Hi all,
some of you may remember that I have for the longest time trying to gather all games 
available from the "Microdrive era" 
(slavaging mine and buying stuff off eBay) and convert them to QLAY mdv format for 
preservation... Yesterday however I 
hit a brick wall (Not Wolfgang's "WALL" ;-)  ) that I will need some help to recover 
from ;-) Specifically while I was 
transferring games from their cartridges to disk (mdv file) 10 (!!!!!!) of my 
cartridges died... :-( (The irony of the thing is 
when I was trying to run the games to see if the cartridges were still good I did 
salvage a lot of them thanks to the "format 
ramx_mdvx" command, but the second time around when I was trying to copy them the 
tapes either were too brittle to 
survive a second run, or the tape got mangled inside the cartridge -or- the spring 
sponge gave up the spirit and scratched 
the tape... The mangled tapes i tried to salvage but I was only successful on one 
(Imagine) the rest are dead :-(( )

Anyway, below is the list of what I have so far and which ones I couldn't save... If 
someone can send me zipped images of 
the cartridges it would be appreciated.. I prefer the original protected form (that's 
the whole point of this anyway) but in 
lieu of not getting something at all I wouldn't have problems with "unprotected" ones
Everything with an asterisk "*" I am still looking for

Games Current List

Game                                    # Mdvs          Status
S. Davis Snooker                        1                       OK
Imagine                         2                       OK
Eidersoft Karate                        1                       Dead Cartridge
Eidersoft Citadel                       1                       Dead Cartridge
PSION Chess                             1                       Dead Cartridge
PSION Matchpoint                        1                       Dead Cartridge
Lands of Havoc                  1                       OK
Medic Metro                             1                       Dead Cartridge
Hyperdrive                              1                       Dead Cartridge
Bounder                         1                       OK
Quboids                         1                       Dead Cartridge (Maybe 
Spook                                   1                       *
Backgammon                              1                       OK
Reversi                                 1                       OK
Double Dominoes                 1                       OK
Zapper/Eagle                            1                       OK (Also PD, Received 
permission by J.M.Fl?gel 6 years ago)
Pawn                                    2                       Dead Cartridge (Have 
it but not in original form ie.. as Zip
Cuthbert in Space                       1                       Dead Cartridge (which 
I misplaced somewhere so *)
BJ's return                             1                       *
Towers of Hanoi                 1                       Salvageable but didn't save it 
Josiah Oobadiah                 1                       OK
Arkanoid                                1                       *
Text Adventure                  2                       OK
QL Flight                               1                       Dead Cartridge
Zkul                                    2                       OK
West                                    2                       OK

Also here's a partial list of my mdv software

Name                                    #of mdvs                Status
---------------------------------  -------------------  
Psion Suite                             4                       OK - Saved in several 
versions (incl. US version)
QL Gardener                             2                       * (I have it in Greece 
I am sure)
Q-Monix                         3                       OK
Computer 1 Pascal                       2                       OK but can't find the 
ROM :-(
Eidersoft ICE Toolkit                   1                       Dead Cartridge
ICE                                     1+Rom                   OK
EyeQ                                    1                       OK
DP Collection                           Too many!               OK (Bought it years 
ago in Disk form ;-)
DB-Easy                         1                       OK (Bill demonstrated it 
running under PC-Four as well!!!!!)
Archdev                         1                       OK
Sandy CP/Mulator                        2 + ROM         Have the ROM not the software
Gas Model Simulator                     1                       Dead Cartridge



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