[qmailtoaster] Mailman list server on QMT

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Shubert
I've managed to get Mailman list server running on my QMT, and written 
up the procedure at http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/Mailman.

If anyone's interested in trying it out, please give it a go. I think 
the instructions are pretty complete, but it'd be nice to have a few 
folks try it out before we endeavor to create a formal mailman-toaster 
package (which we'd like to do).

And for you ezmlm users out there, I hope that someone will figure out 
an easy way to migrate lists from ezmlm to Mailman. I haven't looked 
into that at all, and don't need to either as I have no ezmlm lists.

-Eric 'shubes'

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Mails with the same sender recipient

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Shubert

Ariel wrote:
Hello list, do you take a hand for me to filter emails that arrive with 
the same sender and recipient.
I've tried spamdyke and I had many problems, I need to fix it without 

from:* riopedremaquina...@internueve.com.ar 

*to:* riopedremaquina...@internueve.com.ar 

*subjet:* Order discount

Hola lista,, alguien me puede hechar una mano para filtrar correos que 
me llegan con el mismo remitente y destinatario.
Ya he probado con spamdyke y tuve muchos problemas , necesito 
solucionarlo sin spamdyke

I think this is an inappropriate solution to whatever your problem is.

What is the problem you're trying to solve? Can you post the headers 
from an sample?

-Eric 'shubes'

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[qmailtoaster] Mails with the same sender recipient

2009-03-13 Thread Ariel
 Hello list, do you take a hand for me to filter emails that arrive with the
same sender and recipient.
I've tried spamdyke and I had many problems, I need to fix it without

from:* riopedremaquina...@internueve.com.ar
*to:* riopedremaquina...@internueve.com.ar
*subjet:* Order discount

Hola lista,, alguien me puede hechar una mano para filtrar correos que me
llegan con el mismo remitente y destinatario.
Ya he probado con spamdyke y tuve muchos problemas , necesito solucionarlo
sin spamdyke

Re: [qmailtoaster] Not receiving outside emails. Simscan?

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Maness
freshclam claimed all was up to date.

I removed simscan, clamav, and spamassassin (in that order) and
reinstalled them in reverse order. Appears to be working now! yay!

On Fri, March 13, 2009 12:46 pm, Jake Vickers wrote:
> Michael Maness wrote:
>> Still trying to nail this down. When I send things to simscan they're
>> still getting rejected.
>> @400049ba8d0210878f4c connect(): No such file or directory
>> @400049ba8d021087971c qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
>> temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)):
>> Also, my clamd log file is showing this error
>> @400049ba909e370ecf7c LibClamAV Error: Can't load
>> /usr/share/clamav/main.cvd: MD5 verification error
>> @400049ba909e370f544c ERROR: MD5 verification error
>> Could this be part of the problem?
> Try running freshclam and see if that clears up your DB issue. You may
> need to uninstall clamav-toaster, rebuild it (this is important if
> you're coming from an older version or you'll have a circular
> dependency) and then reinstall it.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
> For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

--Michael Maness, Technician
  Crockett Co. Schools

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For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

Re: [qmailtoaster] Not receiving outside emails. Simscan?

2009-03-13 Thread Jake Vickers

Michael Maness wrote:

Still trying to nail this down. When I send things to simscan they're
still getting rejected.

@400049ba8d0210878f4c connect(): No such file or directory
@400049ba8d021087971c qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)):

Also, my clamd log file is showing this error

@400049ba909e370ecf7c LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/share/clamav/main.cvd: MD5 verification error
@400049ba909e370f544c ERROR: MD5 verification error

Could this be part of the problem?


Try running freshclam and see if that clears up your DB issue. You may 
need to uninstall clamav-toaster, rebuild it (this is important if 
you're coming from an older version or you'll have a circular 
dependency) and then reinstall it.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Not receiving outside emails. Simscan?

2009-03-13 Thread Michael Maness

Still trying to nail this down. When I send things to simscan they're
still getting rejected.

@400049ba8d0210878f4c connect(): No such file or directory
@400049ba8d021087971c qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)):

Also, my clamd log file is showing this error

@400049ba909e370ecf7c LibClamAV Error: Can't load
/usr/share/clamav/main.cvd: MD5 verification error
@400049ba909e370f544c ERROR: MD5 verification error

Could this be part of the problem?

