Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-16:37:06 Lipscomb, Al:
> Open Source is often used to describe software that has its source
> code available regardless of the license involved.

Could be, people use words as they wish. But if you'll take a visit
to>, you'll find that the term was
very specifically drafted by a group of people with an agenda, and
they've produced a branding service based on an Open Source
Definition, which definitely excludes weirdo licenses like djb's.

> "Free Software" as promoted by the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
> is a different thing. I belive that the DJB software is Open
> Source, but not free.

Unlike Open Source, the phrase "free software" strongly predates the
Free Software Foundation and they've made no attempt at branding it;
rather, they pursue branding the GNU General Public License (GPL),
which is stricter than (but compatible with) the Open Source

> Based on the FSF definition it is not the cost, but what you are
> allowed to do with it that is the issue.

The FSF and the Open Source Initiative (OSI) are in pretty close
agreement in a lot of these basics, and neither of them would
endorse djb's license; he chooses to prohibit his users from making
unrestricted use of the code he writes: they aren't allowed to
distributed modified versions. That restriction is what leaves qmail
and djbdns a bit off the main stream of the free software movement
as it's crusading these days; people believe that that ability
contributes in a basic and important way to preserving their
investment in the time and effort required to become really expert
in a package. If ever djb decides to stop maintaining his software,
it stagnates, because while individuals may do so for their own
benefit, the community as a whole cannot work together to do so ---
redistribution of modified versions is critical for that sort of

Heck, even doing standards-compliant software packaging of his
software is prohibited. It's not free software or open source in a
fairly important way. This doesn't matter to djb, but it's important
and this distinction shouldn't be glossed over.


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-16:24:36 Adam McKenna:
> Bruce Scheiner is a god, [...]

It's possible you're being sarcastic, but there are those who would
very nearly agree with you. While he may not actually be a god, he
is certainly the single most important contributor to getting really
top notch crypto out of research and into engineering; he's been
teaching a lot of us the basic principles of sound design with
crypto for a decade or more.


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-15:11:55 Adam McKenna:
> But you have to realize that this is the same argument put forward
> by many people pushing closed source solutions over open source
> ones (that it has been analyzed by "experts"), and invariably many
> security holes are found anyway.

Again, it helps to understand his particular background on the
matter. He's very very specifically criticising "hack me"
challenges, as contrasted with open audits of the design, and this
is right out of his crypto roots.

> Cases in point, [...] MS's shoddy PPTP implementation, [...]

of which Bruce Schneier is the most vocal and respected critic,
always cited in disputes over the merits or demerits of the protocol
design and implementation.

See>, the leading
reference on PPTP's insecurity.

What is more interesting to me is that Bruce has distinctly waffled
on the topic of full disclosure re security problems. If you want to
attack his views, I recommend looking there:-).


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-15:11:43 Paul Jarc:
> Only the "select few" will be able to audit it well, regardless of
> the license, and they can afford to charge a hefty fee, regardless
> of the license.

They certainly can. They do not always choose to do so, however. If
enough people really wanted to get a determined and thorough audit
of qmail done, and they included some reasonably skilled
programmers, I expect that we could borrow the missing auditing
expertise from the big name-brand squadron of open source code
auditors, the OpenBSD team.


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-15:07:28 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> [Bruce Schneier is] the author of perhaps the most popular book on
> computer security that's available to the public.

Which book are you referring to? "Secrets and Lies"? While it's a
powerful contribution in the way of standing back and re-examining
the big picture from a different direction, and has some important
thoughts on limitations of what can be achieved, I'm not sure I'd
cite it as the most popular book on computer security. It's hard to
say what that might be, but I'd be more inclined to nominate
Practical Unix and Internet Security.

If you mean Applied Cryptography, it's certainly the most valuable
and popular book on applied crypto available to the public, it
approaches being the final and definitive work on the topic, and if
he keeps updating it to track developing crypto technology (as he's
uniquely qualified to do) it may hold that role for some time. But
cryptography is only loosely related to computer security; it's a
tool which can sometimes be used to help with some security
problems, is all.

> He's generally well regarded - though having sendmail 8.8.8 on
> the secondary MX of his domain doesn't make you feel super
> confident :>

As a computer security generalist (as opposed to a cryptanalyst),
his major thrust seems to be an argument that it's impossible to
really secure systems, and after perhaps some superficial efforts to
knock out the biggest problems, the place to concentrate your
efforts is on monitoring and risk management. With that as a given,
I expect he runs sendmail and BIND; things like qmail and djbdns are
for those of us who haven't given up on really completely securing
our systems:-).


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-11-14-15:01:07 Charles Cazabon:
> However, as far as qmail goes: all the crackers in the world have
> had access to the qmail source code and design documentation for
> years, and none have yet found an exploitable security hole. You
> could consider that a fairly thorough audit-by-fire.

