Re: Linux7

2000-10-18 Thread pgracia

I installed qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin under xinetd in Red Hat 7 without big problems:

SMTP (taken from FAQ):

service smtp{
 disable= no
  socket_type   = stream
protocol= tcp
wait  = no
user  = qmaild
id   = smtp
server = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
server_args   = /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

#Some interesting features

#redirect= 25



service pop3{
  disable= no
socket_type   = stream
protocol= tcp
wait  = no
user  = root
id   = pop3
server = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
server_args   = /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup hostname /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw (or /bin/checkpassword if you don't use vpopmail) /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Upgrading from Girlfriend v1.0 to Wife V 1.0 (was RE: DJB Girlfriend V 1.0- a solution for all)

2000-10-06 Thread pgracia

Take a pill of sense of humour and then continue...

As any veteran user of Girlfriend V 1.0 knows, this application will install a daily cron job that prints in stdout the advantages of upgrading to Wife V 1.0. I asked a friend that performed this operation short ago and he sent me some advices:

The upgrading of Girlfriend V 1.0 to Wife V 1.0 isn't a trivial task. Before performing the operation you have to be sure of having a lot of system resources available because Wife V 1.0 will need most of them.

Also you have to be aware of a couple of undocumented features in the new program:

1- Wife V 1.0 will spawn several child processes after a while that will call new processes like SchoolBill V 0.2 and XmasToys V1.0, consuming additional resources of the system
2- Wife V 1.0 install without the root knowledge, a dangerous monitoring software that will prevent to start maintance tasks like PokerNight, BeerParty or FootballTV
3- Wife V 1.0 will autoinstall several programs in /usr/local/bin/family-in-law that will reduce the funcionality of the whole system
4- If you try to install new programs like Lover V1.1 in the same filesystem, Wife V 1.0 will delete /dev/money and perform an auto-uninstall. Then Lover V1.1 will refuse to be installed due to insufficient systems resources 
5- Even if you install Lover V1.1 in another filesystem, delete manually enviroment variables like LIPSTICK of PARFUM because if they are set will cllide with Wife V 1.0
6- Make sure of configure Wife V 1.0 with --no-network option because it has been reported that eventually Wife V 1.0 can look for another hosts with more resources

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

forwarding the subject of an incoming mail to another address

2000-09-25 Thread pgracia


I use qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin. What I am trying to do is to set up an email account [EMAIL PROTECTED] so when it receives a new mail, it extracts the subject and forwards it to another mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mail to sms gateway).

I have a .qmail-user file with the following line (that works in the console):

| /bin/grep -e From -e Subject | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject [EMAIL PROTECTED]

but this is what I am getting

969880946.483051 delivery 193: deferral: qmail-inject:_fatal:_read_error/
969880946.483064 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

What am I doing wrong?

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Re: Webmail utility for Qmail

2000-09-22 Thread pgracia

I use sqwebmail:

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Send the sender and subject of an e-mail to a pager or cell phone

2000-09-22 Thread pgracia


A new customer wants to receive a notification in his pager or cell phone every time he receives a mail, with information like the sender and subject of the mail. Any idea about how can it be done? I only would know how to send a copy of the entire mail to his cell phone through email...

Thanks in advance

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

xinetd and qmail-pop3d

2000-09-05 Thread pgracia


I have been trying to set up qmail and xinetd. No problem with the smtp part, it works perfectly... but I was unable to set up qmail-pop3d correctly. Anyone has experience with this? Is there any disadvantage to use xinetd with qmail?

Thanks in advance

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Re: looping

2000-08-29 Thread pgracia


Sorry to everyone. A misconfigured Lotus Domino Server has been replying to all the messages that came in from the external qmail server during last night.

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Re: very slow POPand SMTP authorization

2000-08-25 Thread pgracia


I had the same problem. The delay was produced because the pop3 authentification was using identd throught the port 113 and that port wasn't open in the firewall rules. You either can open that port in your firewall (betwwen you DMZ and internal net shouldn't be a security issue) or disable the use of identd in the tcpserver's call to pop3.

Hope it helps.

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Re: qmail and MRTG

2000-08-21 Thread pgracia

The one present at
are still only for cyclog so you should definitively have a chance. 

Does the script run from crontab have reading rights? 


The mail logs are owned by qmaill user. I ran the script from qmaill and also from root with no luck at all. Even when I use the command line qmail-mrtg-concurrency /var/log/qmail I got 0 0.

This is how cyclog is invoked...

 502 ?S   0:00 supervise /var/lock/qmail qmail-start ./Maildir/ accustamp qmail
 503 ?S   0:00 cyclog -s 100 -n 10 /var/log/qmail

Any idea?

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

qmail and MRTG

2000-08-20 Thread pgracia


I'm using a couple scripts that should push qmail logs into MRTG but I am having no luck. All I got is 0 0 all the time. One of the scripts is from prodigysolutions and the other from Anyway the only working part I have is the queue size but nothing else works. I use cyclog. Anyone can help me please?

Paco Gracia
Technical Director
Amira Sistemas

Re: qmailanalog for dummies

2000-08-09 Thread pgracia


I run this script from cron one time per day.
I've copied from qmail list time ago and it's slighty modified from the
original one made by Jay Soffian.
BTW thanks Jay.


export PATH

umask 077



Subject: `hostname` qmail statistics


touch $EXT_FILE
cat $EXT_FILE $LOG_FILE | matchup  $TMP_FILE 5$
mv $ $EXT_FILE

zoverall  $TMP_FILE  $OUT_FILE
echo "--"  $OUT_FILE
zfailures$TMP_FILE  $OUT_FILE
echo "--"  $OUT_FILE
zdeferrals$TMP_FILE  $OUT_FILE

/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject  $OUT_FILE

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Port 113 and POP3

2000-08-09 Thread pgracia

Hello everyone,

Is there any way of setting up qmail-pop3d so the authentification doesn't need a query through port 113?


Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

RE: help with strange problem

2000-08-08 Thread pgracia

 to add
 I have discovered that the users that are working are in
 what updates this file?

Maybe the problem is there. Check the entries in this file to be:

+domain.tld:user:uid:gid:directory where Maildir is:-::

for example... my account in my domain would be something like

Anyway the reference to mailbox in the error message is weird...

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

Qmail and NIS databases

2000-08-08 Thread pgracia

Maybe someone could interest this one:

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

POP3 weird problem

2000-07-13 Thread pgracia

Hello everyone,

I have a server running Linux RH6.2 with qmail,vpopmail, qmailadmin. I'm using qmail-pop3d and Maildir as delivery method. Everything was working fine until yesterday a guy on my company updated the kernel of that machine and fixed a small problem with a firewall, opening port 113.

From then, everytime the pop3 server server starts I got a hard error message before the usual message. Besides the authentification stopped working... now I got -ERR This user has no $HOME/Maildir when I try to read the mail via pop3. The smtp server and the webmail works ok. I recompile qmail but nothing changed.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Paco Gracia
Amira Sistemas