[qmailtoaster] RE: Download script not working

2012-06-13 Thread Josh Hopkins
I found that in the download script it showed qmailtoaster.net.  I changed that 
to qmailtoaster.com and it downloaded the files.  It did take running the 
current downloader 4 times to get all the files.

From: Josh Hopkins [mailto:j...@prorivertech.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:13 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Download script not working

I have tried to install Qmail via  qtp-newmodel and I have also tried to use 
the download script to get the files as well.

When trying with the qtp-newmodel I get the follow errors

Getting source packages ...(this may take a while)
Downloading daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.6.src.rpm
--2012-06-13 19:43:33--  
Resolving mirrors.qmailtoaster.com...,,, ...
Connecting to mirrors.qmailtoaster.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-06-13 19:43:34 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Download of 
http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.6.src.rpm failed - 
[root@PRTweb1 qtms-install]# wget 
--2012-06-13 19:44:03--  
Resolving www.qmailtoaster.com<http://www.qmailtoaster.com>...
Connecting to 
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2012-06-13 19:44:03 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

When using the download script (which downloaded just fine) I get the follow 
for all modules:
[root@PRTweb1 qtms-install]# sh current-download-script.sh
Downloading zlib-1.2.3-1.0.3.src.rpm
--2012-06-13 19:44:29--  
Resolving mirrors.qmailtoaster.net... failed: Temporary failure in name 
wget: unable to resolve host address `mirrors.qmailtoaster.net'

DNS on the server seems to be working fine.


[qmailtoaster] Download script not working

2012-06-13 Thread Josh Hopkins
I have tried to install Qmail via  qtp-newmodel and I have also tried to use 
the download script to get the files as well.

When trying with the qtp-newmodel I get the follow errors

Getting source packages ...(this may take a while)
Downloading daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.6.src.rpm
--2012-06-13 19:43:33--  
Resolving mirrors.qmailtoaster.com...,,, ...
Connecting to mirrors.qmailtoaster.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2012-06-13 19:43:34 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Download of 
http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/daemontools-toaster-0.76-1.3.6.src.rpm failed - 
[root@PRTweb1 qtms-install]# wget 
--2012-06-13 19:44:03--  
Resolving www.qmailtoaster.com...
Connecting to www.qmailtoaster.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2012-06-13 19:44:03 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

When using the download script (which downloaded just fine) I get the follow 
for all modules:
[root@PRTweb1 qtms-install]# sh current-download-script.sh
Downloading zlib-1.2.3-1.0.3.src.rpm
--2012-06-13 19:44:29--  
Resolving mirrors.qmailtoaster.net... failed: Temporary failure in name 
wget: unable to resolve host address `mirrors.qmailtoaster.net'

DNS on the server seems to be working fine.


[qmailtoaster] Domain routing

2009-12-22 Thread Josh Hopkins
What would be the easiest way to route all message to a specific domain to a 
tar pit.  We don't want to see them and we don't want messages being bounced 
around.  Can we use the smtproute file and do something like PD.net:/dev/null?

Joshua Hopkins | Director Information Technology | School Improvement Network | 
* (800) 572-1153 | * Cell: (801) 244-9809 | * Fax: (801) 566-6885 | 


RE: [qmailtoaster] Aliases

2009-03-20 Thread Josh Hopkins
I have gotten it to work via the .qmail file.  I could not find a method to
use valias to pipe into a program.  When I would try to make a valias I
would get an error saying that it had to be an email address.  Is there a
method to pipe to a program using valias?  Documentation around valias on
Inter7 site is scarce at best.



From: Jake Vickers [mailto:j...@qmailtoaster.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 5:55 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Aliases


Dan McAllister wrote: 

>From what I have experienced, aliases in QMail Toaster are handled in the
vpopmail user database, not with the .qmail files...

Again, from what I understand, the configuration in QMT is that Qmail hands
the message off to vpopmail for delivery, bypassing the .qmail files for
user directories. I have tried in vain in the past to manually control
aliases and mail processing for specific users, and wound up each time
making the change in vpopmail vs. qmail.

Just my thoughts I hope they're helpful!


