qmail remote / local problems ...

2001-03-28 Thread Simon Woodward


Okay ...

Simple enough set up, I have a box on the end of a cable modem, I get an
SMTP feed for my main domain from an ISP which holds primary and secondary MX
for it, but only from my addresses, (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

This part is no problem, my box accepts and delivers these mails

The next part of the scenario is, I have some mates with addresses (eg
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) who have pop boxes at this ISP and get
their mail direct from those.

The problem occurs when I want my machines from my LAN to send out mail
(through my SMTP server) to one of these other [EMAIL PROTECTED] which according
to MX is not my server, but according to control/virtualdomains and the
rules I have in assign, it is 

How do I get the box to distiguish between local and remote delivery so I
can continue to get my mail via SMTP feed, but I can still post out to
other users and domain.com who's popboxes are held at my ISP ?

Thoughts / Comments ?


Version: PGP 6.5.8


RE: web messaging

1999-09-08 Thread Simon Woodward

Last I heard Hotmail actually uses qmail to operate ... when MS took over
hotmail, they tried to replace everything with NT, but it just couldnt hack it.

On 08-Sep-99 at 07:48:39, Ilya Krel muttered something like:

> Is something hotmail-like possible for QMail? are there programs which allow
> it?

Spooling mail for ISDN Dialups

1999-07-23 Thread Simon Woodward


I have been using qmail for a while and generally have few problems, however
our main mailserver still runs sendmail and I have been made responsible for
investigating replacing it with qmail. Most of the crossover I can handle,
expet for one part:

We have many customers who have an ISDN lan connection, where every now and
then their ISDN machine will connect and grab its mail from a mail spool.
Basically we have sendmail configured so *anything*@blah.com is accepted by our
mail server and spooled, it then sits and waits for post.blah.com to dialup and
connect and it then gets all its mail.

How can I get qmail to emulate this kind of set up ?

any ideas will be appreciated.

Simon Woodward.
| Simon Woodward - Network Engineer   |
| Onyx Internet Ltd.Tel:+44 (0) 1642 216200   |
| Zetland Buildings,Fax:+44 (0) 1642 216201   |
| Exchange Square,  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Middlesbrough, TS1 1DEURL:http://www.onyx.net/  |

Diplomacy is about surviving until the next century.
Politics is about surviving until Friday afternoon.
-- Sir Humphrey Appleby


RE: Handling mail for "@domain.com" and "@sub.domain.com" to dif

1999-06-09 Thread Simon Woodward

Your files should be like this:






| Simon Woodward - Network Engineer   |
| Onyx Internet Ltd.Tel:+44 (0) 1642 216200   |
| Zetland Buildings,Fax:+44 (0) 1642 216201   |
| Exchange Square,  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Middlesbrough, TS1 1DEURL:http://www.onyx.net/  |