
I'm having issues using the local UK projection with WMTS (EPSG:27700). As you 
zoom in through the zoom levels sometimes the map draws in the right place and 
sometimes it is a metre or two out of place. This means that digitising against 
WMTS is not accurate and vector features appear to move around.

As far as I can tell the bounding box for a WMTS layer changes for each zoom 
level so poor implementations of WMTS where the BBOX is assumed to be constant 
can be much worse however it is definitely still moving in QGIS version 3.4.2 
for my layer.

There doesn't seem to be an issue if I load the layer in EPSG:3857 (web 
Mercator) but ironically the base dataset is in EPSG:27700 (BNG) so you would 
have expected it to be the other way round.

Is this issue a known problem or is the issue more likely with my GeoServer 
Gridset settings?

Best Regards,

Paul Wittle
GIS Developer
Insight, Intelligence & Performance

County Hall
Dorset. DT1 1XJ
Tel: 01305 228473
E mail: p.wit...@dorsetcc.gov.uk<mailto:p.wit...@dorsetcc.gov.uk>

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