Installing mini-qmail seems to require qmail ids contrary to documentation

2001-01-15 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

According to Dan's page on mini-qmail, installing mini-qmail doesn't require
qmail entries in /etc/passwd or /etc/group. So one should conceptually
just have to unpack qmail-1.03.tar.gz, create /var/qmail and run make
setup check

However, on doing this this is the error message received

./load auto-gid substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a 
( ./auto-uid auto_uida `head -1 conf-users` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidd `head -2 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidl `head -3 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uido `head -4 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidp `head -5 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidq `head -6 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uidr `head -7 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-uid auto_uids `head -8 conf-users | tail -1` \
&&./auto-gid auto_gidq `head -1 conf-groups` \
&&./auto-gid auto_gidn `head -2 conf-groups | tail -1` \
) > auto_uids.c.tmp && mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c
fatal: unable to find user alias

So, does the installation of mini-qmail require creating of user-ids for
installation and then one can delete them subsequently

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Large todo slows down qmail-send

2000-07-06 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

FreeBSD machine with the queue on a softupdate filesystem

Hi, I have a todo directory which has approx 200K messages in it. This
leads to congestion in qmail-send since todo processing takes up far
too much time. It's a bit too late to install the big-todo patch
(since I don't want to blow up the queue). Are there any other
techniques to help speed up qmail-send. I have temporarily shutdown
incoming mail to let the queue drain

Is there a way to put a secondary installation of qmail to help
process messages faster

Regards, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Re: Recipient MTA is rejecting bounces

2000-04-25 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

> A bounce message bounced.  When this happens, qmail generates a
> double-bounce and tries to send it to the local postmaster address.  It
> uses the completely invalid envelope sender "#@[]" to ensure that
> double-bounces can't then bounce again and generate mail loops.
> You apparently are forwarding postmaster mail to another system which is
> doing resolveable name checks on envelope senders, and doesn't like
> qmail's special double-bounce sender.

That is true, However I changed the forwarding to another system which
doesn't do resolveable name checks and yet the messages are continuing
to go the old system. (I changed /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster) and
restarted qmail. Is this appropiate ?

What are the alternatives to clear these messages from the queue

Also, Do people see the benifit in doing resolvable name checks. Doesn't
it hurt in the above scenario

Thanks, Yusuf

Recipient MTA is rejecting bounces

2000-04-24 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I have a qmail-1.03 machine saw in my queue a few bounces in
them. Also, looking at my logs I saw the following message

@40003905243f24daf1b4 delivery 34: deferral:

Is the recipient MTA correct in its behaviour or have I misconfigured
something on my side

Regards, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Converting a sendmail rule for anti spamming to Qmail

2000-03-04 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

I came across this. Can I get similar functionality in Qmail. If so, how
Comments on whether this is appropiate or not is also welcome

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Will moving system time back lead to bad juju ?

2000-02-26 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, One of my machines is out of sync by approx an 1.5 hrs (I thought
there was ntpd running but it wasn't). It's ahead by 1.5 hrs

This box runs a few moderated mailing lists and some unmoderated mailing
lists. Thus the queue is not fairly full though there may be a a few
messages in there due to remote hosts down or timeouts etc

If I were to sync the clock via ntpdate/xntp. Will this lead to any bad
juju. Under what conditions are time shifts acceptable/valid for qmail

Regards, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Is it possible to route mail to /dev/null from .qmail files

1999-10-29 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Platform RH 6.0 with kernel 2.2.13

Hi, I just tried the following experiement in a .qmail-ext file
which contains the following line

Sending email to user-ext@machine results in the following message in
the log file

deferral: Unable_to_write_/dev/null:_invalid_argument._(#4.3.0)/

However, the above scheme works on a FreeBsd box

Anything I might have missed

Regards, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Question on big-todo patch

1999-08-25 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, My todo directory has grown to around 7000 files and I am
considering using the big-todo patch. I have never used it

Do I just stop qmail, apply the patch and reinstall or do I have to
munge the queue. If I have to munge the queue, what is the magic
incantation to keep exisiting messages safe

Cheers, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Re: Is it possible to reject mail from sites with incorrect inverse DNS records

1999-05-21 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Thanks, for the info

> However, note that in my experience i have not seen any adverse effects of
> allowing connections from sites which have no PTR records. Why do you want
> to reject these connections?

Wouldn't spammers be likely to come from sites with such credentials,
OTOH, It might affect people whose ISP's are unwilling/not clued in to
set reverse maps for them

Thanks, yusuf

Is it possible to reject mail from sites with incorrect inverse DNS records

1999-05-20 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I run a mail server with an upatched qmail-1.03 and tcpserver with rblsmtpd.

Is it possible to reject mail from sites which don't have correct inverse DNS 
records (PTR records). If there is patch for qmail/tcpserver, would appreciate a 
pointer to it and a usage example

Thanks, Yusuf

Is there a similar feature to sendmail's 'access_db' macro ?

1999-05-10 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I want to setup a front-end which does spam-management to a set of 
qmail boxes and I was wondering if there was a way to get a similar feature 
as sendmail's FEATURE('access_db') which allows one to reject both senders/recipients 
at the SMTP level

Thanks, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

Does Qmail have support for Dynamic IP Spam Sources List

1999-03-22 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, The following web site

seems to have a mechanism to prevent spammers from sending directly
from dial-up lines. The site has no docs on how to get qmail
integrated with it, Anybody have any idea

Thanks, Yusuf
Yusuf Goolamabbas

Should tcpserver block connections once conccurrency has been reached

1999-03-16 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I am currently using tcpserver on a Linux 2.0.36 box/RH 5.2 box
I have setup tcpserver with a limit of 5 connections via -c5 and
backlog of 1 with -b1

However, when I start up the 7th and subsequent connection, I
basically get held up waiting for the smtpgreeting string which will
occur as soon as I close some other connection.

However with netstat -t I can see, that all the exisiting connections
are in the ESTABLISHED state. If I were to increase concurrency limit
to something higher, is there a possibility that the OS TCP tables
might become full, with most entries primarily waiting for connections
to complete. Would it be better to refuse connection ?

In sendmail 8.9.3, using the following flags

# maximum number of children we allow at one time
O MaxDaemonChildren=4   
# maximum number of new connections per second
O ConnectionRateThrottle=3

If the sixth connection comes in, its is refused

Is there a patch to tcpserver which does something similar or this
concept/idea is bogus :-)

Thanks, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

How to slowly drain Maildir via maildirsmtp ?

1999-02-05 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I had setup a backup mailserver to collect incoming mail whilst my 
server was being upgraded. I used virtualdomains and put it all in a
Maildir. Now that the server has been upgraded, I plan to use
maildirsmtp to send the mail back out. However, I would like to not
flood the remote machine and send some messages, wait for (a little
while) the remote machine to clear its queue etc

Appreciate any ideas

Regards, Yusuf

Yusuf Goolamabbas

debbugs and qmail

1999-02-02 Thread Yusuf Goolamabbas

Hi, I came across the Debian bug tracking system today

In the README file, it is mentioned as

If the local MTA is qmail you _must_ install a different MTA somewhere
(eg in a subdirectory) and tell the bug system to use that;
qmail has broken command-line parsing in its /usr/lib/sendmail

Has anybody used this package and can elaborate on what the author
refers to as broken command-line parsing

Yusuf Goolamabbas