Take a pill of sense of humour and then continue...

        As any veteran user of Girlfriend V 1.0  knows, this application will install a daily cron job that prints in stdout the advantages of upgrading to Wife V 1.0. I asked a friend that performed this operation short ago and he sent me some advices:

        The upgrading of Girlfriend V 1.0 to Wife V 1.0 isn't a trivial task. Before performing the operation you have to be sure of having a lot of system resources available because Wife V 1.0 will need most of them.

         Also you have to be aware of a couple of undocumented features in the new program:

        1- Wife V 1.0 will spawn several child processes after a while that will call new processes like SchoolBill V 0.2 and XmasToys V1.0, consuming additional resources of the system
        2- Wife V 1.0 install without the root knowledge, a dangerous monitoring software that will prevent to start maintance tasks like PokerNight, BeerParty or FootballTV
        3- Wife V 1.0 will autoinstall several programs in /usr/local/bin/family-in-law that will reduce the funcionality of the whole system
        4- If you try to install new programs like Lover V1.1 in the same filesystem, Wife V 1.0 will delete /dev/money and perform an auto-uninstall. Then Lover V1.1 will refuse to be installed due to "insufficient systems resources"
        5- Even if you install Lover V1.1 in another filesystem, delete manually enviroment variables like LIPSTICK of PARFUM because if they are set will cllide with Wife V 1.0
        6- Make sure of configure Wife V 1.0 with --no-network option because it has been reported that eventually Wife V 1.0 can look for another hosts with more resources

Paco Gracia
Director Técnico
Amira Sistemas

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