Re: Which RBL replacement?

2001-07-25 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 04:28 AM 7/25/2001, Johan Almqvist wrote:

chances are if you received mail from that address you'd know where to 
start looking.  that ip is non routable on the Internet. :-)


* Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 10:22]:
  On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:19:59AM +0200, Johan Almqvist wrote:
   Thanks for the pointers... I have a slight memory that rfc-ignorant also
   planned to do ip blacklists att the outset, but whatever...
  It will, probably, for any type of rfc-violation that makes IP
  blacklisting a valid method. For the violations they list now, listing
  IPs makes no sense.

Wouldn't it? If I recieve spam from, I would like to be able
to complain to postmaster at that host (or some host that whois discovers
for that IP) about this...

Johan Almqvist


2001-07-19 Thread Kurth Bemis

does any one know why orbs is offline?


Re: FYI: Windows is better

2001-07-05 Thread Kurth Bemis

This guy reminds me of the guys in high school that used to brag about how 
their truck/car brand was better then another brand.

my chevy could pull your dodge around in circles

get a freaking lifeshut your mouth if your going to be a annoying 
little puke.

there is no need for profanity on this list or otherwise.  Grow 
up.  Fuck..Shit...look mommy I can use four letter words.Let us know 
when you have graduated to 5 and 6 letter words, eh?

speaking of crap in mail.  lets review your headers.

X-Mailer: Mutt
X-Uptime: 2:53PM  up 45 days,  2:02, 2 users, load averages: 1.56, 1.47, 1.42
X-Operating-System: OpenBSD mail1 2.8 MAIL1
X-Editor: Vim-507
X-Delivery-Agent: TMDA v0.16/Python 1.5.2 (openbsd2)

good. my MUA really needs to know your uptime or your OS oh great!.

now to really make you mad.  below you'll see my comments.

* Mark Douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010705 14:52]:

Ok. So we have:

* 12 lines of signature
* full quote (do you read from bottom to top? No? THEN WHY THE FUCK DO
* no quote string
* no attribution line
* HTML to bloat your crap mail even more
* fucked up line width

sigh - no comment.

And all of this is brought to you by:
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)

  Excellent analogy!! I love it!

It's bullshit. And this is a technical mailing list. Your emotions are
of no interest whatsoever. Go hug a tree, luser.

neither are yours.  get with it.

  Microsoft is like a little convertable sexy car, good for running to
  the store to buy a pack of cigarette. But if you decide to haul 18
  tons of lumber, it is not the right vehicle.

Bullshit. It's neither convertible (unless you'd like to draw an analogy
between your top opening at 125mph and a BSOD) nor sexy. It's
technically outdated, it's insecure, and it's made to be used by idiots.
If you look up sexy convertible in a dictionary, you'll never find
something a) made by idiots b) for idiots c) by an American company.

well.  I can tell your not a High School GradSexy Convertible won't 
be in the dictionary.  its two words Einstein!  And plus sexy is a 
derivative of sex  so you'll have to look for sex.

  As such, how many average people use 18 ton trucks? And as such how
  much work is done by the trucking (or transportation) industry?

The internet was neither invented by Gill Bates, nor by Al Gore. *WE*
run it, and we don't use Windows. Ever. If you find using MacOS or $UNIX
on your desktop too much of an intellectual challenge, please don't use
technical mailing lists.

and if you can't control yourself you'll have to have the teacher separate 
you from the rest of the class.  If making come constructive comments 
aren't within your capabilities maybe you should un sub from this 
list.  And please - If you do decide to un sub from this list don't mail 
the list and say how do i un subscribe?  but you probably will anyway.

And could you girls please take your lamer talk somewhere else? Like
news:comp.os.advocacy? Oh. And DO NOT FUCKING Cc: ME.

and maybe you could take your bitching to :-)

Kurth Bemis
Owner: Ozone Computer
Owner/Senior Network Administrator: LLC

Man kann niemanden zu seinem Glück zwingen

Re: FYI: Windows is better

2001-07-05 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 05:01 PM 7/5/2001, Daniel Duclos wrote:

i can't tell ya :-)

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Kurth Bemis wrote:

  This guy reminds me of the guys in high school that used to brag about how
  their truck/car brand was better then another brand.

Why, oh why, is this being discussed on a qmail list?

Daniel Lobato Duclos - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Stand for something, or you will fall for nothing.

Re: New Broadcast Message!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

Why do you have to notify as a general rult of thumb any
major upgrades should be done in the early morning when nobody's using the
system.  Why have 200 people asking why outlook pops up an stupid error
message when you don't have to :-)

what are you patching?  the only thing we have to reboot for is hardware
replacement and new kernels..everything else can be patched or compiled
withoug rebooting.


Kurth Bemis
Senior Network Admin/Owner:
Owner: Ozone Computer
PGP Key Avail.
Uh!.Uh!.Uh!.I'm done with thisOut the window

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

  Hi All:

 Previously I posted a message under heading Broadcast Message and got some
 good suggestions. I also got a response whereas the person responding
 thought that I was try to send spam. After reading my original posting, I
 think I need to clarify what I am doing and what I need (previously I did
 not do it to keep the message short). So here is the question:

 Our company has a mail server. It has RH 6.2 and Qmail 1.3 and very much
 else. This server serves to about 200 email addresses. We need to install a
 patch which will require the system to be re-booted. Therefore, we would
 like to send an email message to all the emails addresses on our company's
 mail server, informing them of coming re-boot. Any suggestion??


