Re: [ql-users] Drawing in the save area (SMSQ improvement)

2002-03-24 Thread ZN

On 3/18/02 at 9:14 AM Tony Firshman wrote:

 a) 'Regular' memory is generally quite substantially faster
 than screen memory

 Wasn't it 30%?

I forgot to answer this one - actually, it's closer to 50% when compared to
true no-wait-state RAM on a standard QL.

Things quickly get worse once any sort of 'accelerator' is fitted. For GC
and SGC memory shadowing is used so only writes are generated into the
screen RAM ($2-$2 if both screens are enabled). since the CPU is so
much faster, the slow screen RAM appears that much slower - the efficiency
is 12.5% for regular RAM writes for GC, and about 4% on SGC - reads proceed
at full 100% in both cases. Based on the logic definitions for the GF, it
is a bit more difficult to calculate because of extra tricks used, but for
successive writes, the efficiency is 1% AT MOST running the QL end of
things faster than standard - it is less than 0.5% on average.

All of this is simultaneously better and worse for Aurora. Aurora video RAM
accesses are nearly zero wait, so there is no speed penalty compared to
_standard_QL_ - this means write efficiency for GC and SGC when accessing
SCR0 and SCR1 addresses, is doubled. In theory, the increase could be
fivefold if the GC/SGC were aware of there being an Aurora, and not
thinking they are still running connected to a QL motherboard with a ZX8301
ULA on it. And that's the problem. When the extended resolutions/modes are
used with SGC, it is not aware that the Aurora uses it's IO expansion area
as screen memory. Because of this, the SGC does not use any memory
shadowing for the extended screen memory and it performs reads from it as
well as writes. As a consequence, operations with extended resolutions on
Aurora are actually slower when a lot of reading is required from the
screen memory, such as scroll/pan. While the write efficiency is increased
from 4% to 8%, read efficiency is reduced from 100% for the shadowed SCR0
and SCR1 addresses, to 8%. This penalty would dissapear for the case of the
drivers performing all their operations into the save areas. The screen
sweep task is write only to the screen so there would be no more read
penalty (write penalty unfortunately must remain)

Low efficiency both for read and write would be completely unacceptable
with GF, so it implements a few extra tricks, and a flexible shadowing
mechanism. It also uses the full Aurora bandwidth (about 2.5x compared to
an Aurora/SGC combo). Nevertheless, write efficiency still remains at 5% at
most - the 68060 is just so fast!

 b) The address of the screen memory can really be anywhere,
 only the 'sweeper' task needs to know where.

How does the second screen concept fit into all this?

Not directly, but it could. It would enable updates to be performed into
the screen that is currently not visible, once done, the screens would be
'flipped' - this would prevent flicker or frame shear, but with a task
devoted to screen updates, there are other mechanisms that can be used for
the same effect.

The independance of the actual screen address from the drivers is a great
plus for any expansion of hardware or even adding extra features to
emulators. The reason is simple - the original two screens are already at
the bottom of usable memory and cannot expand without moving system
variables up, which has already been proven to be a problem. Because of
this, any new hardware has to be located in some kind of IO area above the
highest usable RAM addresses. As RAM increases, these tend to move. For
instance, on a regular QL, that's the top 256k out of the 1M address space
($C and up). On SGC, there is 4M of RAM which means what used to be the
IO area is now RAM, and the IO area is now the top 256k of the 5th
megabyte, $4C to $4F - signifficant because with an Aurora, this is
used as the screen area. The same thing occurs on the Q40/60, but this time
the screen has a dedicated area at very high addresses. On the GF even the
original SCR0/1 and the ROM slot are moved up to very high addresses, which
however depend on what shadowing and caching option is chosen for screen
RAM. The move signifficantly simplifies logic and it alowes selectable
caching, shadowing and serialization (nothing to do with serial ports!)
options in the first place.

With the new concept of screen drivers, the screen address changes in ONE
place only, as do all the other parameters that would otherwise have to be
changed in the drivers, and sometimes even in the applications.


Re: [ql-users] Drawing in the save area (SMSQ improvement)

2002-03-18 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 17 Mar 2002 at 18:17:21, ZN wrote:

Joachim wrote:

 As I already mentioned, I am willing to volunteer for the following
 changes in SMSQ.

- have all windows draw their contents in the save area
- background update of windows (same mechanism)

Ye! :-)

In general I propose the following changes.
- Application should not draw onscreen, but in the save area. When they
properly use the iow.xtop call as exists at the moment, nothing needs to
done, except that the use of iow.xtop will no longer be necessary (the
now gives the address with the screen base, so that makes things easy). In
practice the applications which work in extended resolutions will not need
any changes.

