Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop (launchpad)

2002-06-25 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Jonathan Dent wrote:
 Dilwyn wrote:
   I keep getting extra ideas for it, especially since Darrenm
   the 'more than one user' options. What started as a fairly
   point, click and exec program has (like QDT I suspect) turned
   quite a project!

 Darren wrote:
  Yes, I suggested to Dil the ability to load different user
log-ons, ie.
  entering different names and passwords would load each users
  ie. favourite games/utilitities on the desktop, as well as
wallpaper or
  whatever. He went off scratching his head, and had a basic working
  in a hour or so - quite amazing.
Darren must be easily impressed, it was only a token effort which only
just worked (in fact he didn't see the disaster I had with a bit
later). It was my good luck he asked for something which needed so
little change to existing code. In fact, the menu redesigns etc in
Easyptr was harder than the extra code to write!

  I'm looking forward to a working version to
  see how good it is, even some of the icons Dil has designed are
By mode 4 standards perhaps, even then, they're just standard Easyptr

 Sounds interesting. I wonder if you have come up with a method of
 storing passwords securely, that could be applicable to other
 such as email etc.

 looking forward to seeing the finished thing
No, passwords are stored coded so that you couldn't view them just by
copying them to the screen, although anyone with a rudimentary
programming knowledge could very easily decode it - after all, you
only need rename a BOOT file or bootup from a floppy and Launchpad
wouldn't load to start with (instant access to all the machine!)! It
was meant to be a method of allowing different setups for different
users rather than security as such, I only put passwords onto the
logins since Darren had mentioned them and it needed only a little
extra code to implement. The only slight snag as yet is that if you
forget your password nobody can recover it for you, although I am
working on an 'administrator' type login which would have access to
passwords etc. It does seem a bit overkill for what started as a
simple 'click on an icon to exec' program, though!

To be honest, since anyone with a files menu can access all the hard
disk anyway, there doesn't seem much point attempting secure
Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-24 Thread Darren Branagh

Dilwyn wrote:-

 Would be happy to send you a copy when it is in a compiled form, which
 it isn't yet. Have only done test compilations, nothing really runable
 so far. Darren Branagh and Claus Graf (and a few others at the
 Manchester Quanta AGM) saw it running. Oh, Claus, it's working on Q60
 now too!

launchpad is looking good. Very different in some respects yet similar to
QDT, I see it as its younger brother, and it will run on QDOS systems unlike
QDT which will require SMSQ/E (for obvious reasons, its altogether a more
ambitious product).

 I keep getting extra ideas for it, especially since Darrenm suggested
 the 'more than one user' options. What started as a fairly simple
 point, click and exec program has (like QDT I suspect) turned into
 quite a project!

Yes, I suggested to Dil the ability to load different user log-ons, ie.
entering different names and passwords would load each users preferences,
ie. favourite games/utilitities on the desktop, as well as wallpaper or
whatever. He went off scratching his head, and had a basic working example
in a hour or so - quite amazing. I'm looking forward to a working version to
see how good it is, even some of the icons Dil has designed are fabulous.

Darren Branagh
Director, Wicklow Web Centre Limited
Computer Training, Web Design, Repairs sales  Upgrades.

 Dilwyn Jones

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hunkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 23 June 2002 20:33
 Subject: Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

  By the way, I am looking forward to seeing LaunchPad!  I suspect
 that I
  will get some inspiration from it too.  After all, most of 'my' good
  ideas were originally someone else's or a derivative of something
 that I
  had seen earlier :)
  On Sunday, June 23, 2002, at 01:58  AM, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
   Tony Firshman wrote:
   6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
 very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
 for SMSQ.
   This is why Launchpad is continuing to be written despite the
   (to me) superiority of QDT. Launchpad will provide a GUI for QDOS
   systems too. I'm sure there's room for both. I think Jim is a
   bit ahead of me if he has an alpha release going though.
   Dilwyn Jones

Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-23 Thread Tony Firshman

On  Sun, 23 Jun 2002 at 09:58:29, Dilwyn Jones wrote:
(ref: 004401c21a9a$e157ab20$28075cc3@default)

Tony Firshman wrote:
6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
   very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
   for SMSQ.
This is why Launchpad is continuing to be written despite the obvious
(to me) superiority of QDT. Launchpad will provide a GUI for QDOS
systems too. I'm sure there's room for both. I think Jim is a little
bit ahead of me if he has an alpha release going though.
Well it certainly looked like an Alpha.
There seemed to be an awful lot working, and not many 'not implemented
yet' messages.  Even Jim's sprite editor was there, although I guess
that was one of the very early utilities.

