IDs back from qmail-inject ?

2000-06-22 Thread Flemming Funch

Is there any way to get ANY kind of identifying information back from 
qmail-inject that can be used to later match the message up with log entries?

Preferably the same kind of '952161799 qp 10208' kind of code that SMTP or 
QMTP gives me. Both stdout and stderr seem to produce nothing at all on 

It is important to me to account for everything, so I can know exactly what 
was delivered and what wasn't. And qmail-inject seems to be much the 
fastest way I can get things into the queue, so it would be very nice if I 
could also know whatever became of it.

- Flemming

Re: sqwebmail with local accounts

2000-06-07 Thread Flemming Funch

At 09:02 PM 6/7/2000, John Stile wrote:
>How do I use the web interface for accessing my real domain's user
>Virtual domains have no problems accessing mail, but this is so cool I
>want to do it for my real accounts too.
>Do I create a virtual domain, and add links to the home dir's of each
>real unix account?
>I tried to find it my self, and failed.  Just point me to the right doc.

The easiest seems to be to make all domains virtual. I.e. set up a virtual 
domain in qmailadmin with the same name as your "real" domain, and add the 
existing users to it, again in qmailadmin. And move their Maildirs to 

And compile your vpopmail with the option, so that everything 
should work the same as before for those users.

- Flemming


2000-06-07 Thread Flemming Funch

Many subscribers have been reporting duplicate messages in the last few 
days from a couple of qmail servers I manage that send out a daily 
newsletter with a few hundred thousand subscribers.

Yet the logs only show one message delivered to any of those people. But 
usually several deferrals.

I figure my timeoutremote was set too low (60), so that it got delivered 
even though qmail-remote thought it timed out. So I now put it up to 600.

Does that make sense, or could there be other reasons for duplicates that 
don't show in the logs?

The servers are generally rather busy, with 2-500 remote processes and a 
system load of 4-6, and I think the ISP was having some bandwidth problems 
in the last few days.

- Flemming

Re: QMail Performance Question & Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-10 Thread Flemming Funch

At 02:40 AM 5/10/2000, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
>You should find the bottleneck before you jump to any
>conclusions.  What version of the Linux kernel are you using?

2.2.12 compiled with higher process limit (4090), higher file and inode 
limits (16000/48000), smp support, and drivers for SCSI and network card 
compiled in.

>you have any strange looking error messages in your log files?

Nothing that looks unusual. A ton of "in.identd started" messages. No 
unusual error messages.

>What does "vmstat 1" show?

I didn't know that one. I'll check when the servers are busy the next time. 
Generally top shows relatively low memory use and no swap space used.

>Perhaps you should install sar(sp?)
>and profile your disk IO.

I don't think sar or sarcheck runs on Linux at this point, as far as I can 
quickly figure out. But something like that would be very useful.

At 07:09 AM 5/10/2000, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
>Are you using syslogd ?

No. Or, rather, it is there, but I'm  not using it for qmail, so it is not 
doing much. Back when I was using sendmail and syslogd, that was indeed a 
big bottleneck, ending up consuming a majority of server resources.

At 10:09 AM 5/10/2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>It's not clear to me that these are valid comparisons. Is the 12mill per day
>mean 12M individual messages individually queued? Are is it a much smaller
>number of messages with a larger number of recipients?

I'd like to know that too. What I'm doing is individual messages 
individually queued, so if somebody can get 12M that way, I'm certainly 
paying attention. I'd be perfectly happy doing 2M per machine without 
crashing anything.

>While it's hard to tell without looking, my guess is that your inbound
>submission rate is killing the spindle that your disk lives on.

Sort of looks like it. I suppose there is no meaningful way of separating 
the stuff I put in from what needs to go out, as it is obviously the same 

And, still, I don't get it. I can't seem to feed much more than 60,000 
messages per hour into the queue. That's between two machines standing next 
to each other, on a 100Mbps switched network. SMTP or QMTP seems to make no 
difference. That's no faster than the machine can go and deliver the 
messages remotely, when it is in a good mood, and nothing is coming in at 
the time.

