Well then, here's a surprise.

The newest edition of the somewhat irregular periodical eMagazine is now available from http://qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk/downloads/AssemblyLanguage/Issue_005/. I sent my wife away to Costa Rica, on a sloth hunting expedition, for a couple of weeks, so I had time to get this issue done a lot quicker than the last one.

Please point your browser there and download the current issue (pdf format only) and also, look in the Code folder for this issue's code listings. There are two this time around:

Langtons_ant.asm - assembles with GWASL and with a few minor changes, with QMAC.

Langtons_ant2.asm - assembles with GWASS. Needs a 68020 to assemble and run this version. QPC owners, rejoice!


The next issue is already underway, but may not appear quite so quickly I'm afraid.

Also, the code and LaTeX source for this and all previous issues, except issue 1, are now on GitHub at:


See the latest issue for details.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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