I sent this message to Qbranch by mistake I ment to sent to this list.

Roy Wood wrote:
> Tarquin Mills writes
> >  The ORSAM 2004 Sinclair and Clones Computer Show will be on Saturday
> >the 6th November at the Alec Bussey Scout Centre, off Rowington Road
> >Norwich, Norfolk, England. Entry and parking are free. Map and travel
> >info on the website.
> >  Message to Traders: Please can you book your free place now, so that we
> >can give you advanced publicity, and any special product announcements
> >for the show you wish to make.
> Hi,
>      can you book a place for me? What do I need to tell you?

  That all you have to do, I have updated the website cover both Qbranch
and TF Services. If want something to do you can create a 400x by 113y
pixel banner for your company for my website. 
  Last year the SAM people had a meal together after show, would QL people 
want a meal organised instead this time? We need a QL person to give 
the QL talk, any offers? Tony Firshman mentioned contacting Z88 trader
Rakewell, I can contact him myself if you prefer?
  Is Quanta going to have a stand?

                       Tarquin Mills
Norwich Sinclair and Clones Show (ORSAM 2004)
http://www.PetitionOnline.com/Sinclair/petition.html (Bring Back YS)
QL-Users Mailing List

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