> I need to replace a netscape mesenger server fonctionality with Qmail:
> is it possible with QMAIL?
> sure it is, but .......how ???

It is simple after some reading.

> all mails are recieve to the same server.
> when it receive an email it looks on the LDAP if he have to deliver it
> locally or remotely.

/var/qmail/control/locals is there exactly for this.

> if it is remotely it rewrite the adresse as "user@good-server-adress" and
> send it.

Search the archives for forward-domain. You will not have to go back so 
much in time if my memory works on my side.

> of course it use a specific feild in the ldap but I can change what ever 
> want on my LDAP

"joe /var/qmail/control/locals" is your friend.


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