On Tue, March 10, 2009 11:22 am, Michael Maness wrote:
> Dropped the mail.ena.net from the tcp.smtp and ran qmailctl cdb to update.
> Haven't tried putting the QMAILQUEUE pointer back in though.
> Also since it was requested:
> top shows clamav moving along at between 3 and 8 percent CPU doesn't seem
> to be hogging anything.
> # rpm -qa | grep toaster |sort
> autorespond-toaster-2.0.4-1.3.4
> clamav-toaster-0.94.2-1.3.24
> control-panel-toaster-0.5-1.3.5
> courier-authlib-toaster-0.59.2-1.3.7
> courier-imap-toaster-4.1.2-1.3.8
> daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.4
> ezmlm-cgi-toaster-0.53.324-1.3.4
> ezmlm-toaster-0.53.324-1.3.4
> isoqlog-toaster-2.1-1.3.5
> libdomainkeys-toaster-0.68-1.3.4
> libsrs2-toaster-1.0.18-1.3.4
> maildrop-toaster-2.0.3-1.3.6
> maildrop-toaster-devel-2.0.3-1.3.6
> qmailadmin-toaster-1.2.11-1.3.5
> qmailmrtg-toaster-4.2-1.3.4
> qmail-pop3d-toaster-1.03-1.3.16
> qmail-toaster-1.03-1.3.16
> qmailtoaster-plus-0.3.1-1.4.7
> qmailtoaster-plus.repo-0.1-1
> ripmime-toaster-
> send-emails-toaster-0.5-1.3.5
> simscan-toaster-1.3.1-1.3.7
> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.5-1.3.15
> squirrelmail-toaster-1.4.17-1.3.12
> ucspi-tcp-toaster-0.88-1.3.6
> vpopmail-toaster-5.4.17-1.3.5
> vqadmin-toaster-2.3.4-1.3.4
> On Tue, March 10, 2009 10:37 am, Jake Vickers wrote:
>> Michael Maness wrote:
>>> I inherited this server, so I'm not sure what version was running
>>> before
>>> I
>>> updated using qtp-newmodel.
>>> My tcp.smtp:
>>> 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",RBLSMTPD="",NOP0FCHECK="1"
>>> 10.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.20.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.30.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.40.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.50.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.60.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> mail.ena.net:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> 10.21.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"
>>> The 10. address are all local sites, the mail.ena.net is the SMTP
>>> server
>>> provided by our ISP that filters all our emails. (Honestly, running
>>> spamassassin and clamav on our local box is redundant)
>> Take a look at top and see if clamav is hogging all your resources.
>> Also, what does 'rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort' return?
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
>> For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com
> --Michael Maness, Technician
>   Crockett Co. Schools
>   731.696.4640
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
> For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

--Michael Maness, Technician
  Crockett Co. Schools

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Error After Upgrade

2009-03-13 Thread Eduardo Henrique Albergone

2009/3/12 Eric Shubert 

> Just for reference, which version of qmailtoaster-plus is installed?
> # rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort

> Eduardo Henrique Albergone wrote:
>> Friends
>> a found the problem is tcp.smtp change configuration  after upgrade
>> tks all
>> Eduardo Albergone
>> 2009/3/12 Eric C. Broch > ebr...@whitehorsetc.com>>
>>Raise the softlimit in imap, imaps, pop, and pop3s
>>*From:* Eduardo Henrique Albergone [mailto:alberg...@globo.com
>>*Sent:* Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:48 PM
>>*To:* qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
>>*Subject:* Re: [qmailtoaster] Error After Upgrade
>>2009/3/12 Jake Vickers >>
>>Eduardo Henrique Albergone wrote:
>>Where are you receiving this error?
>>In outlook when trying connectto get messages
>>How did you upgrade?
>>with  Qmailtoaster-Plus 
>>Try raising the softlimit in your /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run
>>file to 4500 or so and see if that clears it up.
>>Did raising the softlimit help you any?
>>I still  not connect with outlook / webmail or thunderbird
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
> For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

Re: [qmailtoaster] spamdyke - Problems

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Shubert
I'm guessing that your problem with delays in receiving emails might 
have been due to graylisting. This is normal behavior, and only happens 
the first time for each sender. Subsequent receipts happen without delay.

You can turn off this feature if you like by specifying
in your configuration file.

Ariel wrote:
Hello list, some day spamdyke to install QTP and the truth is not the 
experience that my good fu
I have my own dns servers (3) spamdyke and took too long to send emails 
and do some or sent
I wanted to know if someone has configured and seamlessly funcioanando 
try again

Hola lista,, hace unos dia instale spamdyke con qtp  y la verdad es que 
mi experienci no fu buena
Tengo mis propios dns servers ( 3) y spamdyke siempre tardaba demasiado 
en enviar correos, y de hecho algunos ni los enviaba
Yo quisiara saber si alguien lo tiene configurado y funcioanando sin 
problemas para volver a probarlo.

-Eric 'shubes'

To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
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Re: [qmailtoaster] Error After Upgrade

2009-03-13 Thread Jake Vickers

Eric Shubert wrote:

Just for reference, which version of qmailtoaster-plus is installed?
# rpm -qa | grep toaster | sort

Eduardo Henrique Albergone wrote:

a found the problem is tcp.smtp change configuration  after upgrade

tks all

And what was the issue between the 2 files?

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[qmailtoaster] spamdyke - Problems

2009-03-13 Thread Ariel
Hello list, some day spamdyke to install QTP and the truth is not the
experience that my good fu
I have my own dns servers (3) spamdyke and took too long to send emails and
do some or sent
I wanted to know if someone has configured and seamlessly funcioanando try

Hola lista,, hace unos dia instale spamdyke con qtp  y la verdad es que mi
experienci no fu buena
Tengo mis propios dns servers ( 3) y spamdyke siempre tardaba demasiado en
enviar correos, y de hecho algunos ni los enviaba
Yo quisiara saber si alguien lo tiene configurado y funcioanando sin
problemas para volver a probarlo.