Re: Quick tcpserver question

2001-06-01 Thread Kurth Bemis

As far as i know i don't think that you do.  I've been known to be wrong


Kurth Bemis
Senior Network Admin/Owner:
Owner: Ozone Computer
PGP Key Avail.
Uh!.Uh!.Uh!.I'm done with thisOut the window

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Gordon-Nildram wrote:


 If you edit the tcp.smtp file then reload the tcp.smtp.cdb file using tcprules do 
you need to restart qmail for these changes to take effect?

Re: Trying to install Qmail !!!

2001-04-22 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 11:27 AM 4/22/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can see your problem.



after your done reading it again...then ask on this list :-)


The 2 first things are done - I have problems with number 3:

To create /var/qmail and configure qmail (won't interfere with sendmail):

  1. Create the qmail home directory:
# mkdir /var/qmail

  2. Read INSTALL.ids. You must set up the qmail group and the qmail
 users before compiling the programs.

# groupadd nofiles
# useradd -g nofiles -d /var/qmail/alias alias
# useradd -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmaild
# useradd -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmaill
# useradd -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmailp
# groupadd qmail
# useradd -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmailq
# useradd -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmailr
# useradd -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmails

  3. Compile the programs and create the qmail directory tree:
# make setup check

How do I compile the programs? doesn't do the trick. I 
have the qmail-files in /etc/qmail-1.03/ and want it installed in 
/var/qmail/ - /var/qmail/alias/ is correctly setup. Look also at the following:

[root@tweurope qmail-1.03]# ./
exec  -c ${1+"$@"}
[root@tweurope qmail-1.03]# make
Makefile:1369: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.
[root@tweurope qmail-1.03]# cd /var/qmail
[root@tweurope qmail]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
[root@tweurope qmail]# make setup check
make: *** No rule to make target `setup'.  Stop.
[root@tweurope qmail]#

Please help,

Hr brjar Internet!
Skaffa gratis e-mail och gratis Internet p

Re: alias with maildir

2001-04-17 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 01:41 AM 4/18/2001, Patrick Wayne Tan wrote:

i assume that you have postmaster going to root?

check to make sure that you have a .qmail file for root to point to a non 
super user.



I have just set up Qmail to use Maildir. It is working fine sending to an
existing user. The problem is it cannot send to the alias mailbox such as
~alias/.qmail-postmaster. I think I'm missing something. I've already
touched and chmod 644 ~alias/.qmail-postmaster.
It still returns this error: "deferral:
I have tried creating ~alias/.qmail-postmaster as a directory but qmail
couldn't recognize it as a mail recipient.

I would very much appreciate any assistance. Thanks!


Kurth Bemis
Owner: Ozone Computer
Owner/Senior Administrator: LLC

Man kann niemanden zu seinem Glck zwingen

Re: qmail

2001-04-12 Thread Kurth Bemis

make sure that you have all your DNS stuff running correctly.  this is
impearitive..also check you /var/log/qmail/smtp logsthey may yeild


On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 14:48:36 +0200
 Subject: qmail

 hi at all
 I installed qmail as lwq said.
 when i try to connect to port 25 i recive nothinks .
 It means that i don't recieve any error .
 i see the connection typing netstat -a  but don't recive the server presentation .

tcpserver - pop3d logging

2001-04-11 Thread Kurth Bemis

i know that its been asked on the list before.but i can't remember when 
or the answer for that matter.

i'd like to log the usernames from my pop see who is getting 
their mail and whose not :-)

i thought that there was a tcpserver or multilog switch for it...but i 
can't remember...can someone help me out :-)


ticketing system?

2001-03-29 Thread Kurth Bemis

  does anyone know of a ticketing system, written in PHP for qmail?  I 
found RT ( but its perl (bleh) just wondering if anyone 
knows of anything that fits my request a little more :-)

also - I need a way to attach a text file to EVERY out going message.  Any 
ideas on that?


Re: Tcpserver - GONE A BIT FAR ...

2001-03-27 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 08:56 AM 3/27/2001, TAG wrote:


I am shocked and appalled at the absolute lack of courtesy, help and
sympathy that is on this list.  I have been here a while and while there
comes a few newbies that can really ask some dumb questions - we were
all there once...

There is a distinct difference between someone who genuine doesn't know and 
someone that just doesn't read documentation.  "How do i get qmail to start 
at boot?" is a classic example of  someone not reading LFQ.

Have some patience and help those less experienced than yourselves.  If
you do not like this - BUGGER OFF...

It gets tiring to see the same 5 questions..recently someone asked me 
off list that LFQ didn't cover apache with PHP installation.  I said that 
there was reason for this.  APACHE AND PHP AREN'T EVEN RE MOTLEY RELATED TO 

Those that do not RTFM (read the F'ing manual) sometimes do not have the
time or the knowhow on where to find it - and that is why we have a
mailing list - so we can ask others that know - and stop this needless
bickering and band together.

If you can't find a web site i'm surprised if you can boot lilo.  Chances 
you got qmail from what else is on whole 
section for documentation.  Its very hard to miss...theres only about 30 
links there :-)

If you don't know how to read man pages use ./configure or make or learn to 
find documentation then you shouldn't even be looking at LINUX or other 
UNIX.  (And for all those of you that are wondering, NO! Qmail will NOT run 
on Windows. :-))  It comes down to laziness and i think that a newbie qmail 
list would be good.  I wouldn't subscribe...but it give the newbies a 
chance to work together and figure out how to read documentation. :-)

Sorry to those who are offended - but thats tough ...

