queue 'blocked' by large recipient list

2001-08-02 Thread Christian Rotter

Hello everybody,

the ORNL search engine is down, and I've run into a little problem,
so please excuse me if the subject has already been discussed

when sending a newsletter to ~450K recipients, the queue fills up,
the server spawns  qmail-remote processes and starts
delivering the newsletter (this takes ~10-14 hours)

at the same time, an online application tries to send a subscribal
message to new users, this should be processed very fast (the new user
is waiting for his account data), but the mail is sent out after the
newsletter processing is done

is there any way to 'split' the remote queue between different
applications (or users) sending mail  to get rid of this problem ?
or are there any other solutions for this ?

regards & thanks in advance,


Re: Perl and Qmail

2001-08-10 Thread Christian Rotter

Hi Frederik,

> I'm having some problems sending e-mail from within a perl program
> using qmail.

try opening a 'pipe' to qmail-inject and send your mail in

open(INJECTPIPE, "| qmail-inject");

print all you info to the pipe
and the other stuff required
after that, the text of the mail

print INJECTPIPE "Subject: " .  . "\n";


works like a charm and is very fast :-)

that's for sending, receiving could be done by processing
$HOME/Maildir/new/* or doing the SMTP-handling yourself,
which I would try to avoid (qmail is better than you doing this :-)

hope this helps,