It was nice to see it looking more like QPAC2 than Windows - even in
hires mode.

 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-23 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Would be happy to send you a copy when it is in a compiled form, which
it isn't yet. Have only done test compilations, nothing really runable
so far. Darren Branagh and Claus Graf (and a few others at the
Manchester Quanta AGM) saw it running. Oh, Claus, it's working on Q60
now too!

I keep getting extra ideas for it, especially since Darrenm suggested
the 'more than one user' options. What started as a fairly simple
point, click and exec program has (like QDT I suspect) turned into
quite a project!

Dilwyn Jones

- Original Message -
From: James Hunkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 June 2002 20:33
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

 By the way, I am looking forward to seeing LaunchPad!  I suspect
that I
 will get some inspiration from it too.  After all, most of 'my' good
 ideas were originally someone else's or a derivative of something
that I
 had seen earlier :)


 On Sunday, June 23, 2002, at 01:58  AM, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

  Tony Firshman wrote:
  6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
for SMSQ.
  This is why Launchpad is continuing to be written despite the
  (to me) superiority of QDT. Launchpad will provide a GUI for QDOS
  systems too. I'm sure there's room for both. I think Jim is a
  bit ahead of me if he has an alpha release going though.
  Dilwyn Jones

[ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-22 Thread Tony Firshman

Another Eindhoven workshop has come and gone.
It seems a lifetime away though from the launch day for Hermes, where I
had a turnover of getting on for £2000!

I always enjoy these trips in one way or other.

This one was memorable for:

1) Finding that the QL monitor that I kept discovering was 'not working'
   was simply a wrongly wired Scart (Peritel) lead.  So often only one
   sync is wired up - it requires QL Csync to Scart 16 then connected
   via low value resistor to 20. I had no resistors, but yet again the
   QL pcb came to the rescue - the 330 ohm network pulldown was ideal.
   The most memorable cobble from the QL pcb was rescuing a Honeywell
   CH timer with a QL microdrive power transistor years ago!

2) Free coffee on the boat because they had 'closed the till'

3) A ride in Roy's new (to him) car.  It is great - the only the
   problem is the steering. Car looks very nice though - as we seesaw
   up the motorway carriageway (8-)#  Nice uneventful journey though.
   Despite what seems like hundreds of journeys on the same route,
   we still manage a minor wrong turning (roadworks to blame this time).
   Took the scenic route in Eindhoven to the show.  It is a cycle
   lane  No it isn't, why have they got a 30 KpH limit? I reply.

4) Finding that a non-working returned Mplane was probably due to the
   owner drilling holes through the pcb.  This is a mite silly with
   multi-layer boards (8-)#

5) Soldering an SMD 1206 (tiny) capacitor on Bob Spelten's sH
   with what seemed like a spade (I only had my 25w iron).

6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
   very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
   for SMSQ.

7) Severely testing a Super Gold Card.  I have from time to time
   connected expansions cobbled for 5v supply to a std QL, but only
   briefly. The last thing I did in the UK before the trip was to test
   Mplane. I powered up the QL, but then went for a cup of coffee (as
   always supplied free, courtesy of Sjef) and got waylaid in a 90
   minute chat in a trader's huddle before anyone else arrived.
   Got back to my table, and sniff - that is a funny smell.
   The SGC was too hot to touch - well the 1810. Jumpered for 5V!
   OK - see if the QL is OK.  It wasn't - but it was only
   the 8301.  Ah well - I still have another SGC.  OK - plug it
   in and swap chips - may only be the 1810.  What a pity it is
   unobtainable.  I couldn't believe my eyes - the SGC was fine,
   and worked crash free for the whole day.  Unbelievable.  I measured
   the '9v' line and it was about 10.5 volts.  All I can think is that
   the 8301 had latched (where signal lines are higher than power rail)
   and it had successfully kept the SGC power rail much lower than
   10.5 volts.    but for 90 minutes?  Amazing.
   What think you Nasta?
   BTW what on earth have you been doing in the US - eating Cow Pie (UK
   Dandy readers will get the reference).  I gather you are all muscle
 QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
   Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

Re: [ql-users] Eindhoven workshop

2002-06-22 Thread James Hunkins

 6) Seeing a pretty functional QDT alpha.  It is going to be a
very essential addon to the QL. Pity Jim Hunkins is only coding
for SMSQ.

Glad you got to see it (thanks guys for taking the time to show it over 

And yes it is a pity, but something about being a one man team doing a 
100 man team job   :)
Actually, it is going to be hard enough to support the range of systems 
that I am planning on as it is.  The problem with a reasonably 
powerful/useful GUI type desktop is that it does take resources!  (you 
got to love a challenge though)
