Re: dialup setup

2001-05-06 Thread Gavin McCord

On 2001.05.05 22:37 Chris Corbettis wrote:
 Can anyone here point me to some documentation on setting up
 qmail+fetchmail over a dialup line?
 I know this is quite simple; I found a decent howto on Google's cache
 (the original not being available) some time ago and it worked perfectly.
 It covered everything I needed, installing qmail and it's required 
 programs, creating pppdir, ip-up.local etc.
 Frankly looking at the LDP HOWTO is worse than useless.
 Chris Corbettis

The site is not short of links either.

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

Re: /var/spool/mail/user getting deleted

2001-04-28 Thread Gavin McCord

On 2001.04.28 19:05 Daniel Duclos wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Ruprecht Helms wrote:
  So you can write a mail into a securitylist an invite all hacker to
  your mailserver and make nonsense with it. The maildirs should set to
 Why is that? I always heard that Maildir may be 1777, so my maildir is
 1777. Now you scared me! =) Just for enlightement purposes, what kind of
 nonsense a hacker could do with my box? Thanx in advance!
 (Just in case, I am chmod'ing my maildir right now! =P)
 Daniel Lobato Duclos - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

No. No. No.

maildirmake creates a maildir with perms 700, i.e.


Why would you need it set any other way?

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)


2001-02-22 Thread Gavin McCord

On 21.02.2001 20:04 + Kris Kelley wrote:
 Rick Updegrove wrote:
  Since I do not have a init.d directory in OpenBSD and it seems
  started from rc.conf and rc.local in OpenBSD how am I to follow LWQ?
 I may be way off base here, having never used OpenBSD, but couldn't you
 create the LWQ qmail start-up script as a file somewhere, then tell
 whichever rc.* script is appropriate to do a "/path/to/script/qmail
 ---Kris Kelley

Using Slackware, I decided to simplify things and just put
the qmail start|stop|reload in /usr/local/sbin and then call
it from /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

Now, though I've set it up to be controlled by svscan/supervise,
so I don't need to bother with the rc.d scripts at all.

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)


2001-02-05 Thread Gavin McCord

Since the serialmail list doesn't appear to have a lot of traffic,
I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of an archive.

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

AutoTURN / Hello protocol

2001-02-02 Thread Gavin McCord

This may not be the best place to ask, but I'm looking
for more info on AutoTURN and the hello protocol.
I have two machines, west my mailhub, and east, a workstation.

west gets external mail and puts it into a maildir
in /var/qmail/autoturn.

On east, I use fetchmail to poll west and forward
the mail. I use proto etrn in the .fetchmailrc
even though it isn't supported by the qmail server
on west. It exits with a client/server protocol
error, but the mail is transferred ok from west to east.

However, I'd like something a bit more elegant.

This hello protocol mention in djb's documentation, looks
interesting, but isn't a standard service on my Slackware 7.1
box. I've done a search on google, but it only brings up
a bare description of the protocol and it's service no.

If someone could give me a clearer idea of what's needed,
I'd be grateful.

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

maildirsmtp interruption

2001-01-31 Thread Gavin McCord

I'm using maildirsmtp to route my outgoing mail through
my ISP. Recently, I've had problems when the connection
has died, mid-transmission. The mail is no longer in the
/var/qmail/alias/pppdir maildir, all I have is the processes
running, e.g.

/usr/local/bin/maildirserial -b -t 1209600 -- /var/qm 1389 ttyp1S 
0:00 /usr/local/bin/maildirserial -b -t 1209600 -- /var/qm 1390 ttyp1S 
0:00 /usr/local/bin/serialsmtp alias-ppp- west

Is there any way I can restart the send when the connection
comes back up, or do I have to kill the processes and restart
the whole procedure (i.e. re-compose and send the interrupted

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

Re: Svscan

2001-01-19 Thread Gavin McCord

I'm getting error msgs to the console (a small
supervise: fatal: unable to start lib/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start tmp/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start cdrom/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start bin/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start usr/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start var/run: access denied
ad infinitum
This from the entry in inittab. 

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)


2001-01-18 Thread Gavin McCord

I've qmail running on a two machines acting as a small network.
One machine operates as a hub downloading the mail for the the
domain from my ISP. The other is more of a workstation and is
not connected permanently to the hub.

I've set up autoturn according to the instructions in the
serialmail package, although  I  wasn't quite sure about
replacing the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd invocation. I used Dave
Sill's Life with Qmail, so I put the following in

exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 5 \
-u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp sh -c '
cd /var/qmail/autoturn
exec setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP- \
  ' 21

Is this ok? If so, what now do I need to do on the workstation
side to trigger the maildirsmtp from the hub?

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)


2001-01-18 Thread Gavin McCord

I'm running qmail following the instructions in Life with Qmail.

Now, I'm looking at replacing BIND with djbns. However, I'm stuck
when at the first hurdle - daemontools. I've created the /service
directory with the necessary permissions and added on one line
SV:123456:respawn:env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
 svscan /service /dev/null /dev/console 2/dev/console

into /etc/inittab. (I'm running Slackware 7.1 if this makes any

However, having HUPped init, there's no new svscan running. I say new
because there is an svscan running the qmail programs. Can I run
two svscans, or is there a conflict there? If so, what's the
best way to reconcile the /var/qmail/supervise and /service

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)