server load?

2000-08-10 Thread Ross Lawrie


I noticed that the load on my qmail server was running higher than I
expected to, although I don't know should be normal for a qmail mail
server.  Perhaps someone here can tell me if this is normal, or if I
should look at fixing something?  I haven't yet applied the Russ
Nelson's big-todo patch, would it clean up some of this stuff?

I've got qmail 1.03, vpopmail 4.8.2 (yup, I should upgrade) and
qmailadmin 0.34 running on a RedHat 6.2 system using tcpserver (not
inetd).  There are only around 30 virtual domains on this server, and it
only allows relaying for our office mail, our virtual domains are not
sending through this server at all.

I have read the Life with qmail document, although it's entirely
possible I missed the page that tells me the answer.

45 processes: 42 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 55.9% user, 16.7% system,  0.0% nice, 27.2% idle
Mem:  127952K av, 124660K used,   3292K free,   4016K shrd,  55848K buff
Swap: 265032K av,   4732K used, 260300K free 32496K

16756 vpopmail  12   0 22436  21M   280 S   0 59.9 17.5   0:03
16757 qmailq 9   0   328  328   260 R   0  5.7  0.2   0:00
16753 vpopmail   0   0   500  500   376 S   0  0.5  0.3   0:00
16677 root   1   0  1024 1024   824 R   0  0.3  0.8   0:00 top
14791 root   0   0   576  176   112 R   0  0.1  0.1   0:00 sshd
16754 vpopmail   0   0   756  756   628 S   0  0.1  0.5   0:00 sh
1 root   0   0   108   5244 S   0  0.0  0.0   0:04 init

Thanks for any help.

Ross Lawrie

server load problem

2000-06-07 Thread kapil sharma

I am running redhat linux6.1, qmail. My server conf are as follows:
Intel PIII 550 MHz, 1 GB RAM, 48GB SCSI HDD
We are using a web based software developed by our company for proving
web based email service. Now there are about 24000 users on our server.
It is giving problems:
1: server gets hanged up.
2: CPU utilization id very high
3: RAM is being used too much.
I need a help to do memory management as well as to configure qmail
for very heavy loads.
Thank you

Kapil Sharma
DSF Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.

Re: server load problem

2000-06-07 Thread kapil sharma

I found out from top that mysqld is taking most of the cpu utilization.
Now how to customize it?
Server is hanging up and it won't respond to ctrl-alt-del

Greg Owen wrote:
> We are using a web based software developed by
> company for proving web based email service. Now
> there are about 24000 users on our server. It is
> giving problems:
> 1: server gets hanged up.
 Define "hanged up."
You get a kernel oops? System doesn't oops but
stops responding to network and keyboard input? System won't
respond to
> 2: CPU utilization id very high
 Great. Who's using
it? Use 'top', 'ps', or whatever your favorite
tool is to track heavy processor users.
> 3: RAM is being used too much.
 Great. Who's using
it? Use 'top', 'ps', or whatever your favorite
tool is to track memory hogs.
 I think you will find that,
unless it is misconfigured (e.g. the
startup script is starting qmail over and over again) that qmail isn't
responsible for high CPU or high RAM.
> I need a help to do memory management as well as to
> configure qmail for very heavy loads.
 You need to find out who
is using all that memory and CPU, and
either fix it or decide you need to add processor and memory.
Once you've
got spare capacity on the machine, you should modify your concurrencyremote
setting and your allowed concurrent incoming connections (tcpserver
where N is the max incoming concurrent connections) so that they can
use the
capacity. But I recommend fixing your CPU/RAM problems first.
 gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kapil Sharma
DSF Internet Services Pvt. Ltd.

RE: server load problem

2000-06-07 Thread Greg Owen

 I found out from top that mysqld is taking most of the
 cpu utilization. Now how to customize it? 

