Re: bouncing a domain permanently

1999-12-06 Thread Ronny Haryanto

On 06-Dec-1999, Ruben van der Leij wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 02:05:57PM -0600, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> > How can I bounce a domain permanently?
> man qmail-control says:
> badmailfrom
> man qmail-smtpd gives the details:
> badmailfrom
>  Unacceptable envelope sender addresses.  qmail-smtpd will reject every recipi-
>  ent address for a message if the envelope sender address is listed in badmail-
>  from.   A  line in badmailfrom may be of the form @host, meaning every address
>  at host.

But it doesn't handle lists or aliases, for example:

mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

passes through badmailfrom. However one of the member of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is [EMAIL PROTECTED] that I wanted to bounce

Ronny Haryanto

Re: bouncing a domain permanently

1999-12-06 Thread Ronny Haryanto

On 06-Dec-1999, Ruben van der Leij wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 02:16:30PM -0600, Ronny Haryanto wrote:
> > > badmailfrom
> > But it doesn't handle lists or aliases, for example:
> Correct. You can put all aliasses for a machine in badmailfrom, or put it's
> IP in your tcprules with a :deny -rule.
> badmailfrom only looks at the From: line and is easy to circumvent,
> filtering on IP is dependant on specific machines, but harder to bypass
> quickly. 

Thank you for your responses,

However, I think you misunderstood me. I want to refuse delivery to
certain domains based on the *recipients*. Something similar to
smtproutes except that the next hop is not a remote smtp server but a
local bounce agent, eg. something like:

For those of you that use Postfix might know what I'm talking about.
It can be done via Postfix's transport(5) table.

Ronny Haryanto

Re: bouncing a domain permanently

1999-12-06 Thread cmikk

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 14:50:27 -0600 , Ronny Haryanto writes:
> However, I think you misunderstood me. I want to refuse delivery to
> certain domains based on the *recipients*. Something similar to
> smtproutes except that the next hop is not a remote smtp server but a
> local bounce agent, eg. something like:
> For those of you that use Postfix might know what I'm talking about.
> It can be done via Postfix's transport(5) table.

In virtualdomains, put:

Then, in ~alias/.qmail-bounceit-default

| bouncesaying ""

Chris Mikkelson  | Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur