script filter before qmail-local

2001-08-02 Thread Jozef Hitzinger


I'm quite sure this is near FAQ, but I didn't succeed trying guessing it
myself, nor looking through archives, so pls forgive my asking here -

What I'm trying to do, is put a perl filter just before qmail-local puts
its hands on mail. I moved qmail-local to qmail-local-orig and put in a
script named qmail-local, which calls the filter first. 

Could you please tell me if it is possible to do this with a sh or perl
script? If yes, any hint will be highly appreciated, an example of script
which just does nothing and forwards mail to qmail-local-orig would be
great. I know I could write qmail-local replacement in C (qmail-lspawn.c &
qmail-local.c as inspiration), but I'd prefer the script solution now, if

The resulting flow would be like this:

qmail-lspawn --origmsg-> qmail-local --filteredmsg-> qmail-local-orig

The filter itself is simple one-pass always-success script, which just
scans attachements for .exe, .vbs, .. and adds .VIRUS extension, so that
nobody can simply click through the worms (yes I have such users here).
Yes, I'll make the script available (BSD) after some more testing.

jozef  :-)  

Re: script filter before qmail-local .. solved

2001-08-14 Thread Jozef Hitzinger

Ok, just in case anybody else will fight with it too, I found this:

jozef  :-)