Re: [Ql-Users] New QPC release ?

2019-04-10 Thread François Van Emelen via Ql-Users

Op 9/04/2019 om 17:55 schreef pjwitte via Ql-Users:

On 09/04/2019 12:51, François Van Emelen via Ql-Users wrote:

Op 8/04/2019 om 14:58 schreef pjwitte via Ql-Users:
What seems to be the problem? To me the only "problem" seems to be 
one or two small inconsistencies:

DMEDIUM_TYPE returns -1 on DOS devices (the underlying iof.xinf call 
suggests: IOI_FTYP $2C Byte Format type (1=qdos, 2=msdos etc) but -1 
is arguable..)

The other relates to iof.xinf directly, but that is not wired up to 
any DMEDIUM_ command, namely:
IOI_HDRL $28 Long File header length (per file storage overhead) - 
which returns 512b on DOS, while all other devices return 64b. The 
inconsistency here is that 512b doesnt relate to the actual file 
header size, as I always assumed was the intention..

Those two points also differ from SMSQmulator's NFA device, which 
returns the "expected" values, ie 2 and 64, respectively.

Just my penny's worth..

On 06/04/2019 12:55, François Van Emelen via Ql-Users wrote:


There seems to be a new release of QPC2 in the pipeline.

It would be very useful if someone would/could debug the 
'DMEDIUM_XXX' functions.

Have a fine day,

François Van Emelen


As my programming skills are limited to some easy basic, I can't 
argue about "DMEDIUM_TYPE returns -1 on DOS devices (the underlying 
iof.xinf call suggests: IOI_FTYP $2C Byte Format type (1=qdos, 
2=msdos etc) but -1 is arguable..)"

I noticed some months ago that some DMEDIUM-functions returned wrong 
values (see SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual Online Documentation 
Release 4.0.1 Rich Mellor).

Not only wrong values but also differences between Smsqmulator and 
Qpc. And as there is a new release of QPC in the pipeline, I thought 
it was right time to try to convince Marcel to do some work on those 
DMEDIUM-functions .

You could try this in QPC and SMSQMULATOR to see the difference.

90  REMark test for for some dmediium_xxx functions
100 OPEN_OVER#3,'ram2_rdonly_txt'   ::datad_temp$=DATAD$
110  REMark Why does 'dmedium_rdonly(\dev$) return 0 instead of 1
120  REMark Why does 'dmedium_type(\dev$) return -1 instead of 3
130  REMark Why does 'line 240  return  -23  WITH qpc2 (which seems 
correc)t BUT -7 with SMSQMULATOR

140  dev$='dos3_' :d$=DATE$
150 REMark DOS3_   is an external USB CD DRIVE
160 DATA_USE 'dos3_'
170  fichier$=dev$&d$
180 WHEN ERRor
210 d= FTEST(dev$)
220 IF d<0:CLOSE#3:DELETE 'ram2_rdonly_txt' :DATA_USE 
datad_temp$:STOP:END IF

230 f=FOP_NEW(fichier$):
240  PRINT#3,240,' f=fop_new(fichier$) = ',f
250  PRINT#3,250,'dmedium_rdonly(\dev$) = '; 
DMEDIUM_RDONLY(\dev$),'rdonly' ,' 0= Read/Write 1=Read Only'
260  PRINT#3,260,'dmedium_type(\dev$) = ', 
DMEDIUM_TYPE(\dev$),'type'  ,'0= Ram disk : 1= floppy drive :2= hard 
disk :3=CDrom drive'

270  PRINT#3,270,'dmedium_name$(\dev$) = ', DMEDIUM_NAME$(\dev$) ,'name'
280   CLOSE#3
290 DATA_USE datad_temp$  :PAUSE

Thanks for your reply..

Have a fine day.

François Van Emelen

Hi François,

I tried your program with different devices, this is what I found:

    ram1    flp2    win1 dos1/nfa1 win3 dos3/nfa3

f=fop_new(fichier$)  4   4   4 -7 4    -7*
dmedium_rdonly(\dev$)    0   0   0 0 0 0
dmedium_type(\dev$)  0   1   2 2 2 2
dmedium_name$(\dev$) RAM1    MyFlp   Syst   NFA DRIVE 1 Pics   NFA 

QPC2 (V4.xx)

f=fop_new(fichier$)  4   4   4 -23**  4 4
dmedium_rdonly(\dev$)    0   0   0 0 0 0
dmedium_type(\dev$)  0   1   2 -1 2    -1
dmedium_name$(\dev$) RAM1    MyFlp   System C:\ Pics  Temp

* The reason NFA file returned -7 here is because the : in the date 
got translated
to " on the drive: April 9th 2019 17:06:51 -> April 9th 2019 17"06"51, 
so it

couldnt find the file it had just created!

** -23 => Access denied on system root. DMEDIUM_RDONLY reported 0..

The  problem doesnt, IMHO, lie with DMEDIUM_xxx. Its down to the 
various driver implementations. It would, of course be good if the 
various drivers could all behave in a consistent way. With QPC2 and 
SMSQmulator there is still hope, but for many other systems, like the 
Falkenberg HDD interface (ref the SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual) 
that boat has probably sailed.

QL-Users Mailing List


Thank you for your extended testing and comments. As I no longer have a 
reliable floppy drive I couldn't even use those DMEDIUM_xxx functions 
for it.

In line 140 I replaced d$=date$ with d$="readonlytest.txt" for a more 
conventional file name. Line 240 still return -7 with SMSQMULATOR. This 
seems to tells that the the translation of Date$ is not the lone 
respondsible for returning -7 . The difference is perhaps due to the 
'implementation' of SMSQMULATOR. I so, the bug could/should be called a 

[Ql-Users] Some little news.

2019-04-10 Thread Jimmy MONTESINOS (QL2K) via Ql-Users
Hi there,


I'm so sorry to haven't give any news from long time.

In hurry, I just want to say you all that I have made quick update on website mainly to make the contact form functional


I'm thinking to make other changes in next few day.


I hope all is going right for you.





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