In message <>, John Sadler <> writes

On Wednesday 09 June 2010 07:29, John Sadler wrote:
The QL Community is steadily reducing in size.

So what can we do to stop the QL disappearing into oblivion?

Other old computers have survived by ensuring that emulators & programs
exist in the public domain.

The QL does have public domain emulators but they are a haste to use.

The problem is in either they do not work with all programs or else by the
time the person has learnt to convert the program so that i will run they
have already decided the QL is not for them.

There is one emulator which overcomes this problem and that is QPC2.
However when you have bought it you find you need QPrint to use a printer!

Then you find some of the best programs are commercal & thats more expense.

George Gwilt suggested at the Quanta AGM that Quanta should buy the rights
to QPC2 & Qprint with its surplus cash so that they could be part of the
public domain and people could appreciate the QL for nothing.

Unfortunately these seeds of wisdom fell on stoney ground.

SO are you content to see the QL disappear into oblivion
OR are you going to do something about it?

I am delighted that ithe above generated such interest.

Also it is gratifying to hear that QLers are rejoing the field.

However if the QL is to suvive we have got to get new devotes.

How do we do that?

Design and make a new 21st Century successor to the QL ... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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