
2000-11-02 Thread net admin

Hi folks
I have relaying enabled for a host by IP address as follow:
in /etc/tcp.smtp,RELAYCLIENT=""

and did tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.temp < /etc/tcp.smtp
also kill -HUP qmail-send
but relaying still fails
What could be missing here?



How to stop deinstalled Sendmail from checking queue

2000-09-18 Thread net admin

Hi Filks;

I replaced sendmail with Qmail 1.03 and now SEndmail is sending too many 
error messages from cron jobs trying to check the queue every 30 mins.
How to stop this madness?
I get this error email message:
cron:  Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail -q

illegal option --q


Relaying and /control/rcpthosts

2000-08-30 Thread net admin

I am trying to setup selective relaying for a client who wants to send
email through our Qmail server from his office LAN.
I allowed his office IP block in my /etc/tcp.smtp file as follows

This I assume this will let him relay as long as he comes from the IP address
pool above regardles of what his email address is.
But relay fails until I also put his domain in the /control/rcpthosts
file! I don't want everybody in his domain to relay just him.
How to do that?



Detailed log for SMTP transaction

2000-08-30 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;

Where can I locate the detailed log/SMTP transaction record for a mail
that was delevered to my mail server (qmail-1.03)?
Need to track the sender by IP address



SMTP and POP3 connections take too long

2000-07-28 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;

I have qmail-1.03 running on FreeBSB and one of the virtual domains for which we 
handle mail for is a small company with some users on a local NT network connected to 
the net by DSL. They are using a Netscream DSL router/firewall combo.
Connections from clients to our SMTP/POP server take 25 - 50 Secs their firewall is 
configured to allow everything out and nothing in (some other NT integrator is doing 
this for them/to them) I went through our DNS zone files to find any problems but none 
(MX is pointing to our SMTP/POP server) connections get established but just takes too 
We host their web site and mail services they get DSL from Pacbell.
Where else should I look for more clues obout this slow down if it is caused by our 
mailserver or how to speed things up.


How to set qmail to forward all email to mail hub

2000-07-24 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;

What is the best way to set up qmail to handle mails from web forms and CGIs and send 
it to a mail hub for processing i.e a qmail install that does not do any mail 
processing even for locals but send all mail to another qmail server. 

I would want all mail ent to mail hub masqueraded to remove host name



How to increase the MAX hop count

2000-06-21 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;
I am seeing a bunch of message delivery failed bounces that says:
Too many hops 27 (MAX 25) ...
since almost all the bounces were just a couple of hops more than the max I would like 
to increase my max hop count to, say .. 30, how do I do this and what are the gotchas 
if any?

Dan   Thanks

Re: Help Please!

2000-06-06 Thread net admin

On Tue, 30 May 2000, yavuz wrote:

> Hello
> I have installed qmail1.03 under the FreeBSD3.4  
> I can log in pop3 and smtp ports in telnet 
> But I can not putting any user in mailbox 

Try su  -c /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake ~/Maildir

 is the local user you want to add

and create a .qmail file in user home dir containing ./Maildir/
user must own all files/dir you create in his/her homedir


Upgrading fron sendmail to Qmail, queue problems

2000-06-05 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;
I am upgrading a FreeBSD sendmail server to Qmail, did go through the FAQ
and docs extensively, qmail runs and I see all the processes running but
when I try to send mail to local user I get the following errors:

qmaili delivery 1: defferal: fastforward:_fatal:_

qmaili warning: trouble opening local/2/0/70377; will try again later

qmaili   delivery 1: defferal: sorry,_message_has_wrong_owner

I am using fastforward for sendmail /etc/aliases
~alias/.qmail-default contains:

| fastforward -d /etc/aliases.cdb

I did: tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.temp < /etc/tcp.smtp
and it was OK

also did 'make setup check' at the qmail source dir and went OK

AND I AM RUNNING OUT OF CLUES! (time to get coffee and another brain)

Thanks for any help


Web interface for POP administration

2000-06-03 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;
I would like to give my virtual domain customers some administrative
control over their pop accounts i.e add pop account, change password and
delete pop account  in their domain.
Is there a tool out there that does this?
I am running FreeBSD and am looking at Qmail/Maildir/qmail-pop3d setup to
replace my sendmail box.
My web server and mail server are two seperate machines the admin tools
has to work across multiple machines.
If anybody has done this kind of work before, I would like to hear from

Qmail startup script install for FreeBSD

2000-06-01 Thread net admin

Hi folks;
I am in need of example startup script for Qmail on a FreeBSD system,
I am assuming the script will be in:

-- /usr/local/etc/rc.dand ""  will do for filename

I also have /usr/local/etc/rc.d/   which will start
tcpserver smtp on startup and contains: 

tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u -g10047 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
(all in one line)

I am not yet on the list so please forward reply to me.



Migrating to Qmail, Maildir issues

2000-05-30 Thread net admin

Hi Folks;
I just spent a day and half preparing my heavly used Sendmail mailserver
to migrate to Qmail.
Compiled and configured:
--  Qmail-1.03
--  ucspi-tcp-0.88
--  fastforward-0.51
--  checkpassword-0.81
all the above tested OK (except checkpassword because Qmail is not running
Also I setup config files:
../control/rcpthosts (all my children)
../control/virtualdomains(My cousins and virtualdomains) 
../control/defaulthost   (Masquerading)
../control/locals(Me, myself and I)
/etc/tcp.smtp (Few hosts allowed to relay)

The BIG questions is that all the users are now using /var/mail format for
mail delivery, some users don't have local account on the mail server
(POP3 dialup users) the rest have local accounts/homedirs on the
mailserver but still use /var/mail  format.
I want to convert all mail delivery format to ~user/Maildir but how can I
do that for those users that aready use /var/mail delivery and don't have
local homedirs?  
How do I make a transparent switch and have all user to confirm to
~user/Maildir format?

I thought that I've masterd the beast, and now comes another switch!

Thanks alot