use HTTP/FTP Proxy" ? I selected it.I have briefed the
field Proxy Host by tapping the IP of my computer (host) + Default Port
(80).  But i have an error message saying : 
"Unable to get setup .ini from < http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w>

Why i have got this error message?Is it obliged to use "Use HTTP/FTP Proxy"
connection type ? Or i can select "Direct Connection" or "Use IE5 Settings"?

Thanks to throw light for me. 

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[Qgis-user] How to compile Qgis 1.8 from source using Gdal SVN version ?

2012-07-13 Thread laurent celati

I would like compile gdal 1.9.1 from GDAL'S SVN then compile Qgis 1.8 from
source using Gdal SVN version. I'm working on Windows 7 64bits.

I am not in the habit of compiling software

I did not used to compile software. Can you tell me how to do please?

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[Qgis-user] Qgis 1.8 : How to do an Unilateral buffer

2012-07-11 Thread laurent celati

I'm working on Cameroon coastal layer shapefile and i would like generate
several unilateral buffers : buffers only on one side (toward ocean) and no
toward continent.

How to do that on Qgis 1.8 ?

Thank you to throw light for me.

Kind regards.

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[Qgis-user] Postgis raster display plugin ("Load Postgis Raster Layer") : slowness

2012-07-10 Thread laurent celati

I'm trying to display "Raster postgis data" via Qgis ("Load Postgis Raster
Layer"). It works but it's a bit slow!
These raster are 11 Rapideye satellite images with 5 bands in native. I
defined following overviews for each data : 3,9,27,81,243
Size of smallest SQL file : 270 MO
Size of biggest SQL file : 679 MO

1/What do you think about overviews values ?
2/According to you, the plugin is abble to display a sql file with a size of
679 MO ?
3/In native, these data have 5 bands but we need display only 3 bands.
According to you, is it better before importing these data in database to
remove 2 useless bands in order to speed up the display ?
4/Is there update regarding the speed problem ( Gdal driver issue).
5/Is there another way faster (Gvsig for instance) in displaying postgis
raster data? 
Thank you to throw light for me.


Laurent Celati. 

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[Qgis-user] SLD : Export "categorized" Qgis styles toward geoserver : error message

2012-07-10 Thread laurent celati


I work with Qgis 1.8. We have browsed several data from our Postgis db into
qgis project. We associated for each data a style. Those styles are
"categorized" in a layer according to attribut values. 

For 3 layers (one ponctual, one linear, one surface) I saved style in SLD
via "properties of the layer panel-save into SLD". The expot seems work. 

On geoserver, i have imported postgis layers and I would like to associate
with each layer SLD defined on Qgis. When i try to do it (geoserver tab
data->style), i have errors messages.  

1/Could you throw light for me please regarding these errors messages for
for each of these 3 layers.
2/On Qgis, Is it better to export SLD via "properties of the layer
panel-save into SLD" or via SLD plugin "save style as SLD"
3/On geoserver, how to display layer with SLD style? 

I send you by attchments log files and screen shots reprensenting Qgis and
geoserver interface for each of these 3 test layer :


Thank to throw light for me.


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[Qgis-user] SLD : Export "categorized" Qgis styles toward geoserver : error message

2012-07-05 Thread laurent celati

We work with Qgis 1.7.4. We have browsed several data from our Postgis db
into qgis project. We associated for each data a style. Those styles are
"categorized" in a layer according to attribut values. Yesterday, we succeed
in exporting these styles in qml. But we want export these styles in SLD in
order to send its toward geoserver.

We tried to use SLD plugin called "Save style as SLD". But we have a error
message. We can't save those styles in SLD format. We noticed sentences in
the script saying : "  ".

Moreover, we have the same problem to export those styles toward geoserver
via option "Upload to Geoserver".

1/Could you throw light for me please.
2/Is there any updates and patchs in the Qgis 1.8 regarding this SLD
3/According to you, Would we have more facilities using with Qgis server
rather than Geoserver (always regarding this SLD problem)...



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[Qgis-user] SLD : Export "categorized" Qgis styles toward geoserver : error message

2012-07-05 Thread laurent celati

We work with Qgis 1.7.4. We have browsed several data from our Postgis db
into qgis project. We associated for each data a style. Those styles are
"categorized" in a layer according to attribut values. Yesterday, we succeed
in exporting these styles in qml. But we want export these styles in SLD in
order to send its toward geoserver.

We tried to use SLD plugin called "Save style as SLD". But we have a error
message. We can't save those styles in SLD format. We noticed sentences in
the script saying : "".

Moreover, we have the same problem to export those styles toward geoserver
via option "Upload to Geoserver". 

1/Could you throw light for me please.
2/Is there any updates and patchs in the Qgis 1.8 regarding this SLD
3/According to you, Would we have more facilities using with Qgis server
rather than Geoserver (always regarding this SLD problem)...



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[Qgis-user] Load to postgis raster : IMPORT FAILED

2012-06-21 Thread laurent celati
Load to postgis raster : IMPORT FAILED


I just try to import into Postgis a tiff raster via Qgis plug-in "Load to
postgis raster". For this test : SRID 32632 (UTM32N/Cameroon). Without
Tiling and 3 overviews /Only register file as an external table.

I have a error message...FAILED...Finished storing overview.

Please find in attachment a SS showing the interface.

Thank to throw light for me.


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[Qgis-user] Load to postgis raster : IMPORT FAILED

2012-06-21 Thread laurent celati

I just try to import into Postgis a tiff raster via Qgis plug-in "Load to
postgis raster". For this test : SRID 32632 (UTM32N/Cameroon). Without
Tiling and 3 overviews /Only register file as an external table.

I have a error message...FAILED...Finished storing overview.

Please find in attachment a SS showing the interface.

Thank to throw light for me.


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[Qgis-user] Load to postgis raster

2012-06-21 Thread laurent celati
I would like load Raster into Postgis via Qgis 1.7.4 Plug in called "Load
raster to Postgis". I have install the plug in but i can't use it. The
extension is "grayed"/inactive in following tab : database/postgis
raster...Could you throw light for me please ?
Thank you very much. 

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