Also, emulation for applications that need to use the original screen areas
would actually be easyer to implement. They would effectively get one save
area that just happened to be at $2.
Further important side effects:
a) 'Regular' memory is generally quite substantially faster than screen
Wasn't it 30%?
b) The address of the screen memory can really be anywhere, only the
'sweeper' task needs to know where.
How does the second screen concept fit into all this?
... sorry if you said but there was a _lot_ of text (8-)#

It is a long time since I have seen this (now I use SGC) but if memory
was short, TT used the visible screen area as a working area. Quite
entertaining to watch.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Drawing in the save area (SMSQ improvement)

2002-03-18 Thread Joachim Van der Auwera

 How does the second screen concept fit into all this?
 ... sorry if you said but there was a _lot_ of text (8-)#
It is not considered. However, this could easily be emulted by swapping the
save area for another one and setting all the changed flags.
Question is, whatfor? Which program needs this? Also, I don't think it was
supported by PE.
Even more so, the second screen and swapping is normally used to have a
screen drawing buffer which is not displayed to prevent flicker. As I
propose you can disable update for a screen, this should never be a problem.


Re: [ql-users] Drawing in the save area (SMSQ improvement)

2002-03-17 Thread ZN

Joachim wrote:

 As I already mentioned, I am willing to volunteer for the following
 changes in SMSQ.

- have all windows draw their contents in the save area
- background update of windows (same mechanism)

Ye! :-)

In general I propose the following changes.
- Application should not draw onscreen, but in the save area. When they
properly use the iow.xtop call as exists at the moment, nothing needs to
done, except that the use of iow.xtop will no longer be necessary (the
now gives the address with the screen base, so that makes things easy). In
practice the applications which work in extended resolutions will not need
any changes.

Also, emulation for applications that need to use the original screen areas
would actually be easyer to implement. They would effectively get one save
area that just happened to be at $2.
Further important side effects:
a) 'Regular' memory is generally quite substantially faster than screen
b) The address of the screen memory can really be anywhere, only the
'sweeper' task needs to know where.

- When switching jobs, the picture on screen does not have to be copied to
the save area.

But it has to be copied from the save area to the screen. This does make
things slower but also FAR more flexible. The most important side effect is
that the actual hardware organization of the screen doesn't need to have
anything in common with the format of the save area - although of course,
if it does, it can make things a bit faster.
The great advantage is that:
c) Applications can be written to be compatible across platforms regardless
of the actual hardware - even using modes that do not yet exist in hardwre
d) Extra operations can be performed when a save area is copied to the
actual screen, such as palette operations to convert shalower color depth
save areas to a deeper screen, or dithering to convert a deeper save area
to a shallower screen

 - A scheduler task needs to be written. This should run through the
 pile and for all windows check whether the contents has changed, and
 the lines where the changes took place. In principle it should be
 straightforward to write the routines which does this under the
 that everything needs to be updated. The drawing routines should be
 adjusted to set a bit to mark the line in the save area which has
 (Optionally, it might also be good to mark the save area as changed.) If
 these bits are stored in a separate vector, they could be tested using 32
 rows at once and consume little extra memory.

Even for huge windows there would hardly be a problem with the memory
requirement as only one bit is needed for every row. In fact, the concept
could be extended to 'tiles' instead of rows. Dividing the save area into
fixed size tiles which can actually be quite large, can already
substantially speed up things at next to no cost in additional data
structures that keep track of what has changed. However, one has to keep in
mind that the maximum number of pixels that ever needs to be updated by the
'sweeper' is the number of the pixels on the screen.

 At a later stage, this approach could be extended to allow save areas to
 have a shallower bit depth than the screen, thus saving even more memory.

I think this is quite important even at an earlyer stage, simply because
variable depth save areas mean variable save area 'mode', which in turn
provides rather desireable 'device independence'. To make programs run on
other platform, of course the required mode drivers have to be present -
but this is easy if they already exist on other platforms! - and the real
difference is only really in the 'sweeper' task, which has to convert the
mode of the save area into the actual screen mode.

I should point out that these changes will eventually have to be reflected
in the UI (PE). For instance, there is no reason why a program should not
use a save area larger than the screen, or one that is partially
'off-screen'. Managing windows with these and many other properties
(palette, color conversion...) is not present in the UI yet - in fact, it
could be left entirely to the UI and not be something for the application
to manage.
