Re: [ql-users] SMSQ-E Development

2002-11-19 Thread RWAPSoftware
In a message dated 19/11/02 01:17:14 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

  No. You would be in control of all relevant UPloads to the site.

 Will that be such a good idea? I can already see people protesting
 that I have too much control over what is happening on the website.

You already have a lot of control ;) Only if that control is shown to be
beneficial, efficient and fair will it have any meaning. Openness will
provide continuous proof of that as well as many other benefits. A
web-based framework as I have sketched seems to answer. However
there is little point in discussing this further as neither I nor you are
going to put this into practise, and no one else seems interested in even
discussing the matter. No skin of my nose. Ill go along with any plan
that does the job.

Sorry for not adding my two-penneth before...

I agree that a site (password protected) for people developing SMSQ/E and systems based on it would be of great benefit to the community. At the moment, there are several people with the source code, and it is impossible to know who is doing what with it. For all we know, there could be 3 people trying to tackle the problem of filenames on their own.

Some form of forum is required where all those interested can detail what they are working on and bugs/problems found which need to be rectified.

However, the question arises as to who will maintain the site. Any of the developers should be able to upload files to the site, including new web-pages, new parts of the operating system etc (although the latter would have to be kept in a separate "beta" area).. However, Wolfgang should be the only person who can upload the current SMSQ/E sources etc...

   NOT saying that this is a bad thing but it will mean that
   development will be made on a more ad hoc basis. As the software
   registrar, with a mission to try to keep unified versions where
   possible (and thus, trying to steer the thing a bit), that must leave
   me with fixed feelings, of course since my power to influence
   things will be diminished (if it ever existed). But again, if this
   the community, I have no problems with it
  I think the best you can ever hope for is to have some control over the
  integrity of the sources.
 Which I won,'t if you can exchange them that easily. Again, I'm not
 saying this because I want absolute control over the sources, butif I
 don't have any, we can all forget the registrar...

I agree with Wolfgang on this - that is why only he should be able to upload the official sources onto the site.. It should be agreed by all developers that beta versions on the site will not be used until submitted to the registrar (either as a binary or source code).


Rich Mellor 
RWAP Software
35 Chantry Croft, Kinsley, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 5JH
TEL: 01977 610509

Re: [ql-users] SMSQ-E Development

2002-11-18 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

  No. You would be in control of all relevant UPloads to the site.

 Will that be such a good idea? I can already see people protesting
 that I have too much control over what is happening on the website.

You already have a lot of control ;) Only if that control is shown to be
beneficial, efficient and fair will it have any meaning. Openness will
provide continuous proof of that as well as many other benefits. A
web-based framework as I have sketched seems to answer. However
there is little point in discussing this further as neither I nor you are
going to put this into practise, and no one else seems interested in even
discussing the matter. No skin of my nose. Ill go along with any plan
that does the job.

So, what is the plan, guys? Or dyall think we can develop a complex,
multi-component system, targeted at a variety of platforms and a multitude
of users, put to a plethora of different uses - some of which may not even
be thought of yet - simply with the aid of this list (sporting discussions
ranging from hardware to haggis) plus the private communication between 
individual, voluntary developers and a benign registrar?

  They will anyway.

 Will they?

  But with a central, open site at least we'll all have the
  chance to see what the results of those discussions are as soon as the
  outcomes have been agreed.
   NOT saying that this is a bad thing but it will mean that
   development will be made on a more ad hoc basis. As the software
   registrar, with a mission to try to keep unified versions where
   possible (and thus, trying to steer the thing a bit), that must leave
   me with fixed feelings, of course since my power to influence
   things will be diminished (if it ever existed). But again, if this
   the community, I have no problems with it
  I think the best you can ever hope for is to have some control over the
  integrity of the sources.
 Which I won,'t if you can exchange them that easily. Again, I'm not
 saying this because I want absolute control over the sources, butif I
 don't have any, we can all forget the registrar...

Sorry if I didnt make myself clear...

  What facilities and improvements will be developed
  will be entirely up to the interests and abilities of the people

 True - but then again, if I'm thje central hub, I *might* be able to
 push development more in one (common) direction.

We'll see.

  At present there is virtually no control over who legal users are. If a
  reseller went down, or if there was a corrupt reseller (God forbid!)
  is currently no way of knowing.

 So? I mean, tough luck.

