Hi Amir,

Am 08.01.2012 um 11:20 schrieb Amir Abbasi:

> Hi,
> how are you doing?
> I have a question; Does Qmail-Toaster support IPv6? Generally, I am 
> investigation IPv6 migration for webhosting servers/services, is there any 
> useful link in this regard?

General note: it is best if you ask such questions on the list so that others, 
who might have the same issue, can get that information as well (e.g. by 
searching the list archive).
Anyway, here's my two cents:

there is no support for IPv6 in the current qmailtoaster. This is because qmail 
itself does not support it out of the box. In fact, qmail's author, Dan 
Bernstein is rather critical of the whole IPv6 mess (his words): 

That being said, it is *possible* to modify qmail to use IPv6:

That is Brandon Turner's site of qmail patches (based on John Simpson's 
combined patch).
These patches can be reworked and applied to 'our' qmail flavor as well - just 
takes some time and a bit of coding knowledge..
Note that you'll have to make uscpi-tcp IPv6 aware, too, if you want to use the 
current qmailtoaster layout.

I do not know if (and if yes, when) qmailtoaster will be IPv6 enables, but now 
at least you have an overview of the situation.



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