sendmail --> qmail (Maildir)

1999-12-10 Thread Yamin Prabudy

I like to migrate from sendmail to qmail
and in qmail i like to used the Maildir format
well anyone can guide me to the URL that contains this stuf
or show me how to do it


Yamin Prabudy

sendmail to qmail

1999-12-16 Thread Yamin Prabudy

How to convert the mbox format to Maildir format
I need to convert my sendmail format to qmail with Maildir


Yamin Prabudy

1999-12-17 Thread Yamin Prabudy

i have the but it say it need
can anyone send it to me the file 

Yamin Prabudy

migrate to qmail

2000-10-10 Thread Yamin Prabudy

I'm new in this unix stuff, but i got a job that must be dunn
I need a help here.

I got two server (one is running sendmail(old server) and one is running
I need to move all my user in old server to a new one (running qmail).
Can anyone point me what i must do (step by step)

Thanks in advance

any comment on this line

2000-10-23 Thread Yamin Prabudy

My friend forwad it to me from

a.. Qmail admins: Qmail's current version is insecure by default. Most
admins know enough to follow the instructions for securing it before putting
qmail into service, however it usually drops ORBS test messages checking for
UUCP pathing vulnerabilities - "! pathing" - into the admin mailbox. As ! is
a standard network addressing indicator, this can only be charitably
described as yet another Qmail bug. Qmail is extremely network unfriendly
and has been known to cause effective denial of service attacks on other
mailservers in its enthusiasm to deliver as many messages as possible in a
short period of time. For this reason it is best reserved for mailing list
server purposes only.


I need to know the real stuff cause I'm going to build and email server
using qmail for an ISP

Thanks all for the comment

qmailanalog + qmailmrtg

2000-11-27 Thread Yamin Prabudy

Did anyone compile qmail-mrtg-1.0 from Sean ?
where can i get the /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current -> how can i generate
this file so the qmail-mrtg program can read it ?

I used Sean Truman qmailmrtg script and seems like in qmail-mrtg.c had some
problem in strncmp should be strcmp.

Thanks in Advance

dummy Q

2001-01-02 Thread Yamin Prabudy

Hi there
I have a situation heremy server been flood by some jurk
the jurk send an email to invailed user in my system and as a postmaster I
recieved all the 2000 junk mail.
Is there a way to restrict incoming mail ?
I mean only 1 mail can get in my sistem the other (with a same header and
same size) are rejected ?