That's a better question for a MySQL list.  The problem can fall
into one of three categories:

1) MySQL itself has a bug which is being exercised and which needs fixing
2) Your company's code is inefficiently using MySQL and should be optimized
3) MySQL is fine, your code is fine, you just need more server for 24000

You'll need to find a MySQL resource that can help you with those
questions.  This list isn't it.

 Server is hanging up and it won't respond to ctrl-alt-del 

I would definitely raise that on a MySQL list.  I have never seen a
server with MySQL hit that failure mode, but my MySQL server experience was
with much smaller installations.  There are probably MySQL diagnostics and
logs which can help you figure out why things are getting that bad.

  gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mail server load testing

1999-06-04 Thread Fred Lindberg

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 01:26:19 -0500, Dave Teske wrote:

Does anyone know of any apps that can do load testing on mail servers. I've
seen a bunch that do web server load testing but none for mail servers. I've
got our server on a tiny (486 w/P90 upgrade chip  24mb ram)box and I'd like
to see how much load it'll handle before I go scrounging for a replacement.

qmail is an excellent tool for this. Just set up another computer with
qmail and a concurrencyremote as high or higher than the max number of
connections you can accept on the test machine. Set up an ezmlm list on
the test machine. Subscribe a lot of users test-123@testhost, over a
range of "123". Set up a user "test" on testhost. Create
~test/.qmail-default with a single "#" in it.

Send a message to the list on the other computer. It will send as many
messages as there are subscribers to the test machine. It does less
disk work that the test machine since it sends the same message to all
subscribers. The test machine receives the messages, queues them, then
delivers them discovering that the "#" which means that the delivery
succeeds without writing anywhere.

Thus, you test the [local] network, qmail-smtpd, queue and queuing,
that you have memory for the set number of incoming connections, etc.
For outbound mail, you can reverse the function of the two boxes.

Do yourself a favor and set it up with tcpserver and daemontools
(cyclog) directly. Otherwise, syslog may become limiting and you are
slow on incoming connections and have less control over the number.
Also, carefully read tcpserver docs on -H -l, etc.

What isn't tested: outside net, named (run a caching one locally).
Still, it tells you a lot, especially to what to limit the nuber of
incoming connections (tcpserver -c) and outgoing
(concurrencyremote/local) so that you don't run out of memory at
maximum load.

-Sincerely, Fred

(Frederik Lindberg, Infectious Diseases, WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA)

Mail server load testing

1999-04-01 Thread Dave Teske

Does anyone know of any apps that can do load testing on mail servers. I've
seen a bunch that do web server load testing but none for mail servers. I've
got our server on a tiny (486 w/P90 upgrade chip  24mb ram)box and I'd like
to see how much load it'll handle before I go scrounging for a replacement.


Re: Mail server load testing

1999-04-01 Thread Anand Buddhdev

On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 01:26:19AM -0500, Dave Teske wrote:

The Postfix distribution includes such tools. Go to:

 Does anyone know of any apps that can do load testing on mail servers. I've
 seen a bunch that do web server load testing but none for mail servers. I've
 got our server on a tiny (486 w/P90 upgrade chip  24mb ram)box and I'd like
 to see how much load it'll handle before I go scrounging for a replacement.

System Administrator
See complete headers for address, homepage and phone numbers

Re: Mail server load testing

1999-04-01 Thread Dave Teske

Thanks thats exactly what I wanted. I got the smtp sending tester working
(of course I didn't like the results...) Would you happen to know of any
docs for the 2 apps. I gathered what I needed for the cmdline help but addtl
info would be great.

Thanks again

The Postfix distribution includes such tools. Go to:

 Does anyone know of any apps that can do load testing on mail servers.
 seen a bunch that do web server load testing but none for mail servers.
 got our server on a tiny (486 w/P90 upgrade chip  24mb ram)box and I'd
 to see how much load it'll handle before I go scrounging for a

System Administrator
See complete headers for address, homepage and phone numbers