I don't feel that its offensive...I have posted much worse to the 
misc@openbsd list. :-)



Russell Nelson wrote:
  Sumith writes:
Mr. Robin is trying to discourage newbies like me from asking for help.
  No, he's trying to get you to try to help yourself FIRST.
And regarding the question I posted, I figured it out
  See?  You wasted our time because with a little more work, you
  answered your own question.

Re: 10,000 outbound emails

2001-03-22 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 01:01 PM 3/22/2001, Bill Parker wrote:

I don't see any problem with the machine - i do however see a problem with 
the situation.  Isn't a mass unsolicited mail called spam :-)


Hi All,

 I have qmail running on a pent-133 w/32MB, kernel 2.2.14,
tcpserver, qmailadmin, vpopmail, amavis-0.2.1, and NAI's anti-virus
software.  Everything is working just fine, however, one of the
supervisors wants to send 10,000 emails through the box to various
users (aka a mass mailing).  Does anyone see any problems with
doing something like this, or would you need more information about
my current configuration of qmail?


Re: Qmail newbie question

2001-03-19 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 03:37 PM 3/19/2001, Gerrit Pape wrote:

did you read life with qmail?  read it at  Use the 
init script from there and you shouldn't have any problems. :-)


PS - to the list - yes, i know this is what I answer for every 
answer...however almost every question can be answered in LWQ.  When ppl 
subscribe to this list there should be a notice in the welcome-notice that 
says "If your planning on asking questions, first read life with qmail 
written by David Still. ("


On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 12:19:57PM -0800, Johnson, Garrett wrote:
  This is what I get from ps -ef | grep qmail:
  root   503   502  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 supervise qmail-send
  root   505   502  1 Mar16 ?00:54:39 supervise qmail-smtpd
  qmaill 507   504  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/multilog t
  qmails 508   503  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 qmail-send
  qmaill 510   506  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/multilog t
  root   520   508  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 qmail-lspawn ./Mailbox
  qmailr 521   508  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 qmail-rspawn
  qmailq 522   508  0 Mar16 ?00:00:00 qmail-clean
  root  3883   505  0 12:20 ?00:00:00 supervise qmail-smtpd
kill 3883.

Should there be more processes running? Why isn't tcpserver
  running (keeping in mind that it isn't passing any email right now)?

qmaild should run tcpserver. Your run script seems to be broken.
Check with svstat /service/qmail-smtpd.
Ckeck /service/qmail-smtpd/run, check the logs.


 innominate AG
  the linux architects
tel: +49.30.308806-0  fax: -77

username logging

2001-03-15 Thread Kurth Bemis

last week i think that there was a discussion about how to get tcpserver to 
log usernames from pop3d.  I can't find the message anywhere.  does anyone 
have the information on how to log the usernames with pop3d?


Re: Only special user can send mail?

2001-03-15 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:22 PM 3/15/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you may want to look at smtp auth.  I don't have ready access to the list 
archives - however there are patches to make smtpd relay based on usernames 
and passwords. maybe someone will be nice enough to post the address for 
the patch.


PS - did you read life with qmail yet? (

  There I have a question. Can I set qmail so that it can relay mails for 
 some special users? Of cause ,the special user include maillist.
Qmail can only relay mails, and senders of mail are in a special file. 
 That special file is created by mail master.
Thank you for using Email system

Re: rc directory

2001-03-12 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 08:39 PM 3/12/2001, Essy Ren wrote:

whats teh /alias for?  i think that you may have done a mkdir alias in / 
instead of /var/qmail.  did you read lifewithqmail?  read it at :-)


I'll try install qmail to my computer,
and I follow the instruction from INSTALL guide
the problem is I don't find the rc direktori at /var/qmail/
There's only
Why it's gonna happen ? and should I make the directory by myself ?
thanks ...

RE: Redirect email!

2001-03-11 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 04:13 PM 3/11/2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

set the MX for ns1 to point to ns2.  then sent mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will goto ns2

you'll still need some sort of mail app on ns1.  just install qmail on both 

why don't you want to install qmail on ns1?


I have read "Life with Qmail" about 20+ times. I believe I did not make my
question clear as your answer does not answer my question (or it does not
seem to):

In my case, has no mail package installed. On this server
when a "Cron" job runs, it does not find a user account "news" because I
deleted it (as part of another write-up recommendation). Therefore, the
"Cron" job creates a message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" informing that it
did not find the "news" user account.

This message display only during LOGIN process. Here is the login sequence:

 ns1 login: root ; user id root is
 Password: rootpassword  ; Password is
 Last login: Sun Mar 11 15:06:21 on tty1 ; This message is displayed
 You have mail   ; System displays
the mail message
 [root@ns1 /root]# mail  ; I enter "mail"

 (system displays the mail messages...)
 (messages are addressed to "[EMAIL PROTECTED] and are generated
by Daily Cron job)


Having explained it, I don't believe, "LWQ" or any other write-up discusses
this type of problem, if it does can you point the section where this type
of situation is covered in "LWQ".

My original question was "How can I re-direct the email messages generated
on". Your answer will make sense if I have qmail loaded on In my original message, I said that does
not have any mail application on it. does have qmail.