  My proposal is that each user license
  would come with its own serial number that the customer could use to
  register with the database to allow free upgrade downloads or support
 I want to keep the commercial side and the development side
 TOTALLY separate.
 I may be responsible as software registrar to get the binaries to the
 resellers - but the relation between them and the users is NONE of
 my concern, and it shouldn't be.
 Support must be handled by the people who sold you your

You are quite right. Suggestion withdrawn.

 Of cxourse, if a bug is discovered, I think veryone will try to correct
 it, but there is a difference between that and the support supplied
 by the resellers!

I sincerely hope that in the event of a bug being discovered, not everyone
will try to correct it ;)


Re: [ql-users] SMSQ-E Development

2002-11-14 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz

On 14 Nov 2002, at 1:39, P Witte wrote:

 Quite some work has already been done by various people,
 such as tidying up the code to make it suitable for general
 distribution, adding various tools and help utilities, and
 Marcel has added some significant improvements to the code
 base which were previously only available to SMSQ-E for QPC.
 All well and good so far :)

Yes, and until now my job consisted more or less to play catchup 
with the code supplied by Marcel (and Fabrizio).

(...development being people driven) 

There is, of course, no way that I, nor anyone else, can force 
anybody a) to contribute b) to contribute in any given direction.

I DO try to nudge people in the right direction, by asking whether 
they couldn't do some development in such and such area. As an 
example, I have asked one person whether he couldn't make the 
necessary developments for the home directory to be used by 
jobs. (You do remember that, don't you? :-

I am in the process, however, of trying to collect the different ideas 
different people have given me at different times to have an overview 
of what should be done.

In my opinion, there are, basically, three kinds of projects:

1 - Small improvements (e.g. Fabrizio's italian language support). 
By small I DO NOT mean unimportant - but they are 
improvements that can be handled by a single developper in not too 
much time.

2 - Important changes - the new WMAN and, possibly, rewriting the 
mass strorage device drivers for more/better/different/true etc 
directory support and longer filenames, come to mind.

3 - Adaptions to various machines. It is probable that many a 
development will need to be adapted to some machines more that 
to others. I had already mentioned the idea of a key developper 
for each machine, but that hasn't really been taken up.

So how do we go about this?

We can have a general scatter load approach, everybody doing 
something in the corner, alone - as you pointed out, this will peter 
out pretty quickly.

Or, as you rightly suggest, we can have some form of 
centralisation, where, at the least, track is kept of the progress in 
different areas. The best way, IMHO, would be to have somebody 
to parcel out the work. However, in view of the fact that the QL 
scene is pretty individualistic, and that my perceived authority 
seems to be on the low side, I think this is rather irrealistic... 

So, your idea of a website could be a pretty good one. The thing 
that is stoppping me for the time being, is the feable number of 
developpers. Again, the question is whether it is worth it to go 
through all of that, just for four or five people. Ok, so the argument 
will be that if we don't do it that way, nobody else will participate 
I don't believe that for a second, I also don't believe that doing it this 
way will bring back the Q60 crowd into the fold.

But -  why not, if there is a sufficiently strong demand for it.

(the website could):
 Hold general information about the project
 List the sub-projects
 List planned developments
 List the developers and their areas

yes - if the developers want.

 List progress information
 List the resellers and registrar
 Allow downloading of components to registered developers

This is the area where I balk the most. By making the sources 
available to everyone, I still hope to draw people into development, 
who whould not, normally, have done so. Making a distinction 
between registered developers and those who are not (and don't 
have accessto everything) makes me pretty uneasy. As an 
example, I do not know whether Fabrizio would have become a 
registered developer?

The fact is, that it was decided to keep destribution of the sources 
in a certain way. Doing it on a website means either detroying this 
way of duistributing the sources, or introducing a difference 
between normal QLer and registered developers.

If there really is a majority opinion to do it that way (and I would like 
EVERYONE'S opinion on this) I'll bow to it, though.

BTW, what do you mean by component?

Moreover, one of the disadvantages of the website will, of course, 
be that some control is removed from me (at least that is a 
disadvantage in my eyes :-)).

For the time being, most of the developers speak to me, and, as 
said above, I try to nudge them in a general direction.
If we set up a website, the developers will speak to each other. I'm 
NOT saying that this is a bad thing but it will mean that 
development will be made on a more ad hoc basis. As the software 
registrar, with a mission to try to keep unified versions where 
possible (and thus, trying to steer the thing a bit), that must leave 
me with fixed feelings, of course since my power to influence 
things will be diminished (if it ever existed). But again, if this serves 
the community, I have no problems with it

 Allow downloading of the latest binaries to registered users

That would be a definite no. The users should get 

Re: [ql-users] SMSQ-E Development

2002-11-14 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

 There is, of course, no way that I, nor anyone else, can force
 anybody a) to contribute b) to contribute in any given direction.