It should still process the .qmail file if it's present. While this
functionality has been depreciated in favor of the mysql/vpopmail method, it
should still work.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RE: [qmailtoaster] Aliases

2009-03-19 Thread Josh Hopkins
I have looked at the logs and the parser that runs when the script is called 
and it is not getting anything.  Found the problem in the php script was the 
path to php needed to change it from  #!/usr/local/bin/php -q to  
#!/usr/bin/php -q.  Thanks for the help.

From: Jake Vickers [mailto:j...@qmailtoaster.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:17 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Aliases

Josh Hopkins wrote:
So I created a .qmail in the users directory 

Inside of the file I entered "|/srv/sysSupport/cli/index.php" but the email are 
still being delivered to the inbox and not being sent to the alias.  I must be 
missing a step.  Any ideas?  Does the alias file need to be in the Maildir 
directory of the user?

It's been a long time since I've had need to do anything like this.
Check the permissions/ownership of the .qmail file.
I think your script will also need 755 permissions at the least to run, and be 
owned by vpopmaik:vchkpw.
Also look at your logs and see if they give any information when attempting to 
process the .qmail script.

RE: [qmailtoaster] Aliases

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
So I created a .qmail in the users directory


Inside of the file I entered "|/srv/sysSupport/cli/index.php" but the email
are still being delivered to the inbox and not being sent to the alias.  I
must be missing a step.  Any ideas?  Does the alias file need to be in the
Maildir directory of the user?



From: Jake Vickers [mailto:j...@qmailtoaster.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:18 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Aliases


Josh Hopkins wrote: 

I am trying to setup email aliases for a couple of email addresses.  I am
trying to pipe them into a program.  I have setup a .qmail-helpdesk in the
/var/qmail/alias directory.  Inside of the .qmail-helpdesk I have
"|/path/to/my/app/index.php" without the quotes.


Restarted qmail but the email is stilled delivered to the mailbox instead of
being piped to the program.  This works on a legacy system (sendmail) that I
am trying to move away from.


What is the proper way to setup an alias?  This system is only used by a
single domain.

I believe if you change the .qmail-helpdesk file, and instead put it in
/home/vpopmail/domains/whatever.com/user/.qmail it will be processed the way
you would like (also note that it's a .qmail file in the user's dir).

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[qmailtoaster] Aliases

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
I am trying to setup email aliases for a couple of email addresses.  I am
trying to pipe them into a program.  I have setup a .qmail-helpdesk in the
/var/qmail/alias directory.  Inside of the .qmail-helpdesk I have
"|/path/to/my/app/index.php" without the quotes.


Restarted qmail but the email is stilled delivered to the mailbox instead of
being piped to the program.  This works on a legacy system (sendmail) that I
am trying to move away from.


What is the proper way to setup an alias?  This system is only used by a
single domain.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RE: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins

Thanks for the ideas.  The repair was run in repair mode.  Ran it again just
to be sure.  Not even a reboot helped.  Ended up reinstalling qmailtoaster.
Now it works fine.

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:35 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

Gee, I don't know. Did you run queue_repair in test or repair mode?