I would be able to create 60,000 mail message files in a couple of minutes. 
Should I be thinking along the lines of putting the files directly into the 
queue myself? I'd really be much more comfortable leaving that kind of 
stuff to qmail-qmtp and qmail-queue.

>In other words, expect to reach your concurrencyremote. Not getting their
>when everything appears right, is a sign of some other underlying problem.

Now, after saying all of this, I did get a hint yesterday that my outgoing 
bottleneck might possibly relate to bandwidth problems. I was mailing from 
3 machines at the same time, each with around 100,000 messages in the queue 
and concurrencyremote set at 200. And for the first time I saw one of them 
actually sneak up to 200, with ~3Mbps outgoing traffic, without even 
working very hard. However, while the other two were idling around 20-30. 
And a little later another of the machines went up towards 200, while the 
first one dropped down to 20-30. Seemed kind of bizarre, but might indicate 
some kind of "smart" network switch that's trying to apportion out 
bandwidth according to some algorhitm. I'm looking into that.

- Flemming

RE: QMail Performance Question & Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-10 Thread Flemming Funch

At 09:39 AM 5/9/2000, Matthew B. Henniges wrote:
>On a dual celeron 466 with 512Mb ram. and 3 10k scsi drives (one for
>/var/qmail/queue, one for /var/log, one for /usr/home)
>concurrency remote at 500
>concurrency local at 50
>FreeBSD 3.4-S
>localhost dnscache
>It will push 12 Million on a good day. (4% local delivery).
>This is qmail 1.03 + big-todo + big-concurrency + qmailqueue

I'm green with envy. Now, I administer around 6 qmail servers. Typically a 
dual-600PIII with 1G of RAM, with /var on a 10K SCSI, and everything else 
on other disks. I also use qmail 1.03 + big-todo + big-concurrency. Remote 
concurrency set for 200. Queue set for a split of 293. Linux RH6.1 or 2. 
Outgoing mail is handled on different servers than the incoming. The 
machines are co-located on several different networks with plenty of bandwidth.

The machines are mostly sending out daily newsletters which are being fed 
in from another machine by smtp or qmtp (seems to make no difference in 
performance which I use), and I've experimented with various numbers of 
incoming smtp processes.

If I'm sending more in more than a couple of smtp connections at the same 
time (e.g. 10 or 20), concurrent remote processes drop to a crawl of 2-10, 
the machine's load gets really high, 6-20, and the queue gets filled up 

If nothing is coming in, the remote processes usually are 20-80, and only 
on a very rare occasion would get close to my 200 concurrencyremote.

So .. eh... would it likely be my disk I/O that slows it down (how do I 
test that?), or should I be switching to FreeBSD, or am I doing something 

What is localhost dnscache about? A local name server, to limit outgoing 
DNS lookups?

- Flemming

qmail needs more time to finish. Sleeping 1 second...

2000-05-04 Thread Flemming Funch

In all my qmail installations it often takes forever to shutdown or restart 
qmail. I'm getting the message:

"qmail needs more time to finish.  Sleeping 1 second..."

which keeps repeating for sometimes 1/2 or a whole hour. Longer when the 
mail queue is large.

Like, right now it has been about 1.5 hours on one machine which has about 
250,000 messages waiting in the queue.

I'm not quite sure what program is giving the message. I'm on RedHat6.2, 
I'm using ucspi-tcp and daemon tools. My qmail is from 
qmail-1.03-102memphis.src.rpm. I restart qmail with:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail.init restart

Am I doing something wrong, or this how it is supposed to be? And, if so, 
is there a faster way of shutting down qmail? This same thing will happen 
if I need to reboot the server. It might be delayed for 1 hour or so, 
waiting for qmail to shut down.

Nothing is being sent while qmail "needs more time". The remote processes 
die out pretty quickly.


- Flemming