Again, my question is; how email messages generated on can
be sent to ns2.mydomain, which has qmail on it and is
listed in /var/qmail/control/local?


PS: I re-read "LWQ" before sending this message.

-Original Message-
From: Todd A. Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 3:08 PM
To: Kirti S. Bajwa
Subject: RE: Redirect email!

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

  When you refer to "desired address", is it the UID (which is "root")
  or something else? I have setup .qmail files and would appreciate
  which folder this particular .qmail file you are referring to?

No, I mean an actual, deliverable email address. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is a
deliverable email address. You put it in $HOME/.qmail for whichever user
you want to forward mail for.

Please read before asking these sorts of
questions. It's one thing to be confused about something in the docs (I
often am, since they aren't very extensive), but it helps to at least have
a foundation to understand the answers people give you.

Todd A. Jacobs
CodeGnome Consulting, LTD

Re: Redirect email!

2001-03-10 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 12:10 PM 3/10/2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

put the account on the second machine in your .qmail file...
did you read life with qmail yet?  i don't think that you you'd 
know because its in there :-)


I have two LINUX servers. One server is a DNS server
(djbdns). The second server handles email (qmail), web,

When I am logging onto, I get a message on the screen that
"You have new mail", even though I have no email application installed on
it. I think the message is a "system" generated message that I have "news"
account missing on the server or something similar.

How can I setup qmail so that any system message generated on the first
server are automatically directed to my mail server, which
is (located on

Is this question for the dns mailing list??


Re: OK I give up!!!

2001-03-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 09:42 AM 3/9/2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:
For the last several days, I have posted questions on POP3 not working. I
have received several replies and I have gained a lots of knowledge. But the
problem is still there and now I have decided to GIVE UP. I have
re-formatted the disk and I start all over. So folks you know where I will
be during the coming weekend.

your mother was starting to worry -  i just call and told her where you 
were going to be

Previously I had "qmail" working, so realize, that there is something which
I did wrong. But after spending three days non-stop to figure out why POP3
in "qmail" was not working, I AM BEAT. So I am starting from scratch. I
would like you help in advising me if I am installing the software in
correct sequence. THIS IS A CLASS PROJECT.

I am installing the following software in the order it is listed below:

well...why start with redhat?  its buggy as hell and in general a poor 
excuse for a linux distro...try something like debianor if your open to 
new os's try obsd.  i'm telling you - dump redhat and your life will be 
easier...the sun will shine, the birds will sing and most of all your 
machine will run correctly. :-)  no really tho.if your just starting 
our redhat is fine IMHO..however if your putting this into production i'd 
use something else.

 1.  RH 6.2

 1. Install a OS that isn't a corprate money maker and install one 
that is supported by the community, or install one that is 
ultrasecure.(when i say untra secure i mean one that comes locked down 
- no services running - you have to enable everything see 
for more information)

 2.  Remove Apache, PHP  Sendmail

 2. see above step (1)

 3.  daemontools-0.70
 4.  ucspi-tcp-0.88
 5.  djbdns-1.05
  Note: DNS must work fore next item is installed

 will you be running name service?  thats a whole 'nother list and 
about 1 more week of pulling your hair out.

 6.  checkpassword-0.90
 7.  qmail-1.03 (dns error manually updated in dns.c file)
 Follow instructions as outlined in "qmail-HOWTO"


 Note: Qmail must work before going forward
 8.  RH Patches from RH web site

 8. Search for latest exploits for your OS

 9.  Apache _1.3.12, mySQL-3.22.32, PHP-4.0.2, openssl-0.9.5a,
  I followed installation outline in to
install these packages

you forgot to read life with qmail!!!  read it it's everything that you 
need to know...its a walkthrough and 
everything!!  READ IT!  don't even download qmail 
until you've read it.

Please tell me if this sequence is the right one. Also is there any patches
I am missing. I noticed that several people have discussed several patches
to Qmail!

yeppers - you forgot to read life with qmail. :-)

Thanks for everybody's help. All of you folks are very helpful.

thats why were here :-)


Re: What is so sad... Re: OK I give up!!!

2001-03-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 12:07 PM 3/9/2001, Choz Sun wrote:

Is that I run RH because I know every little step and package to install/un-
for security and whatnot.

I always wonder how much easier would my life be with OpenBSD :)

read the obsd faq.

Let me know when DPT Ultra160 Raid Cards work with *BSD.

well - why don't you check the hardware list.  I had a adaptec 29160N 
running fine under 2.7.  Hey if you want to run redhat on production 
servers be my guest...i don't care - i'm not in charge of your IT dept.


- Original Message -
From: "Kurth Bemis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Kirti S. Bajwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 09.08
Subject: Re: OK I give up!!!