Josh Hopkins wrote:
> [r...@support queue]# df
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
>   99476896   2565268  91776884   3% /
> /dev/sda1   101086 17878 77989  19% /boot
> tmpfs   759420 0759420   0% /dev/shm
> [r...@support simscan]# ls -la
> total 8
> drwxr-x---  2 clamav qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 .
> drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 ..
> -Original Message-
> From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:15 PM
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems
> queue_repair output looks ok to me, but I hardly ever run it.
> Free disk space adequate?
> Is /var/qmail/simscan pretty much empty? That's where simscan splits it 
> all up for scanning. Should be empty except for messages being processed.
> Josh Hopkins wrote:
>> Thanks Eric,
>> I Forgot that about qtp.  This has been installed for about a year now
and have not even logged into since it was installed.
>> No messages in the queue
>> [r...@support /]# qmailctl queue
>> messages in queue: 0
>> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
>> QTP is installed I did run the queue_repair.py tool.  I have attached the
output of it.  I did notice that it did say determining big-todo... big-todo
not found.  Not sure if this is important.
>> [r...@support /]# qmqtool -r
>> no rogue files found
>> you must now start qmail-send: for a LWQ installation, run: svc -u
>> Permissions:
>> [r...@support qmail]# ls -la
>> total 56
>> drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 .
>> drwxr-xr-x 25 root   root  4096 Mar 17 16:01 ..
>> drwxr-sr-x  2 alias  qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:57 alias
>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:36 bin
>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 boot
>> drwxr-xr-x  3 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:29 control
>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 doc
>> drwxr-xr-x 10 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 man
>> drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 queue
>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root   qmail  215 Mar 17 13:59 rc
>> drwxr-x---  2 clamav qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 simscan
>> drwxr-xr-x 12 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 17 14:56 supervise
>> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 08:18 users
>> [r...@support queue]# ls -la
>> total 44
>> drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 .
>> drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 ..
>> drwx--  2 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 22:08 bounce
>> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 info
>> drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 intd
>> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 local
>> drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:16 lock
>> drwxr-x--- 25 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 mess
>> drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 pid
>> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 remote
>> drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 todo
>> Really at a loss.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:14 PM
>> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
>> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems
>> Josh Hopkins wrote:
>>> I started to see "2009-03-18 10:51:38.427414500 qmail-smtpd: qq soft 
>>> reject (qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)): 
>>> RCPTTO:helpd...@support.schoolimprovement.com" today in my logs.
>>>  I cannot send any messages to this sever.  I have heard many evil 
>>> things about messing around in the queue directories.  Has anyone had a 
>>> problem like this or does anyone know of a fix?  Thanks,
>>> -Josh
>> First question is, are there any messages in the queue?
>> # qmailctl queue
>> If you don't have qmai

RE: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
[r...@support queue]# df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
  99476896   2565268  91776884   3% /
/dev/sda1   101086 17878 77989  19% /boot
tmpfs   759420 0759420   0% /dev/shm

[r...@support simscan]# ls -la
total 8
drwxr-x---  2 clamav qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 ..

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:15 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

queue_repair output looks ok to me, but I hardly ever run it.

Free disk space adequate?

Is /var/qmail/simscan pretty much empty? That's where simscan splits it 
all up for scanning. Should be empty except for messages being processed.

Josh Hopkins wrote:
> Thanks Eric,
> I Forgot that about qtp.  This has been installed for about a year now and 
> have not even logged into since it was installed.
> No messages in the queue
> [r...@support /]# qmailctl queue
> messages in queue: 0
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> QTP is installed I did run the queue_repair.py tool.  I have attached the 
> output of it.  I did notice that it did say determining big-todo... big-todo 
> not found.  Not sure if this is important.
> [r...@support /]# qmqtool -r
> no rogue files found
> you must now start qmail-send: for a LWQ installation, run: svc -u 
> /service/qmail-send
> Permissions:
> [r...@support qmail]# ls -la
> total 56
> drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 .
> drwxr-xr-x 25 root   root  4096 Mar 17 16:01 ..
> drwxr-sr-x  2 alias  qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:57 alias
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:36 bin
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 boot
> drwxr-xr-x  3 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:29 control
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 doc
> drwxr-xr-x 10 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 man
> drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 queue
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root   qmail  215 Mar 17 13:59 rc
> drwxr-x---  2 clamav qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 simscan
> drwxr-xr-x 12 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 17 14:56 supervise
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 08:18 users
> [r...@support queue]# ls -la
> total 44
> drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 .
> drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 ..
> drwx--  2 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 22:08 bounce
> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 info
> drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 intd
> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 local
> drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:16 lock
> drwxr-x--- 25 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 mess
> drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 pid
> drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 remote
> drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 todo
> Really at a loss.
> -Original Message-
> From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:14 PM
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems
> Josh Hopkins wrote:
>> I started to see "2009-03-18 10:51:38.427414500 qmail-smtpd: qq soft 
>> reject (qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)): 
>> RCPTTO:helpd...@support.schoolimprovement.com" today in my logs.
>>  I cannot send any messages to this sever.  I have heard many evil 
>> things about messing around in the queue directories.  Has anyone had a 
>> problem like this or does anyone know of a fix?  Thanks,
>> -Josh
> First question is, are there any messages in the queue?
> # qmailctl queue
> If you don't have qmailtoaster-plus installed, I would do so. You're 
> probably going to need some queue tools included there.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
> For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

-Eric 'shubes'

To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

RE: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
Thanks Eric,

I Forgot that about qtp.  This has been installed for about a year now and have 
not even logged into since it was installed.

