Re: Return address for autoresponder

2001-02-26 Thread Karl Vogel

 On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:44:08 +0100, 
 Leander Berwers [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

L I am writing an auto-responder in Perl. I have been looking for the ones
L publicly available, but I was wondering to what address I have to
L respond to, namely: Do you need to look for Reply-To: first and if that
L header is unavailable look for From:?

   If I'm reading the RFCs correctly, the right order is "Reply-to:", then
   "From:", then "Sender:".

ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
5 days a week my body is a temple.  The other two, it's an amusement park.
--bumper sticker

Plain language on reading the manual

2001-02-05 Thread Karl Vogel

It doesn't get much plainer.

ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

Two wrongs are only the beginning.--unknown

Re: [OT] pine and Maildir (was: Maildir versus malibox)

2001-01-20 Thread Karl Vogel

 On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 20:24:05 -0500 (EST), 
 Piotr Kasztelowicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

P I will not say, that mutt is not-useful, but it could be better :-) For
P me - the first problem is how make, that the sent mail shall be placed
P in sent folder.

   If you want a copy of all your sent messages, I'd use qmail for that
   instead of relying on anything else.  Assuming your userid is "pekasz",
   have your MUA add a header to outgoing messages:
  Bcc: pekasz-bcc

   Create ~/.qmail-bcc holding the following line:
  | (preline /bin/cat; echo)  $HOME/mail/sentmail

   This way, you get a copy of the message as it was seen by qmail.  I've
   been using this method for quite some time with no problems.  Since I
   use procmail to handle filtering, I also save portions of outgoing
   message headers in case I lose someone's address:

  % cat ~/.qmail-header
  | (preline formail -XFrom: -XSubject: -XDate: -XTo: -XCc:
  -XMessage-ID: ; echo)  $HOME/mail/SENT.`/bin/date +%Yw%W`

   (all on one line, of course).

ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
Never criticize a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes.
That way, you'll be a mile away from him and have his shoes as well.
--Peter Salzman

Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

2000-11-29 Thread Karl Vogel

 On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:13:18 -0100, 
 "asantos" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

A Robin's no geek. He's just ...

   Are you sure?  This picture plus the signature makes me wonder...

When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty
years at sea, I merely say, uneventful...  I never saw a wreck and never
have been wrecked nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to
end in disaster of any sort.  --E. J. Smith, 1907, Captain, RMS Titanic

Change to envdir for completely clean environment

2000-11-04 Thread Karl Vogel


I like to use "/bin/env - PATH=..." to start things off with a clean
environment, but someone recently reminded me of the existence of envdir.
The patch below tells envdir to zap the environment if the directory
used as the first argument has the sticky bit turned on.

Comments welcome.

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.  --Calvin  Hobbes

*** envdir.c.orig   Mon Mar  6 00:21:09 2000
--- envdir.cFri Nov  3 19:50:26 2000
*** 1,2 
--- 1,4 
+ #include sys/types.h
+ #include sys/stat.h
  #include "byte.h"
  #include "open.h"
*** 8,11 
--- 10,15 
  #include "pathexec.h"
+ extern char **environ;
  #define FATAL "envdir: fatal: "
*** 28,31 
--- 32,36 
direntry *d;
int i;
+   struct stat st;
if (!*argv) die_usage();
*** 45,48 
--- 50,64 
if (!dir)
  strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to read directory ",fn,": ");
+   if (stat(".",st) == -1)
+ strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"unable to stat directory ",fn,": ");
+   if (st.st_mode  01000) {
+ environ = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *));
+ if (!environ) nomem();
+ environ[0] = (char *) 0;
+ if (!pathexec_env("PATH", "/bin:/usr/bin")) nomem();
+   }
for (;;) {
  errno = 0;

Good review of qmail on

2000-09-12 Thread Karl Vogel
Replacing your MTA with qmail
Monday, Aug 28 2000

...  By taking a modular approach, and running with the lowest possible
privileges, qmail is able to markedly improve the security stance of
machines it is installed on.  Unlike many security related packages,
however, it is easy to build, install and configure.  With qmail being
as easy to use as it is, there are few reasons more people shouldn't be
running it.  ...

