On Sun, 2003-12-21 at 15:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "|preline -d -f /usr/bin/spamc -d -p 783 -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -f 
> |/usr/local/bin/tomaildir $HOME/`echo $EXT | /usr/bin/tr [A-Z] [a-z]`/Maildir/"
> Is there some way to rewrite these so that I end up with something that accomplishes:
> "|preline -d -f /usr/bin/spamc -d -p 783 -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -f   ===>  

sure, pipe it to the 'forward' command, which is part of the qmail
package.  'man forward'  I think it's pretty easy.

> I'm more than willing to manually modify the files, if that is the way I have to go.

Yea, manually is what I just told you, I do recall someone recently
asking about a 'spam command' ./configure option for qmailadmin, so
perhaps there's a way to even automate the creation of those files.

I'm not quite sure if the ./configure section will help, but you can
certainly have a look :)

> Kudos to Tom and his boundless energy.  Happy holidays to all.

Indeed :)

Jeremy Kitchen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.

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