And a case could be made that the charming and personable way qmail
has been represented in various public fora makes this audit-by-fire
even better: at this point, there are enough people around the world
who hate djb's guts and would never touch anything that he even
advocated much less wrote, just because of how much they like his
way of carrying on discussions in public mailing lists, that I kinda
expect more than one person has gone wading through qmail with blood
in his eye, desperately hoping to wipe the smug grin off djb's face
and get him to knock off the damned gloating already. Hasn't
happened yet. _That's_ trial by fire.

In a backwards kind of way this reminds me of a funny I heared
referenced recently, apparently some exceptionally unnaturally
clueless spammer harvested _bugtraq_. Makes me feel all warm and
snuggly just thinking about it:-). Hmm. Wonder if he was located in
the mid-east, maybe all this news about a "cyber-war" there is just
bystanders being taken out by the schrapnel thrown from the smoking
hole where that spammer used to reside.


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Re: secrets and lies

2000-11-14 Thread Bennett Todd

> > >So has any expert ever audited qmail or djbdns?
> > 
> > No. Any audit worth doing would be prohibitively expensive for a
> > freeware project. $1000 wouldn't even begin to cover it, at
> > least for qmail.

Whoa, sure, it'd cost a load if you paid someone to do it, but open
source has other routes. A team can be formed. I betcha if someone
could get a dozen or so volunteers who were serious programmers who
were willing to invest serious time on the project, that they could
approach the folks at OpenBSD, who have been doing a perpetual
on-going security audit with _great_ results for some years now, and
get a lot of assistence and instruction in exchange for some good

> Not to mention that the whole point of freeware and open source
> software in general is to give everyone the ability to audit the
> software, not just a select few.

So if we want to try and pursue an audit it might be more harmonious
with our whole approach if we did so using a volunteer effort
coordinated over the internet and open to anybody with the necessary
resources to donate.

> It sounds like the author of this book is a M$-type weenie.

I'm afraid that doesn't follow at all. Bruce Schneier has some very
strong opinions, and his long-standing dislike of these "challenges"
is very well defended in its setting. Bruce is also a vocal
proponent of open source in security-critical settings, and a really
vicious critic of Microsoft.

The view that you dispute (that the only way to get a good security
audit is to pay a bazillion dollars to a company for a commercial
one) isn't a view that I'd expect Bruce to advocate, and in fact
really hasn't been expressly advocated by anyone here, it's more of
an implication that you sorta tripped over. Neither Bruce nor dsill
are what you'd call Microsoft drones:-).


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Re: Arguments in favor of djbdns?

2000-08-01 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-08-01-10:50:58 Ben Beuchler:
> Sometime in the near future we will be a djbdns shop.  It will
> take some arm twisting of the other admins, but it will happen.

That's good. You'll be glad.

I'll tell you how I made the transition, not that this is the only
way or anything, but it worked really well for me.

I started by setting it up on my own workstation. First I ran myself
a dnscache. Then I scripted some stuff (which I've published, it's
my little packet of helper scripts, available from to
make it easy for me to set up "secondaries", tinydns servers that
poll other servers via zone xfer to get the authoritative data that
they'll serve. I set up one of them on my workstation, polling from
my company's authoritative nameserver to pick up the company zones.
As my own workstation doesn't have a static IP addr, I ended up
putting my dnscache on, and my tinydns on Then
I told my dnscache to reference my tinydns for the zones that
tinydns was tracking. Now I had a standalone nameservice of my own,
with tinydns pumping out the zones our company is authoritative for,
and could experiment and learn how it worked.

My next step was to start rolling out dnscache installs. I started
with servers; any box that wants to be able to do DNS lookups, and
that can run dnscache, I tried to install it. I got the major
servers anyway. That bought an instant security and performance
improvement, with no visible changes; this was just switching server
at a time to using in /etc/resolv.conf and running a local
dnscache. That went perfectly, no problems at all.

Then I got the company's secondary running tinydns, with my
mirroring scripts pulling via zone xfer from our primary. That
worked fine too, and enabled the other SAs to see what a working
tinydns install looks like, and to look over the config and satisfy
themselves that they'd find it maintainable and supportable. That
was also painless, since secondaries normally don't get manually
maintained, and since I'd already tested out the scripting that
brought it up accurately and correctly the first time.

Finally we set up a new tinydns server to be the authoritative
master for our zones. We had it mirroring via zone xfers, with my
scripts, from our primary. We then had the registrars switch the
zones to the new server. Then a week or so later, when we were sure
nobody would still be thinking about the old one, we simply switched
it off, and started hand-maintaining the new tinydns master. In
between those two, when the new primary was up and mirroring
properly and before switching off the old BIND master, we switched
the secondary so it got its updates via rsync-over-ssh from the new
tinydns primary rather than via zone xfer from the old one.

It may seem kinda roundabout, but I found this a low-stress,
painless way to ease on into the new way of doing things, and I
haven't been lynched by my fellow SAs yet. I did take some care to
talk through what I wanted to do, and why, and what visible changes
would appear at each step, and how they'd need to administer things,
so everybody felt informed and felt like they had a chance to object
if I was about to gore their ox somehow.


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