Newbie (if u could not tell)

1999-11-11 Thread Michael M. Honse

Set up a new qmail server to replace my sendmail server..
2 of my domains are Mx to the new server..
have set u selective relays but

INBOUND mail is being get the following response:
note: Original message from a hotmail account to [EMAIL PROTECTED] a
(virtual) domain on the qmail box.

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relay Denied
Giving up on

Any help would be MUCH to me

RE: Newbie (if u could not tell)

1999-11-11 Thread Michael M. Honse

I am : domain on Qmail)  (primary domain on sendmail)  (vertual on sendmail)  (vert on qmail)  (vert on qmail)  (vert on qmail)
hope this helps...

?? if the error is not from qmail any idea where its from ?

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie (if u could not tell)

"Michael M. Honse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Remote host said: 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relay Denied

That's not qmail.

I'm confused. Are you,, or both?


I need to get off this list

1999-12-02 Thread Michael m. Honse

RE: In all fairness.. Was: I need to get off this list

1999-12-06 Thread Michael m. Honse

I have Done as suggested 3 times now.. each try has come back as successful
But despite all that I still get this list
I am not stupid and it is telling me that I am removed from the list. But I
still get this list... What now.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Santerre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 6:20 AM
Subject: In all fairness.. Was: I need to get off this list

I have tried everything to get off this list and I would hope I would know
what I am doing. I have seen numerous people post about wanting off of it,
it can't be just stupidity. I always keep the 1st reply from a list, so I
unsubscribe, but again this one is ALWAYS unsuccessful. With the amount of
people wanting off, it would be nice to have the admin of this list simply
boot us out as a last resort. The intelligence average of this list is quite
high, and most of the people are admins themselves. So we should all know
sometimes programs don't work 100%, and we are not dealing with AOLers here

Just my 2 cents.

Andy Bradford wrote:

> Thus said abc on Fri, 03 Dec 1999 14:01:26 +0700:
> > At 09:16 02/12/99 -0800, Michael m. Honse wrote:
> > >
> > I think there should be message trailer like at the PGP - Users Mailling
> > list, maintained by Fred , to prevent this incident anymore
> It wouldn't matter if there was a trailer---they wouldn't read them
> anyway and we would still see their requests---in addition, it would
> just give users another thing to shout at the unknowing... "Look at the
> trailer idiot!", etc... :)
> Andy
> --
> +== Andy == TiK: garbaglio ==+
> |Linux is about freedom of choice|
> +== ===+

FW: Looking for a server side method of blocking.

1999-12-13 Thread Michael m. Honse

-Original Message-
From:   Michael m. Honse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, December 13, 1999 10:03 AM
Subject:Looking for a server side method of blocking.

Looking for a server side method to Block Incoming and outgoing email
address single and/or domains.

Ip change

2000-01-11 Thread Michael m. Honse

I cant seem to find a faq or how-to that gives a clear idea on this so I ask
for some help.

running a Qmail 1.3 on a FreeBSD machine.
Changing Internet providers and their for IP's

How do I tell Qmail about the changer or do I need to at all. Just changing
the IP for BSD will do ??

Thank you in advance for any help provided.

Newbie... Question..

2000-03-27 Thread michael M. Honse

I have a qmail server up and running GREAT.. all is well..
BUT... I want to bring up another that will Que up mail should the real mail
server crash, need rebooting, Melt down to slag, or ETC..
Anyone have a how-to for that ?..
Many thanks in advance.


Need a little insite please

2000-03-28 Thread michael M. Honse

I have a qmail server up and running GREAT.. all is well..
BUT... I want to bring up another that will Que up mail should the real mail
server crash, need rebooting, Melt down to slag, or ETC..
Anyone have a how-to for that ?..
Many thanks in advance.