Re: (OT) DJB-itization

2001-02-21 Thread [gill]

I should loudly proclaim that I am NOT a software developer, nor do I play
one on TV or any mailing list.  The things I think are my ideas which are
subject to change.  Healthy, constructive discussions which may change
them are strongly encouraged.  That said, these are some of my thoughts
about this subject...

After reading DJB's both distribution policy and his ideas about
filesystem hierarchy, I think it can work with or without his blessing (of
course it would be preferred!).

I got the idea thinking of the original BSD tapes and how they were
essentially aftermarket upgrades to the ATT UNIX distributed to them.

Maybe it would be easiest to distribute something like FreeBSD's ports ...
something that does a default install without modifying the basic
installation of DJB's tools (per the license) and then scripts the
necessary changes in the _OS_ to implement that tool, and then adds in
anything to keep that change in place (such as the makefiles mentioned
below).  I think that if this was going to be done right, it would fully
implement DJB's ideas about filesystem hierarchy and all of the tools he
has created so far.  This would give the world a chance to see the vision
that DJB sees, perhaps.

Is there a better list to discuss this than the qmail list?


Remember?  When you said:

-On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 12:13:36AM +0100, Robin S. Socha wrote:
- * Charles Cazabon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-  Carl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-  Soon I'll do it, I'm hyped about the idea, it'd be cool if some
-  people talked more about the idea, i.e. what would they want in it.
-  Wishlist: a djb replacement for Vixie cron.  Especially topical at the
-  moment.
- But it won't happen without DJB changing his distribution policy. 
- man hier and his software don't match. This is particularly annoying if
- you do cvsups and make world with sendmail, named etc. Oh well...
-Robin, I've just posted modified makefiles for your favorite OS to avoid
-this to misc@ ;-))
-(it's OpenBSD, for the other readers)

(OT) DJB-itization

2001-02-20 Thread [gill]


I wonder if anyone has put together a package/script to lay on top of any
popular distributions of *nix to replace everything with the DJB version.

For example a base FreeBSD install could have such a distro installed to
replace sendmail with qmail, inetd with ucspi-tcp, BIND with djbdns,
etc. etc.

I would think that to someone who was quite familiar with these tools,
such an overhaul would be relatively easy.


maildirs not at home

2001-02-09 Thread [gill]

Hello.  I have been reading over Richard Blum's book Running Qmail and all
the docs that distribute as well as the FAQs on the and DJB's
site and I doubt this is incredibly difficult but I can't find a straight
answer anywhwere so perhaps you gurus can tell me...

I want to use maildir format for everyone's mailboxes but I don't want to
put them under /home ... i want to put them under /mail which is
physically on the mailserver (/home is not) and is faster and emptier than

is there a system-wide way to specify a default path to a maildir?  I
suppose I could put a symbolic link in everyone's home directory to
/mail/$USER but that seems sloppy and breakable.

ideas?  thank you for your input.


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