 I DO try to nudge people in the right direction, by asking whether
 they couldn't do some development in such and such area. As an
 example, I have asked one person whether he couldn't make the
 necessary developments for the home directory to be used by
 jobs. (You do remember that, don't you? :-

Yeah, Ive got this guy in my cellar with the thumbscrews on. I think he'll
soon crack ;)


Re: [ql-users] SMSQ-E Development

2002-11-14 Thread P Witte

Wolfgang Lenerz writes:

 (...development being people driven)

 I am in the process, however, of trying to collect the different ideas
 different people have given me at different times to have an overview
 of what should be done.

 In my opinion, there are, basically, three kinds of projects:

 1 - Small improvements (e.g. Fabrizio's italian language support).

 2 - Important changes - the new WMAN and, possibly, rewriting the

 3 - Adaptions to various machines. It is probable that many a

You might add:
4 - Documentation (including design specs and structures)
5 - Support functions (eg the project web)

 So how do we go about this?

 We can have a general scatter load approach, everybody doing
 something in the corner, alone - as you pointed out, this will peter
 out pretty quickly.

And could lead to political problems due to information black spots and
a perceived lack of openness.

 (the website could):

  Allow downloading of components to registered developers

 This is the area where I balk the most. By making the sources
 available to everyone, I still hope to draw people into development,
 who whould not, normally, have done so. Making a distinction
 between registered developers and those who are not (and don't
 have accessto everything) makes me pretty uneasy. As an
 example, I do not know whether Fabrizio would have become a
 registered developer?

Both modes of distribution could exist in parallel. There should be no need
for immediate access to the latest sources for those who only have a casual
interest, whilst for an active developer this is quite essential.

 The fact is, that it was decided to keep destribution of the sources
 in a certain way. Doing it on a website means either detroying this
 way of duistributing the sources, or introducing a difference
 between normal QLer and registered developers.

 If there really is a majority opinion to do it that way (and I would like
 EVERYONE'S opinion on this) I'll bow to it, though.

 BTW, what do you mean by component?

See *  below.

 Moreover, one of the disadvantages of the website will, of course,
 be that some control is removed from me (at least that is a
 disadvantage in my eyes :-)).

No. You would be in control of all relevant UPloads to the site.

 For the time being, most of the developers speak to me, and, as
 said above, I try to nudge them in a general direction.
 If we set up a website, the developers will speak to each other. I'm

They will anyway. But with a central, open site at least we'll all have the
chance to see what the results of those discussions are as soon as the
outcomes have been agreed.

 NOT saying that this is a bad thing but it will mean that
 development will be made on a more ad hoc basis. As the software
 registrar, with a mission to try to keep unified versions where
 possible (and thus, trying to steer the thing a bit), that must leave
 me with fixed feelings, of course since my power to influence
 things will be diminished (if it ever existed). But again, if this serves
 the community, I have no problems with it

I think the best you can ever hope for is to have some control over the
integrity of the sources. What facilities and improvements will be developed
will be entirely up to the interests and abilities of the people involved.

  Allow downloading of the latest binaries to registered users

 That would be a definite no. The users should get their updates
 from the resellers. The developers don't need to download the
 binaries - recompiling everything is a five minutes process!

At present there is virtually no control over who legal users are. If a
reseller went down, or if there was a corrupt reseller (God forbid!) there
is currently no way of knowing. My proposal is that each user license
would come with its own serial number that the customer could use to
register with the database to allow free upgrade downloads or support
entitlement. Registration on the project web by users would, of course,
be entirely voluntary. There is no privacy issue involved here, as the
serial number only pertains to the user license. Obviously, if someone
tried to register an invalid serial number, or one that is already in use,
that would need to be investigated.

 Moreover, some kind of validation process must take place, to
 make sure that new versions are stable, before they are passed on
 to the user.

Absolutely. This is your domain ;)

  Hold a support database (a la M$'s Knowledgebase)

 THAT is a LOT of work!

ALL of this is a LOT of work. So is upgrading Wman and GD2! But this would
be ideal for someone who would love to contribute and support, but is not
able/willing to program in m68. A knowledgebase utility is an interesting
programming project in itself. It neednt be created by the webmaster
himself. Once up and running it could save resellers as well as punters a
lot of hassle. It neednt all be done at once: in the mean time we have this

* Components:

My not too deep musings so far