how to apply psql-patch to qmail source???

2001-02-09 Thread chris Günther

Hi folks - its me again. 

I found the document very usefull so far, but now I wonder how 
and when I should apply the patches to the sourcetree. I need 
the qmail-pgsql-latest.patch and the checkpassword-pgsql-latest.patch
in my environment and as well I think I gonna use Mail2DB for 
my qmail installation. I'd like to know if I should try a normal 
install first or if I should apply all the patches and enhance-
ments at once and the do a complete install.

Has anyone a tip for me???

Second: I tried to apply the qmail-pgsql-latest.patch to the qmail-
sources but I seem to do something wrong because when I do:

patch qmail-pgsql-latest.patch

nothing happens. In the patch the first line tells sopmething like:

diff -ruN qmail-1.03/Makefile qmail-pgsql/Makefile

this I don't nderstand because all I have is the patchfile and the qmail-

Please help again...

 chris Günther

|    chris Günther|
| |
|  Web & Database Developer   |
| Unix Administrator  |
| |
| --- |
|   uscreen   |
|  Gesellschaft für Internet  |
| und Multimedia mbH  |
| |
| --- |
| Hofaue 51   |
| 42103 Wuppertal |
| |
| Fon (02 02) 979020 - 23 |
| Fax (02 02) 979020 - 11 |

please help me - newbie questions

2001-02-09 Thread chris Günther

Hi folks,

I'm new to this list and as well to qmail. I'm supposed to set up
a mail-server for our company and I'm totally confused. My situation
is as follows:

We have am inernal net here with a Redhat Linux 6.2 Server. This server
is our DNS, firewall and fileserver, all in one. The Server has two
network cards, one with an internal address, say, and one 
with an official address say - this is my birthday ;-)
The server is connected to our ISP via DSL and the connection is always
open. Now I have to set up qmail on this server and I just can't figure
out how this should work. I have followed all the instructions in the
source distribution to install and do the minmal configuration. The server
shoud be named for smtp and mail, or 
for pop - or should I use IMAP - I don't know. All I know is that the 
server needs to be up and running on next monday.

Can anyone direct me to a poit where there is a good description on how
to set up qmail from scratch??? The information on 
weren't too helpfull. All I want to know is - where do I have to set up 
the mail servers forwarding the mails to other networks - for example if 
I'd want to send mail to this list from my workstation over our own
mailserver; where can I configure the pop-accounts for incoming mail
and so on. 

PLEEEAASEE help me out,

thankx in advance,


|chris Günther|
| |
|  Web & Database Developer   |
| Unix Administrator  |
| |
| --- |
|   uscreen   |
|  Gesellschaft für Internet  |
| und Multimedia mbH  |
| |
| --- |
| Hofaue 51   |
| 42103 Wuppertal |
| |
| Fon (02 02) 979020 - 23 |
| Fax (02 02) 979020 - 11 |