dial up - optimal solution?

2000-07-07 Thread Mark Weinem


What's the optimal solution for dial up connections (ppp and
dynamicaly asssigned ip address)?

A) The "Mail queue with qmail" configuration from Doug L. Vander
   Woude? [1] It works well here, but how is it possible to send
   online typed messages immidiately? The default configuration only
   allows to send queued messages at the beginning of the ppp


B) The "Qmail Holdremote Patch" [2]. But does it work for dynamicaly asssigned
   ip address?

Or  are there suggestions for alternative solutions?

    Mark Weinem

[1] http://www.i2k.net/~dougvw/mailqueue.html

[2] http://www.warren.demon.co.uk/qmail.html

Re: Messages reinjected to this mailing list

1999-06-11 Thread Mark Weinem

D. J. Bernstein:

> This sort of idiocy happens much more often than most subscribers know,
> thanks to a broken piece of software by Eric Raymond called fetchmail.

Is there a good fetchmail alternative?

Mark Weinem 

qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-22 Thread Mark Weinem


(I'm running qmail 1.03, serialmail 0.75, ucspi-tcp 0.84, fetchmail 4.6.4-1.1 
and Debian Linux 2.1. Outgoing mail is delivered to /var/qmail/alias/pppdir 
and handled by serialmail if a ppp connection is up)

But there must be something wrong with my qmail/fetchmail configuration: 
incoming mail (fetched from the pop3 server by fetchmail) ends up in 
/var/qmail/alias/pppdir/ (!) but unfortunately not in /home/mark/Maildir/.

~/.fetchmailrc says:

poll unidui.uni-duisburg.de proto pop3
user mweinem with password secret is mark here

/var/log/syslog says:

Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.597194 new msg 6256
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.597458 info msg 6256: 
bytes 2331 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 951 uid 1002
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.600413 starting delivery 89: 
msg 6256 to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.600604 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.622723 delivery 89: success: did_1+0+0/
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.622947 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jul 22 18:30:33 pandora qmail: 932661033.623064 end msg 6256

Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.907755 new msg 6256
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.908010 info msg 6256: 
bytes 3108 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 955 uid 1002
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.910829 starting delivery 90: 
msg 6256 to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.911025 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.969414 delivery 90: success: did_1+0+0/
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.969645 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jul 22 18:30:34 pandora qmail: 932661034.969763 end msg 6256
Jul 22 18:30:36 pandora qmail: 932661036.077529 new msg 6256

Why does it try to deliver to alias-ppp-mark@localhost and not to  
mark@localhost or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pandora.plagegeister.de is my 

I have /var/qmail/alias/.alias-ppp-mark@localhost 
with  "/home/mark/Maildir/", but it does not help.

 Mark Weinem

Re: qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-22 Thread Mark Weinem

Asmodeus wrote:

> > > Why does it try to deliver to alias-ppp-mark@localhost and not to
> > > mark@localhost or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pandora.plagegeister.de is my
> > > hostname)?

Is the delivery instruction "to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost" really
correct? Is this different from qmail 1.01?

> > umm, it is probably because you have the format for the file wrong. I believe
> > it is supposed to be .qmail-ppp-mark and in side the file you put a list of
> > addresses/directives.
>  Oh man, am I blind today... Sorry for the completely useless post, but
> yes, removing the @localhost part of that filename will probably fix it.
> Check the permissions as well.  It should be owned by alias.

I have changed this, it's .qmail-ppp-mark (with /home/mark/Maildir in
But now: no mail in /var/qmail/alias/ppdir and no mail in
Must be still something wrong

> .Shawn

Re: qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-23 Thread Mark Weinem

Asmodeus wrote:

> > Is the delivery instruction "alias-ppp-mark@localhost" really correct?
>  In my (albeit limited) experience, it is syntactically incorrect.
>  Okay, from the filename /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark
> it seems that you have a virtualdomain setup which is handled through
> 'ppp'.  Ie: in /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains, you have a line such as:
> myvirtualdomain:ppp
> and you don't have a real (/etc/passwd) user named ppp... Correct?


>  If so, mail to mark@myvirtualdomain should be handled by the above file
> in /var/qmail/alias.
>  What shows up in your mail logs?
>  I think you might have to show the contents of your config files
> and a `ls -la` of /var/qmail/alias/ ... I, for one, can't see any reason
> why it wouldn't work with the info you've given so far, assuming the
> config is correct.

Here are the infos & files:

# ls -al /var/qmail/alias
total 7
drwxr-sr-x   3 aliasqmail1024 Jul 22 23:58 .
drwxr-xr-x  10 root qmail1024 Jul 21 00:15 ..
-rw---   1 aliasqmail 260 Jul 22 23:59 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--   1 root qmail   0 Jul 21 00:57
-rw-r--r--   1 root qmail   0 Jul 21 00:57 .qmail-postmaster
-rw-r--r--   1 aliasqmail  10 Jul 22 00:05
-rw-r--r--   1 aliasqmail  20 Jul 22 18:59 .qmail-ppp-mark
-rw-r--r--   1 root qmail  20 Jul 22 19:20 .qmail-root
drwx--S---   5 aliasqmail1024 Jul 22 00:00 pppdir

# ls -al /var/qmail/
total 11
drwxr-xr-x  10 root qmail1024 Jul 21 00:15 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 root root 1024 Jul 21 00:39 ..
drwxr-sr-x   3 aliasqmail1024 Jul 22 23:58 alias
drwxr-xr-x   2 root qmail1024 Jul 21 00:36 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root qmail1024 Jul 20 23:51 boot
drwxr-xr-x   2 root qmail1024 Jul 22 02:55 control
drwxr-xr-x   2 root qmail1024 Jul 20 23:51 doc
drwxr-xr-x  10 root qmail1024 Jul 22 01:38 man
drwxr-x---  11 qmailq   qmail1024 Jul 20 23:51 queue
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root qmail 205 Jul 21 00:22 rc
drwxr-xr-x   2 root qmail1024 Jul 20 23:51 users