  At 09:42 AM 3/9/2001, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:
  For the last several days, I have posted questions on POP3 not working. I
  have received several replies and I have gained a lots of knowledge. But
  problem is still there and now I have decided to GIVE UP. I have
  re-formatted the disk and I start all over. So folks you know where I
  be during the coming weekend.
  your mother was starting to worry -  i just call and told her where you
  were going to be
  Previously I had "qmail" working, so realize, that there is something
  I did wrong. But after spending three days non-stop to figure out why
  in "qmail" was not working, I AM BEAT. So I am starting from scratch. I
  would like you help in advising me if I am installing the software in
  correct sequence. THIS IS A CLASS PROJECT.
  I am installing the following software in the order it is listed below:
  well...why start with redhat?  its buggy as hell and in general a poor
  excuse for a linux distro...try something like debianor if your open
  new os's try obsd.  i'm telling you - dump redhat and your life will be
  easier...the sun will shine, the birds will sing and most of all your
  machine will run correctly. :-)  no really tho.if your just starting
  our redhat is fine IMHO..however if your putting this into production i'd
  use something else.
   1.  RH 6.2
   1. Install a OS that isn't a corprate money maker and install one
  that is supported by the community, or install one that is
  ultrasecure.(when i say untra secure i mean one that comes locked down
  - no services running - you have to enable everything see
  for more information)
   2.  Remove Apache, PHP  Sendmail
   2. see above step (1)
   3.  daemontools-0.70
   4.  ucspi-tcp-0.88
   5.  djbdns-1.05
Note: DNS must work fore next item is installed
   will you be running name service?  thats a whole 'nother list and
  about 1 more week of pulling your hair out.
   6.  checkpassword-0.90
   7.  qmail-1.03 (dns error manually updated in dns.c file)
   Follow instructions as outlined in "qmail-HOWTO"
   Note: Qmail must work before going forward
   8.  RH Patches from RH web site
   8. Search for latest exploits for your OS
   9.  Apache _1.3.12, mySQL-3.22.32, PHP-4.0.2, openssl-0.9.5a,
I followed installation outline in to
  install these packages
  you forgot to read life with qmail!!!  read it it's everything that
  need to know...its a walkthrough and
  everything!!  READ IT!  don't even download qmail
  until you've read it.
  Please tell me if this sequence is the right one. Also is there any
  I am missing. I noticed that several people have discussed several
  to Qmail!
  yeppers - you forgot to read life with qmail. :-)
  Thanks for everybody's help. All of you folks are very helpful.
  thats why were here :-)

Kurth Bemis
Partner/Senior Network Admin/Engineer
Owner, Ozone Computer

PGP key Available (
The world really isn't any worse.  It's just that the news coverage is so 
much better.
Donate your wasted CPU cycles to (

Re: What is so sad... Re: OK I give up!!!

2001-03-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 02:02 PM 3/9/2001, Sean C Truman wrote:

after this post i'm a sending all messages regarding this to  /dev/null

the point that i'm trying to convey is that commercial linux (or any nix 
for that matter) distros are not as good as other alternatives.  Let me 
give several reasons why (IMHO);

Where ever there is a buck to be made people start getting greedy and no 
longer take pride in their workEG: Redhat7.  It isn't a distro, its a 
poor excuse for a waste of plastic.  I'm not going to go into the reasons 
why (if your interested contact me off list).  Redhat (and other companies) 
are competing with each other.  Sure competition is good, however to 
compete they strive to get their product out to the public faster.  this 
means reduced quality of software.  no way around it.I personally use 
Debian 22r2, why because Debian is IMHO the most robust, stable 
distro.  Debian just works, I install what I want to install and nothing 
more, no X no sendmail if i don't want it, it doesn't get installed.

Let me put it another way - What is redhat's business plan?  To make money. 
What is OpenBSD's (Debian, FreeBSD, etc) business plan? Nothing, they don't 
have one.  There is no money to be made.  This ensures that the OS is 
polished, bugs fixed, and is ready for prime time.  I personally love how 
redhat can package GLP'd software with their "secure server" and sell the 
package for $199.00USD.  Oh support thats what you wantif you need 
telephone support you probably should be looking over some how-to's or some 
sort of documentation before installing linux.  The newbies who need 
telephone support are usually the ones who come to lug meetings saying 
things like "Linux sucks, It totally screwed up my whole system" or "I 
tried to start the installation from explorer but it didn't work."

well - i'll leave you to make your own decision...if you wish to discuss 
the matter further - contact me of list



 I have several production servers (some of which are running millions of
active POP accounts) on redhat 6.2.  Just because your perfered nix is BSD
doesn't mean Redhat is of non-production standards.  Just means that you
dislike it because you probly don't understand it or use it.  I personally
never use BSD not because I don't understand it, nor because I don't like
it. but because I personally perfer Linux.  Just for a reminder this is not
a BSD mailing list!

Sean Truman

- Original Message -
From: "Kurth Bemis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: What is so sad... Re: OK I give up!!!

  At 12:07 PM 3/9/2001, Choz Sun wrote:
  Is that I run RH because I know every little step and package to
  for security and whatnot.
  I always wonder how much easier would my life be with OpenBSD :)
  read the obsd faq.
  Let me know when DPT Ultra160 Raid Cards work with *BSD.
  well - why don't you check the hardware list.  I had a adaptec 29160N
  running fine under 2.7.  Hey if you want to run redhat on production
  servers be my guest...i don't care - i'm not in charge of your IT dept.

Kurth Bemis
Partner/Senior Network Admin/Engineer
Owner, Ozone Computer

PGP key Available (
The world really isn't any worse.  It's just that the news coverage is so 
much better.
Donate your wasted CPU cycles to (


2001-03-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

im looking for usage stats on qmtp. it sounds like something that i'm 
interested in however i wonder how many hosts use it


Re: My qmail could not send to another host

2001-03-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:36 PM 3/8/2001, The Afif wrote:

take a close look at your /etc/tcp.smtp file.  if you have no idea what i'm 
talking about then read LFQ - life with qmail get it at  you aren't setting your RELAYCLIENT environment var.


Hello Miliser,

   I have problem with my qmail, I have been intall qmail and good
   work, when I try to send email to local (localhost and virtual
   domain) its goods work, but when I try to send email to another host
   I have message
   "Message has not been sent, server reply - sorry, that domain isn't
   in my list of allowed rcpthost(#5.7.1)"
   any one could help me pls..

Best regards,
The Afif

Re: no shell for qmail user (qmails, qmaill,...)

2001-03-07 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 06:41 AM 3/7/2001, MassimoQuintini wrote:

yeppers - use vipw on most linux systems...or just use pico and edit the 
passwd file - change the shell tp /bin/false


For security reason, can I disable shell in /etc/passwd for qmail users 
(qmails, qmaill, ...ect,) setting the shell to /bin/false  ?


Massimo Quintini
Astronomical Observatory Collurania Teramo (Italy)

Re: user quota

2001-03-06 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:11 AM 3/6/2001, M. Yu wrote:

try using group quotas.  put all the people that you want to limit in one 
group and then set that groups quota to 4 megs or so...


I've been thinking about this for quite a while now.  I still can't come up
with a solution so maybe someone here can help.

Short version: we're looking for a way to make several e-mail addresses
share the same mailbox.

Long version: some of our clients want to have additional e-mail addresses
(we give 1 client 1 e-mail address with a 4MB mailbox; some want as many as
10 addresses).  We want to be able to give out more addresses (they don't
cost us anything anyway) but want to limit the mailbox size to 4MB, no
matter which e-mail address consumes more of the mailbox.

This is basically a quota problem.  Can anyone suggest a solution?

M. Yu

microsoft RTFM?

2001-02-23 Thread Kurth Bemis

finally![EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/mskb/Q209354.asp



2001-02-12 Thread Kurth Bemis

hrm..i seem to be having problems with ORBS and RBL.  i have followed the 
instructions from and 
modified my /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run file from

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
 -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 

to this

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
 tcpserver -p -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
 -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 25 \
 rblsmtpd \
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

i test the filter using -

and i get both mails i overlooking something?  after i tackle 
this i'd also like to see if anyone has any usage statastics on usage or qmtp.

Kurth Bemis
Partner/Senior Network Admin/Engineer
Owner, Ozone Computer

PGP key Available (
The world really isn't any worse.  It's just that the news coverage is so 
much better.
Donate your wasted CPU cycles to (

Re: Client email won't download

2001-02-12 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:19 PM 2/12/2001, Virginia Chism wrote:

hrmsounds like a ownership problem...check ownerships on the files and 
dirs. they should be the user and group


I am running Qmail on a Unix box with BSDI 4.0 and Apache.  My client has
been trying to get his email, but the first message is so big his receiving
program locks up.  I went into /usr/var/vpopmail/users/hisname/Maildir/new
and deleted the message with the lowest number, assuming that was the first
and hoping it was the culprit.  No such luck.

My questions to you:  Is there a command to show the size of the various
emails in his box without opening each one individually?  OR, did I go into
the wrong list?  Maybe /cur instead of /new?  Which one actually delivers
the mail?

Re: a question

2001-02-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:08 AM 2/9/2001, =?iso-8859-9?Q?Yavuz_Ma=FElak?= wrote:

well i see that your running tcpserver - and the line seem to be 
trundacated so its hard to tell what's running.  however you included your 
start up scripts so that helps a lot. :-)

did you try telneting to ports 25 and 110 on the machine.  those are the 
standard smtp and pop3 ports.  try typing ps -aux for a more detailed report.


I use Freebsd4.2 and I have installed qmail-1.03

I ' ve installed daemontools-0.70 , checkpassword-0.90, ucspi-tcp-0.88

when I type "top" I see as following;

root 152  3.7  0.5   852  440 con- S 4:17PM   1:38.41 
/usr/local/bin/supervise /service/qmail
qmaild   153  0.0  0.6   892  540 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.
root 154  0.0  0.3   860  312 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.00 
/var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3
root 155  0.0  0.5   876  416 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qm
qmaill 52761  0.0  0.5   872  504  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.01 splogger qmail
qmailq 52764  0.0  0.5   852  416  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-clean
root   52766  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start 
./Maildir/ splogger qmail
root   52767  0.0  0.1   228  112  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-lspawn 
qmailr 52768  0.0  0.1   260  132  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq 52769  0.0  0.1   220  104  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-clean
qmails 52770  0.0  0.4   892  372  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.01 qmail-send
root   52771  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start 
./Maildir/ splogger qmail
root   52772  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start 
./Maildir/ splogger qmail
root   52773  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start 
./Maildir/ splogger qmail
root   52774  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start 
./Maildir/ splogger qmail

and I typed bootscripts in as following;

sh -cf '/usr/local/bin/supervise /service/qmail '

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 82 -g 81 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 

but I couldn't see qmail-smtpd , qmail-pop3d and qmail-remote services

What shoul I do ?

Re: a question

2001-02-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:29 AM 2/9/2001, Yavuz Maslak wrote:

hrm - some versions of ps i guess don't show extended information.  exactly 
what information are you looking for?  heres my ps aux | grep qmail output

trinity:/home/admin# ps aux | grep qmail
root   187  0.0  0.2  1316  552 ?SFeb06   0:01 tcpserver -v 
-R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
root   188  0.0  0.1  1012  420 ?SFeb06   0:02 
/var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d
root   193  0.0  0.1   988  308 ?SFeb06   0:00 supervise 
root   196  0.0  0.1   988  308 ?SFeb06   0:00 supervise 
qmaill 202  0.0  0.1  1004  352 ?SFeb06   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
qmaill 204  0.0  0.1  1004  352 ?SFeb06   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
qmails   10803  0.0  0.1  1044  396 ?SFeb06   0:06 qmail-send
qmaild   10805  0.0  0.2  1316  560 ?SFeb06   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 20 -u 1002 -g 1001 0 
smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
root 10810  0.0  0.1  1000  328 ?SFeb06   0:01 qmail-lspawn 
qmailr   10811  0.0  0.1  1000  332 ?SFeb06   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq   10812  0.0  0.1   992  340 ?SFeb06   0:00 qmail-clean

send me your output and i'll try to narrow it down for ya.


yes I can telnet ports 25 and 110 on the machine

but I can't see some daemons which qmail-smtpd,qmail-pop3d, etc, when I type
as "ps aux | grep qmail"
- Original Message -----
From: "Kurth Bemis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: a question

  At 10:08 AM 2/9/2001, =?iso-8859-9?Q?Yavuz_Ma=FElak?= wrote:
  well i see that your running tcpserver - and the line seem to be
  trundacated so its hard to tell what's running.  however you included your
  start up scripts so that helps a lot. :-)
  did you try telneting to ports 25 and 110 on the machine.  those are the
  standard smtp and pop3 ports.  try typing ps -aux for a more detailed
  I use Freebsd4.2 and I have installed qmail-1.03
  I ' ve installed daemontools-0.70 , checkpassword-0.90, ucspi-tcp-0.88
  when I type "top" I see as following;
  root 152  3.7  0.5   852  440 con- S 4:17PM   1:38.41
  /usr/local/bin/supervise /service/qmail
  qmaild   153  0.0  0.6   892  540 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.01
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.
  root 154  0.0  0.3   860  312 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.00
  /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3
  root 155  0.0  0.5   876  416 con- I 4:17PM   0:00.01
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qm
  qmaill 52761  0.0  0.5   872  504  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.01 splogger
  qmailq 52764  0.0  0.5   852  416  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-clean
  root   52766  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start
  ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  root   52767  0.0  0.1   228  112  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00
  qmailr 52768  0.0  0.1   260  132  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00
  qmailq 52769  0.0  0.1   220  104  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-clean
  qmails 52770  0.0  0.4   892  372  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.01 qmail-send
  root   52771  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start
  ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  root   52772  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start
  ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  root   52773  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start
  ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  root   52774  0.0  0.4   840  356  ??  R 4:47PM   0:00.00 qmail-start
  ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  and I typed bootscripts in as following;
  sh -cf '/usr/local/bin/supervise /service/qmail '
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 82 -g 81 0 smtp \
  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
  /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 
  but I couldn't see qmail-smtpd , qmail-pop3d and qmail-remote services
  What shoul I do ?

Re: virtual pop e-mails

2001-02-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 06:41 PM 2/7/2001, Alex wrote:


READ LIFE WITH QMAIL...its THE how-to for qmail.  everything you need is in 
there.  you must of read it once as you have qmail running.  I know that 
you can read as to write you must have basic reading skills.

check it out at



  Does anyone can tell me, how can I make virtual POP e-mails? I didn't find
any information about this. I have server, running Slackware 7.1 Linux and
qmail 1.03 as smtp server.  My friend asked me to host his website on my
server, so I made him name based hosting in Apache, but now he wants also to
have e-mail I added his domain name to
/var/qmail/control/rcptdomains, and his e-mail is now
[EMAIL PROTECTED] But it's not enough for him: he want to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , etc.. I don't want to create so many accounts on my
system.. (he need up to 40 or 50 e-mail addresses)..



Re: relaying restrictions

2001-02-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:22 AM 2/7/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

please read life with qmail by dave sill @

your looking for something called tcp.smtp



If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.  I
would like qmail to relay for a user if he/she comes from an allowable IP
address and/or from an allowable domain.  Right now the server is only
allowing relaying for people within allowable IP ranges and from one
specific domain.  Would I need the whole list of domains we host along with
their users corresponding ip address ranges in the tcp.smtp and
relaymailfrom files?

i would like to set relaying up based almost exclusively on ip address
ranges, with the exception of allowing relaying from one particular domain.




Re: Outbound sending..

2001-02-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:58 AM 2/4/2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you need something called tcp.smtp.  it defines who can relay and who can't.

check out LWQ @ it goes over this in depth :-)


All of my users when trying to send to aol or other off system sites are
getting this error.

sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts(#5.7.1)

Well why should or or anything off site be in rcpthosts?

What am I missing on my qmail server to do this..

Any help would greatly be apreciated..
It has to be simple I am sure :)

Re: anybody know howto make 3 virtual domain in the one machine,and each virtualdomain not use the fullname(mean username is

2001-02-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:15 PM 2/7/2001, dick wrote:

sigh.i think we all know the awnser

read LWQ at

dave - you should charge $1.00 for every person that reads LWQ, you'd be a 
very wealthy man. :-)


any suggestion is welcome.

Re: High MEM Usage??

2001-02-08 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 09:34 AM 2/4/2001, Sumith Ail wrote:

try free -m -t...

don't freak out about buffers.its just buffers that can be overwritten..



