OT: Solaris vs. Linux vs. FreeBSD

2001-06-30 Thread Steve Fulton

> Wrong sorry. Actually the reason why most companies choose to have
> Solaris, Is that Wall Street (If your in the US and a technology company
> wanting to go public) will look at the OS that your company uses and it
> have some effect on what your IPO is going to be.

  I'd disagree with that somewhat.  One of the major reasons for Sun
Microsystem's success in the 1990's was because they would sell their high
end machines to sketchy start up dot coms while others like Compaq, IBM, HP
etc would not.  It was a lot easier to arrange a payment plan with Sun for
their servers than say IBM.  And remember, the free *nix's like BSD and
Linux were no where near production grade in the early 90's.


-- Steve

> Sean
> From: "Niles Rowland" Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 12:07 AM
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > I understand that Free BSD and Linux are the overwhelming choices of
> > the
> > > Internet pornography industry.  That is a good technical figure of
> > merit,
> > > because it means these servers are stable (for HTTP) when getting
> > lots and
> > > lots of hits.
> > >
> >
> > Actually, Linux and FreeBSD are the systems of choice in startup porn
> > companies because of their low cost.  Once a company begins to move
> > major traffic they find that low cost systems have too many
> > limitations to handle what the leaders of the company want to do.
> > This is when they use their new found wealth to buy Solaris.
> >
> >
> >

Re: Load Testing on QMAIL

2001-02-15 Thread Steve Fulton

  This has actually brought up a question I've been wondering about
.. what tools are there available that I can use to measure the
performance of a mail server?  Ie. SMTP, POP, IMAP?  This would be
extremely useful to show hard data to management about performance..

  So, could anyone point me in the right direction for such tools?


Qwest.net & Qmail - online presentation..

2001-01-27 Thread Steve Fulton

I just got this off /. and there was a link to how Qwest.net set up its
mailservers.  It's a basic presentation with photos, but its useful.  What's
really nice is their use of Qmail & explaination why..



RAID & Qmail.

2001-01-19 Thread Steve Fulton

I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
I'd like advice on this question:

Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
because they don't know better - and won't listen.


OT: Exclamation marks.

2001-01-19 Thread Steve Fulton


  The US Secret Service uses a formula devised by a psyciatrist to
determine the danger level someone poses by their use of exclamation
marks.  Specifically, the number of exclamation marks they use to make a
point. So, I suggest that this list filter out those messages that have this
characteristic for everyone's safety.


Netscape Messaging Server -> qmail advice

2001-01-05 Thread Steve Fulton

I've been asked to migrate a mail server from Netscape to qmail, and I'd
appreciate any advice on the subject.  I also have searched this list
archives, and they have been useful to a point, any realworld experience
helps - I'll be transferring over 18,000 accounts to the new server.

Also, would a single server be able to handle 18k accounts, or is
that too much to ask of a single, fast Intel-based machine?  I'm trying to
keep it simple, because the eventual administrators of the server are

One last question, for those with experience vpopmail, can it handle 18k+
users under a single domain?


Looking for a detailed qmail log analyzer .. preferably something pretty for the CEO.

2000-12-27 Thread Steve Fulton

I've been looking at some of the log file analzyers available, and I haven't
yet found one that meets our needs without some additional programming - and
I am lousy @ programming - so I've decided to throw the dice & ask you all,
the venerable members of the qmail list.

Basically, I am looking for an analyzer that can give me general statistics
(daily, weekly, monthly), domain specific stats (d/w/m etc, how much mail
sent out, sent in etc) and *user* specific stats - so I can catch spammers
and other such wankers.  I've looked at qlogtools, isoQlog etc, but they do
not seem to go far enough.  On top of that, I need something that would look
pretty when I show the CEO of the company -- we all know how CEO's like
pretty graphs.  Something like the isoQlog program, with a touch of mrtg
thrown in (yes, I know about the qmail-mrtg scripts - but they don't go far
enough either).

So, can anyone suggest anything?


Re: Slackware

2000-11-20 Thread Steve Fulton

Here's that portion of my rc.local file (in /etc/rc.d)

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3
/usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-popup pop3.esotericsystems.org \
/bin/checkpassword /usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1 |
\ /usr/local/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d &

Works like a charm.


- Original Message -
From: "Luka Gerzic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 7:31 AM
Subject: Slackware

> Does anyone have a slackware startup scripts for qmail w/ qmailpop3d (on
> tcpserver)?
> There are some problems when try to fix configure script given on lwq.
> difference from RH is that slack have /etc/rc.d/ instead /etc/init.d/
> and also files rc. instead of rc.dX dir's.
> greetz

Re: QMail & MRTG (Update).

2000-10-02 Thread Steve Fulton

I managed to solve my problems with Sean Truman's qmail-mrtg script and I
thought I'd share it..

Simply, his script cannot read from the /var/log/qmail/current file because
I was using SPLOGGER to dump it, via syslog, to /var/log/mail .. That

So .. if you want to use Sean Truman's script, make sure you are NOT using
splogger!  Just delete "splogger qmail" from the rc file.. and the
appropriate info will be dumped to the /var/log/qmail/current file.


QMail & MRTG.

2000-10-02 Thread Steve Fulton

First, let me preface with saying I've played with the 2 Qmail/MRTG scripts
I know of, read the (little) documentation for both, re-installed, jigged,
prayed and even gone to the main MRTG site looking for anything that could
help.. Nothing has.  I even e-mailed Sean Truman (author of the latest
QMail/MRTG script) to no avail.

My problem is this:  I can get reports on concurrency, but nothing else.
When I run Truman's program manually on my logs, I only get back two
zeroes - as if there was no calculation done at all.  Funny thing is, there
is a noticable delay as the program reads the log file.

For example, to monitor throughput, I use the command line:

`/usr/local/bin/qmail-mrtg -4 < /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current`

As you can see, it points to my smtpd log.  Yes, I noticed that in his
original config it points to a log under /qmail-send/ instead of /smtpd/,
but I don't have one.

Any help would be appreciated -- even just to enlighten me further on qmail
logs -- so maybe, just maybe, I'll write my own.


Where can I find CYCLOG?

2000-09-22 Thread Steve Fulton

I am having trouble finding CYCLOG... I've searched Freshmeat.net and come
up empty.  If it comes with a particular package, which package?  And if
(on the odd chance) I have already installed that package, where would I
find CYCLOG on the average system?  Thanks.