#ls -al /home/mark
-rw-rw   1 mark mark   11 Jul 22 00:53 .qmail
drwxrwsr-x  11 mark mark 1024 Jul 21 04:17 Mail
drwx--S---   5 mark mark 1024 Jul 21 01:31 Maildir





[configuration without /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark]:

Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.748901 new msg 6253
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.749180 info msg 6253: 
bytes 2905 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 301 uid 1002
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.751958 starting delivery 26: 
msg 6253 to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.752170 status: local 1/10
remote 0/20
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.774033 delivery 26: success:
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.774267 status: local 0/10
remote 0/20
Jul 22 16:04:26 pandora qmail: 932652266.774385 end msg 6253
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.787610 new msg 6253
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.787875 info msg 6253: 
bytes 2912 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 305 uid 1002
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.790627 starting delivery 27: 
msg 6253 to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.790820 status: local 1/10
remote 0/20
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.812740 delivery 27: success:
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.812986 status: local 0/10
remote 0/20
Jul 22 16:04:27 pandora qmail: 932652267.813103 end msg 6253

[configuration with /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark]:

Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.376903 new msg 6258
Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.377163 info msg 6258: 
bytes 3190 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 228 uid 1002
Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.380845 starting delivery 3: 
msg 6258 to local alias-ppp-mark@localhost
Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.381038 status: local 1/10
remote 0/20
Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.400320 delivery 3: 
deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/
Jul 23 00:01:56 pandora qmail: 932680916.400561 status: local 0/10
remote 0/20


Re: qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-23 Thread Mark Weinem

Sergei Kolobov wrote:
> Mark Weinem wrote:
> > /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark:
> > -
> > /home/mark/Maildir/
> > -
> Won't work - replace it with "mark" - that should fix it.

It works now,

thanks a lot!

Mark Weinem

Re: qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-23 Thread Mark Weinem

Peter Rye wrote:

> I believe this is a fetchmail problem.
> Try adding the smtpaddress option to your .fetchmailrc: something like
> smtpaddress pandora.plagegeister.de should do the trick.

Yes, it does the trick :-)

Thanks a lot!

Re: qmail delivers to wrong maildir

1999-07-24 Thread Mark Weinem

Asmodeus wrote:

> Replace the contents of /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark with:
> &mark@

It works now, thank you very much! The following solutions solve the

a) # cat /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark


b) # cat /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark


c) ~/.fetchmailrc with "smtpaddress localhost":
The /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-ppp-mark file is not necessary - right?
Here mark's  .fetchmailrc:

poll unidui.uni-duisburg.de proto pop3
user mweinem with password secret is mark here
smtpaddress pandora.plagegeister.de


Re: Problem with installation.

1999-08-05 Thread Mark Weinem


> There seems to be some problem with my DNS. 

Not really ;-)

Do (as root):

# echo "yourhostname.yourdomain.your-top-level-domain" > /var/qmail/control/me

My full hostname is pandora.plagegeister.de , i did:

# echo "pandora.plagegeister.de" > /var/qmail/control/me


Re: maildir structure

1999-09-19 Thread Mark Weinem

On Sun, Sep 19, 1999 at 12:56:45AM +0200, LRiva wrote:

> What are the function of the /tmp and /cur maildir subdirectories ?

Use the following command:

man maildir

and read the maildir manpage.

If 'man maildir' doesn't work, add /var/qmail/man to your MANPATH in

export MANPATH="/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man:/opt/man:/var/qmail/man"

Mark Weinem

Procmail & Maildir

1999-04-05 Thread Mark Weinem


New incomming Mail is in $HOME/Maildir.
I want Procmail to sort the messages from $HOME/Maildir into destinated

When I used Exim I started Procmail with the following script:

 # ! /bin/sh
 if cd $HOME &&
 test -s $ORGMAIL &&
 lockfile -r0 -l1024 .newmail.lock 2>/dev/null
 trap "rm -f .newmail.lock" 1 2 3 13 15
 umask 077
 lockfile -l1024 -ml
 cat $ORGMAIL >>.newmail &&
 cat /dev/null >$ORGMAIL
 lockfile -mu
 formail -s procmail <.newmail &&
 rm -f .newmail
 rm -f .newmail.lock
 exit 0

I want to keep this but Procmail must handle maildir now.
Is it necessary to patch  Procmail (v3.11pre7 from Debian 2.0) ?
(What's the right way to do this: "patch procmail procmail-patch" or:
"patch -pnum 

Re: Sorting incoming mail.

1999-11-13 Thread Mark Weinem

Hi Tristan,

What are the outputs of

"cat /home/tristan/.qmail"


"cat /home/tristan/.mailfilter" (try to keep it short ;-) ) 


Mark Weinem

Re: OT: a "real" MUA for X?

2000-10-14 Thread Mark Weinem

On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:07:17AM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:

> I personally like EXMH and use it both at work and at home.  
> http://www.beedub.com/exmh/
> It doesn't support IMAP, but can use POP3 for accessing email.  The 
> interface is decent (for an application written in Tcl/Tk).  It can 
> also be customized, handles PGP signatures very well and does well 
> with MIME attachments too... :-)

But it (nmh) doesn't support Maildir. 

Mark Weinem

Maildir search tools?

2000-10-25 Thread Mark Weinem


Are there any search tools (like grepmail) for Maildirs?

Mark Weinem