We have just received our server which is a Dual PIII with 512 MB RAM , RH 
Linux 6.2 Box. I have installed qmail on this with tcpserver, Now the 
meminfo shows
cat /proc/meminfo

 total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  529530880 364380160 165150720 72847360 300982272 24657920
Swap: 10485514240 1048551424
MemTotal:517120 kB
MemFree: 161280 kB
MemShared:71140 kB
Buffers: 293928 kB
Cached:   24080 kB
BigTotal: 0 kB
BigFree:  0 kB
SwapTotal:  1023976 kB
SwapFree:   1023976 kB

There is hardly anybody using this server...please let me know how can I 
find out which process is using so much of memory.

Kind Regards

Re: pop3 question!

2001-01-17 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 10:18 PM 1/17/2001, Peter Cavender wrote:

look into imap.  imap holds all the mail boxes and messages on the 
server.  this makes it easy for me to check my mail on different computers 
then come home and POP it all to my machine. :-)

for qmail you'd want courier-imap.  get it at


The POP daemon will only remove messages when told to do so by the user's
email client software.  Eudora, for example, tells the server to delete
each message after it has been downloaded.  The client software can opt to
not delete the messages at all.


On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, kh wrote:

  Is it the pop3 will remove all the emails from the mailbox after all 
 emails were downloaded to the local mailbox or pop3 daemon will delete 
 email by email after each email was downloaded?


2001-01-13 Thread Kurth Bemis

having a bit of a problem with qmail-poop3d. 
when i start it fro mmy init script i get this funky error in the log 

Jan 12 06:54:30 noname pop3d: 979300470.784986 
tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port number for pop-3Jan 12 06:54:31 
noname qmail: 979300471.799484 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

any have any idea what could be causing this? 
when i telnet to the box/ip on port 110 i get no connection. I'm 
running openbsd 2.8 with qmail 1.03 and daemon tools .70 with 
checkpassword .81


why -o- why?

2001-01-09 Thread Kurth Bemis

coming fro ma sendmail background i have a few questions about the method 
that qmail does things. 1)  If a local user doesn't exist sendmail gives 
you a error when sending mail.  IE - i send mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  the local account or alias kurthb doesn't exist so 
before accepting the message for delivery sendmail says User Unknows or 
whatever it says.  Why didn't DJB have qmail do something similar.  plus 
doesn't the sendmail method cut down on the number of disk writes?  If 
somebody has a clear answer I'd love to hear it.  Maybe DJB cares to 
address it himself :-)


freaking MS crap

2001-01-02 Thread Kurth Bemis

I own a ISP and we're having problems with the "Snowhite Virus" and outlook 
users...its running rampant..from about 3 weeks back we got one or 2 
bounces a we're up to 40 a day

I have created a controls/badmailfrom and added [EMAIL PROTECTED] however 
mail still goes thoughany ideas why this isn't rejecting mail?
I have looked at the logs and it seems that qmail treats it as a regular 
mail without checking...

any ideas?



2000-12-23 Thread Kurth Bemis

i have a text file that that contains a list of email addresses...i want to 
create a dot qmail to send a mail to all the addressescan i just have a 
.qmail-users file contain /etc/usausers.lst?  How can i do this as a quick 
and dirty hack.. :-)

Kurth Bemis - Network/Systems Administrator, Computer

People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
 -- Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel

PGP key available -

Fight Weak Encryption!  Donate your wasted CPU cycles to 


2000-12-21 Thread Kurth Bemis

hrm...i having trouble setting up vhosts. here what i do...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:fowarder-jrehomes

that goes to


in that file i have

salesjre is a local account.

what am i doing wrong?  as far as i can see i did everything in the qmail 
howto correctly

Kurth Bemis - Network/Systems Administrator, Computer

People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
 -- Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel

PGP key available -

Fight Weak Encryption!  Donate your wasted CPU cycles to 

Re: vhosts

2000-12-21 Thread Kurth Bemis

At 11:10 AM 12/21/2000 -0500, Chris Johnson wrote:

your right - i was a bit unclear

my logs say this-

Dec 21 10:15:58 usa qmail: 977411758.715849 delivery 1046: failure: 

but my locals file contains this-

in my /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains file contains this

then in my ~fowarder/.qmail-jrehomes-sales i have

hopefully this will be a little more complete


On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 10:10:56AM -0500, Kurth Bemis wrote:
  hrm...i having trouble setting up vhosts. here what i do...

The term "vhosts" has no meaning in qmail.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:fowarder-jrehomes

Where did you put this?

  that goes to
  in that file i have
  salesjre is a local account.
  what am i doing wrong?

Who knows? You haven't said what your problem is, and what the logs indicate.



2000-12-20 Thread Kurth Bemis

ok well with the qmail-smtp problems outta the way

i am confused about relaying rules

this is my /etc/tcp.smtp file,RELAYCLIENT="",RELAYCLIENT=""

however this does not work...when i send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] i get 
this message
Can't send to ". The server gives this reason: '553 sorry, that domain 
isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts(#5.7.1)'.

as i understand it rcpthosts is the file that holds all the domains that 
you have on your machine.

can somebody point me in the right direction?

Kurth Bemis - Network/Systems Administrator, Computer

People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
 -- Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel

PGP key available -

Fight Weak Encryption!  Donate your wasted CPU cycles to 