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

Re: IMAP vs POP - small company 50

2000-07-13 Thread Karl Vogel

 On Thu, 13 Jul 2000 08:55:23 -0700, 
 "Steven M. Klass" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

S Sorry to tread on holy ground, but which is better.

   This paper is the best summary I've seen:
 Message Access Paradigms and Protocols
 Terry Gray, Director, Networks  Distributed Computing
 University of Washington
 Revised: 95.09.28

   The author argues strongly for IMAP.

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.   --Samuel Adams

Re: var-qmail

1999-02-05 Thread Karl Vogel

 In a previous message, someone said:

? Here are 5 sets of binaries.  The first has UIDs 792-799, and GIDs 798
? 799.  Next has UIDs 1792-1799, and GIDs 1798 1799.  Next has UIDs
? 2792-2799, etc etc.
? An install script decides which is the first UID/GID combo which is
? open, and installs that set of binaries.

 On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 08:06:05 -0600, 
 Mate Wierdl [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

M Again, what if
M UID 794 1794 2794 are taken?

   Here's a short script I use to find open user/group ID ranges for qmail.

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA

# $Id: avail-ids,v 1.1 1999/02/05 20:49:28 vogelke Exp $
# $Source: /src/mail/mta/qmail/qmail-local/RCS/avail-ids,v $
#   avail-ids
#   avail-ids
#   Look for a nice range of open ids in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
#   We only check for stuff over userid or groupid 100; if nothing
#   is found, then we don't have any user/group ids that high, so
#   we just print the first seven after 100.
#   The resulting commands should look something like this:
# groupadd -g 1000 nofiles
# groupadd -g 1001 qmail
# useradd -g nofiles -u 1000 -d /var/qmail/alias alias
# useradd -g nofiles -u 1001 -d /var/qmail qmaild
# useradd -g nofiles -u 1002 -d /var/qmail qmaill
# useradd -g nofiles -u 1003 -d /var/qmail qmailp
# useradd -g qmail -u 1004 -d /var/qmail qmailq
# useradd -g qmail -u 1005 -d /var/qmail qmailr
# useradd -g qmail -u 1006 -d /var/qmail qmails
#   None.
#   Karl Vogel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#   Sumaria Systems, Inc.

export PATH

getrange () {
awk '{
cur = $1
match = 0
if (cur  100  cur - prev  8)
for (k = 7; k = 1; --k)
match = 1
print cur-k
prev = cur
} END {
if (match == 0)
print "101 102 103 104 105 106 107"

# Print groupadd commands.

set `cut -f3 -d: /etc/group | sort -nu | getrange`
echo groupadd -g $1 nofiles
echo groupadd -g $2 qmail

# Print useradd commands.

set `cut -f3 -d: /etc/passwd | sort -nu | getrange`
echo useradd -g nofiles -u $1 -d /var/qmail/alias alias
echo useradd -g nofiles -u $2 -d /var/qmail qmaild
echo useradd -g nofiles -u $3 -d /var/qmail qmaill
echo useradd -g nofiles -u $4 -d /var/qmail qmailp

echo useradd -g qmail -u $5 -d /var/qmail qmailq
echo useradd -g qmail -u $6 -d /var/qmail qmailr
echo useradd -g qmail -u $7 -d /var/qmail qmails

exit 0

Re: Size limit on relayed message?

1999-01-05 Thread Karl Vogel

 On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 20:00:32 GMT, 
 Steen Suder [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

S Can I restrict relaying based on size of relayed mail?  I run qmail 1.03
S and I want to prohibit my users from sending like 30M+ messages out
S through my server.

   I don't know about relaying specifically; check

Karl Vogel
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA