(No subject)

2001-07-03 Thread reach_prashant

Hello friends

i have been using qmail-1.03 from almost a year now , and before 2 days
i have received a complain from one of my customer that he is not able to
send (relay or mail destined to localdomain) from my qmail-smtpd , he is
getting an error "connection timeout/reset" etc errors while sending the
mail , further if the mail contains more then one line then this is
happening ,but if the message is lesser then one line (message body is
lesser then one line) then qmail-smtpd is accepting his mails and mails are
also getting delivered sucessfully  but without any spaces (even if the
line contains space char) , 

 now the intresting thing is that the mail client from which this customer
is trying to send/receive mails works on TV , and its specifically designed
for broadband users , 

 i myself has tested this tool(mail client for tv for broadband network)
with other ISP's , other mail servers on internet but its working with all
those accept out mail server ,

 so please suggest how to debug/resolve this problem , 

 also if someone can tell me with which RFC's qmail complies with , 
pop-3 is also not working with this mail tool, so please suggest me the
RFC's for SMTP and POP with which qmail complies with.

Thanks & Regards
Prashant Desai

Wanna have a date?  Log on to http://dating.zeenext.com

(no subject)

1999-07-31 Thread eric

vchkpw uses the same qmail-pop3d.  All you have to do is change your
startup script for qmail to remove the default 'checkpoppasswd' (or
whatever it to called).  Then insert the compiled program
'/home/popusers/bin/vchkpw' in place of it.  Here's my Qmail startup
scripts from BEFORE and AFTER:


/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -H -c 20 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
thepublic.net /var/qmail/users/checkpoppasswd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d
Maildir &
^- All on one line.

(I know you can break this up, but why complex things?)

See that I am using /var/qmail/users/checkpoppasswd?  This is a modified
checkpoppasswd that I have done.

When you install vchkpw, all you do is change to:


/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -c 20 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
thepublic.net /home/popusers/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
^- All on one line.

See.  No mystery here.  vchkpw is a different user authentication.  vchkpw
also re-writes several files in the /var/qmail/control/* directory. 
Including virtualdomains and rctphosts.  So back them up before continuing.
 You can edit them later.

vchkpw also rewrites the /var/qmail/users/assign file to it's format.  So
this means any passwords you might have stored here already will be gone. 
You can backup a copy of it and delete what you have.  Then edit the
directories later.

That's basically the procedure for 'upgrading' to vchkpw.  I use the
default qmail-pop3d and smtpd.  As well as Qmail's 4 daemon's running,
hosting close to 200 domains now.  It hasn't flinched.  Not bad for a
little program called Qmail and vchkpw.  :)

Eric Duncan


Paul Farber writes:

> hello all
> I'm tring to set up two qmail-pop3d daemons using tcpserver on a RH 5.2
> box.  I've modified the qmail-pop3d.init files and added the service
> (vpop-3 108/tcp) and it starts up.
> I want to use vchpwd and qmailadmin to host more than one virtual domain.
> The INSTALL and FAQ don't cover what to do when you are adding vchkpw and
> still keep the original qmail-pop3d service running.
> Any advice?
> Paul D. Farber II
> Farber Technology
> Ph. 570-628-5303
> Fax 570-628-5545


(no subject)

1999-04-26 Thread Javed Ahsan


(no subject)

1999-12-16 Thread Stephan Weaver

i really like qmail.
I was wondering how to disable somethings.
if i telnet localhost 25
and i type 'help'
i get a response with a link to the qmail's homepage.
i dont want that, for security reasons.
mabee you guys can help me out?
thnx alot!
stephan weaver

(no subject)

2000-01-22 Thread ravivr



(no subject)

2000-05-22 Thread kapil sharma


(no subject)

2000-05-23 Thread kapil sharma


(No Subject)

2000-10-01 Thread clubysorgio
Title:  Message 


(no subject)

2000-11-29 Thread Ismail YENIGUL

(no subject)

2000-12-19 Thread Hugo Escobar


(no subject)

2001-01-02 Thread Hugo Escobar

unsubscribe qmail

(no subject)

2001-03-01 Thread Dan Hobbs


(no subject)

2001-03-13 Thread aamaro


There are two users called A and B.  I configure A .qmail file with
forward option to redirect emails to B.  When the message is sent to A
both (A and B)  received the message.
How can I do to make forward option goes to B user without A user
receive the message.


Alexandre Amaro

Re: (No subject)

2001-07-03 Thread Charles Cazabon

> i have been using qmail-1.03 from almost a year now , and before 2 days
> i have received a complain from one of my customer that he is not able to
> send (relay or mail destined to localdomain) from my qmail-smtpd , he is
> getting an error "connection timeout/reset" etc errors while sending the
> mail , further if the mail contains more then one line then this is
> happening ,but if the message is lesser then one line (message body is
> lesser then one line) then qmail-smtpd is accepting his mails and mails are
> also getting delivered sucessfully  but without any spaces (even if the
> line contains space char) , 

His SMTP client is broken.  qmail-smtpd doesn't fiddle with the contents of
the message at all.  And the one-line/several-lines thing sounds like the CRLF
issue in part.  Use recordio to capture his sessions if you want to be sure.

>  also if someone can tell me with which RFC's qmail complies with , 
> pop-3 is also not working with this mail tool, so please suggest me the
> RFC's for SMTP and POP with which qmail complies with.

qmail aims to be compliant with most of RFC821 and RFC822, which have recently
been replaced with RFC2821 and RFC2822.  POP3 is governed by RFC1939.

Again, I repeat:  his client is broken.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/

Re: (no subject)

1999-12-17 Thread Dave Sill

"Stephan Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i really like qmail.

Me too.

>I was wondering how to disable somethings.
>if i telnet localhost 25
>and i type 'help'
>i get a response with a link to the qmail's homepage.
>i dont want that, for security reasons.
>mabee you guys can help me out?

Modify the source code, qmail-smtpd.c, to be specific.

There's really nothing to be gained by trying to hide the fact that
you're running qmail because: (1) there are no known security holes
in qmail, and (2) qmail is recognizable by its behavior.


RE: (No Subject)

2000-10-01 Thread Brett Randall

MessageApart from the fact that (and this I guess :> ) was a pointless waste
of bandwidth for the qmail list,
1. We don't like HTML messages in general...
2. Your date looks screwed


InterPlanetary Solutions

  -Original Message-
  From: clubysorgio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, 5 October 2014 4:52 PM
  Subject: (No Subject)


Re: (No Subject)

2000-10-05 Thread Adam McKenna

Well, this should be entertaining.


Adam McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "No matter how much it changes, 
http://flounder.net/publickey.html   |  technology's just a bunch of wires 
GPG: 17A4 11F7 5E7E C2E7 08AA|  connected to a bunch of other wires."
 38B0 05D0 8BF7 2C6D 110A|  Joe Rogan, _NewsRadio_

Re: (no subject)

2001-03-13 Thread Charles Cazabon

> There are two users called A and B.  I configure A .qmail file with forward
> option to redirect emails to B.  When the message is sent to A both (A and B)
> received the message.  How can I do to make forward option goes to B user
> without A user receive the message.

Simply put "&address_of_B" into ~A/.qmail .  This will forward all mail
which is addressed to A to user B.  If there are no other lines in user
A's .qmail file, they will not get a copy of any mail.

Read the manual page for dot-qmail for further information.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.