Hi all,

Sometimes when working with data, especially points, I'll have a stack of
several points in the same location, usually when the accuracy of the x/y
values is low.

In a lot of cases, if I'm selecting a point in a "stack" it will not appear
selected since it's covered by another point.

My understanding is that point drawing order is a function of the
datasource's row order.

I can solve my problem by using rule based symbology consistent with the
selection expression and turning off the "else" rule.

I'm wondering if there is any other shortcut I might use to avoid
rebuilding the symbology. Is there any way to set the drawing order so that
a selected feature is at the top? Or maybe to highlight a selected feature
so that it's slightly larger in addition to yellow.

thought I'd ask about existing solutions before considering putting
together a feature request/proposal/pr to expand the size of a selected


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