[Qgis-user] Ominiverdi Desktop livecd 2007.0

2007-02-23 Thread Luca Casagrande
Dear Qgis comunity,
after some time spent on working and testing, we have finally release our 
Desktop-livecd, codename 2007.0.
We try to offer a nice testing suite of some GFOSS without any setup or 

Download location:

 (please use this)

cd username/password: ominiverdi/ominiverdi

You can found those softwares:

-Qgis 0.8
-Grass 6.2.1
-Postgis 1.1.4
-Gdal 1.3.2

We have included also some sample data:

-Alaska ( this one also inside Postgis)

More info can be found on the wiki page:

We plan to add other features like an installer and build a Server edition, 
but first need to hear the opinion of the comunity.

Thank you very much for your support!

Ominiverdi Livecd Team

Chiunque può simpatizzare col dolore di un amico, ma solo chi ha un animo 
nobile riesce a simpatizzare col successo di un amico.

Oscar Wilde

LINUX User #411601
GENTOO-GIS Development Team

Qgis-user mailing list

[Qgis-user] Preview of QGIS 0.8.1 for windows available

2007-02-23 Thread Tim Sutton

Dear users

As you may be aware we are working on getting QGIS 0.8.1 bug fix
release out the door.  I have put up a preview build for windows at:


This file will be removed again at the time of final release so please
do not make any permanent links to it. QGIS 0.8.1 will be the first of
probably several bugfix releases up until the time that QGIS 0.9 is
released. I would like to ask that your feedback about problems you
encounter is done only via the bug tracker since it is difficult to
keep track of issues when they are posted to the mailing list in an ad
hoc manner. More specifically if you encounter any new bugs please
file them against Version 0.8.1, Milestone 0.8.2 since we wont be
making any new changes to the 0.8.1 codebase (barring major show
stopper issues). The primary reason for making this preview available
is to get the installer tested and make sure everything is generally
working out the box. There are still two issues that I will try to
address before the final release of the windows installer:

- support for silent installs
- placing shortcuts into all user accounts

If you were generally able to install and use the preview release
without issue, that feedback will be most welcome on this list.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.


Tim Sutton

Visit http://qgis.org for a great Open Source GIS
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