Great work to all who have been a part of improving the user's ability to 
customize input forms!

My question is about the way that new records are added to either a relation 
(created to handle a one to many relationship between two tables) or to a 
non-spatial table.  In either case, the attributes for the new record are input 
using the form (either the default one or one that's been customized by the 
user).  In my case, I would actually benefit by creating new records from the 
"table view."  Since the various widgets are available from the table view, I 
don't see a disadvantage for using this approach.  As is, I can modify existing 
records from the table view, but each time I create a new one, I must use the 
form to populate the attributes.

I have searched for a way to change this in the QGIS settings and project 
properties, but I am unable to find and available setting.  Can this behavior 
be changed?


Jeffrey Durrence
McLean Engineering Company
Qgis-user mailing list

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