I've expierenced the same with hotmail in the last few days. Perhaps an
overlooked MX config at slothmail has been introduced to both of us.
At 09:57 PM 2/22/2001 +0700, Chrisanthy Chrisanthy wrote:
>Greetings everybody!
>I've installed qmail-1.03 and vpopmail which was just up last week.
>I tried to send and receive email from several servers, such as
>Yahoo!, Excite, and some other servers. Some works fine, the messages
>could be received just in a short period.
>BUT, it takes a few hours, even a few days, when I tried to receive
>email from my Hotmail acct. Also from some mail servers. I have no idea
>why this
>happened, could this because of the routing problem or something is
>wrong with my mail server?
>can anyone help?
>Best regards,
> Chrisanthy