[ql-users] Beginning a succesful QL journey

2004-03-18 Thread s m gadd

Hi all..

Have been lurking here for a while, reading the various threads, along
with looking at different websites, faqs etc. As a beginner, the QL world
seemed very complicated, with strangely named Trump Cards, Gold Cards, and
hundred of programs, expansions and websites uncomfortably squeezing their
names around the letters Q and L. Anyway, things are a little more
clear now and i'm keen to give the machine itself a try.

What are your opinions on beginning this venture, for someone on quite a
tight budget but with enthusiasm for computer meddling and unusual
hardware. Just how much use would a standard QL be (there seem to be quite
a few on EBay at any one time)? It seems to me that a floppy disk
interface of some description is a necessity to connect the QL to the
outside world (i.e. for downloading files from the net and transferring
them across). But oh, what about the disk format? Didn't think about that.

Is a Qubbide hard drive interface another must have? More expense but then
what's the point in getting involved with the QL if i'm trying to use
hardware unrepresentative of the majority of current users. But then
things start to become quite expensive and I risk spending a lot (for me)
of money on something which i'll get little use our of.

Anyway, not sure if that made much sense, just some musings and interested
to hear your views.

Many thanks,


[ql-users] A wannabe-QL users says hi

2003-09-11 Thread s m gadd

Hi all..

Just wanted to introduce myself. My names Stephen Gadd and i've been
interested in the QL ever since I read an article about it in an Amiga
Format emulation special.

Anyway, after unsuccessfully bidding on a few QLs on Ebay (which went way
out of my price range) I was advised (by the very friendly and
informative Phoebus and Malcom Callum) on some potential second hand
machines. Malcom also informed me of this mailing list so I thought i'd
say hi. Hopefully soon i'll have my own machine and can start
experimenting with various upgrades and introducing myself tolots of
the available software.

Um..not much else to add. I'm a biochemistry second year PhD student at
the University of Durham in the UK and a big champion of none-Windows
machines (i'm  typing this on an iMac, in the knowledge that when I get
home I can choose between a StrongARM RiscPC and an Amiga 4000. Heaven).

Anyway, so that's me.