No messages in the queue

[r...@support /]# qmailctl queue
messages in queue: 0
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

QTP is installed I did run the queue_repair.py tool.  I have attached the 
output of it.  I did notice that it did say determining big-todo... big-todo 
not found.  Not sure if this is important.

[r...@support /]# qmqtool -r
no rogue files found
you must now start qmail-send: for a LWQ installation, run: svc -u 


[r...@support qmail]# ls -la
total 56
drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 .
drwxr-xr-x 25 root   root  4096 Mar 17 16:01 ..
drwxr-sr-x  2 alias  qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:57 alias
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:36 bin
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 boot
drwxr-xr-x  3 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:29 control
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 doc
drwxr-xr-x 10 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 man
drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 queue
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root   qmail  215 Mar 17 13:59 rc
drwxr-x---  2 clamav qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 simscan
drwxr-xr-x 12 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 17 14:56 supervise
drwxr-xr-x  2 root   qmail 4096 Mar 18 08:18 users

[r...@support queue]# ls -la
total 44
drwxr-x--- 11 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 12 root   qmail 4096 Mar 17 15:07 ..
drwx--  2 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 22:08 bounce
drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 info
drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 intd
drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 local
drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 10:16 lock
drwxr-x--- 25 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 mess
drwx--  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 pid
drwx-- 25 qmails qmail 4096 Mar 17 13:59 remote
drwxr-x---  2 qmailq qmail 4096 Mar 18 09:26 todo

Really at a loss.

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:14 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] queue problems

Josh Hopkins wrote:
> I started to see "2009-03-18 10:51:38.427414500 qmail-smtpd: qq soft 
> reject (qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)): 
> RCPTTO:helpd...@support.schoolimprovement.com" today in my logs.
>  I cannot send any messages to this sever.  I have heard many evil 
> things about messing around in the queue directories.  Has anyone had a 
> problem like this or does anyone know of a fix?  Thanks,
> -Josh

First question is, are there any messages in the queue?
# qmailctl queue

If you don't have qmailtoaster-plus installed, I would do so. You're 
probably going to need some queue tools included there.

-Eric 'shubes'

To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

[r...@support /]# ./queue_repair.py
queue_repair.py v. 0.9.0
Copyright (C) 2001 Charles Cazabon 
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2

running in test-only mode
finding qmail UIDs/GIDs...
  qmaill  : UID 7792
  qmaild  : UID 7791
  alias   : UID 7790
  qmailr  : UID 7795
  qmails  : UID 7796
  qmailp  : UID 7793
  qmailq  : UID 7794
  qmail   : GID 2108
  nofiles : GID 2107
determining conf-split...
  conf-split appears to be 23
determining big-todo...
  big-todo not found
checking main queue directories...
  checking directory queue...
  checking directory queue/bounce...
  checking directory queue/info...
  checking directory queue/intd...
  checking directory queue/local...
  checking directory queue/lock...
  checking directory queue/mess...
  checking directory queue/pid...
  checking directory queue/remote...
  checking directory queue/todo...
checking split sub-directories...
  checking directory queue/local/0...
  checking directory queue/local/1...
  checking directory queue/local/2...
  checking directory queue/local/3...
  checking directory queue/local/4...
  checking directory queue/local/5...
  checking directory queue/local/6...
  checking directory queue/local/7...
  checking directory queue/local/8...
  checking directory queue/local/9...
  checking directory queue/local/10...
  checking directory queue/local/11...
  checking directory queue/local/12...
  checking directory queue/local/13...
  checking directory queue/local/14...
  checking directory queue/local/15...
  checking directory queue/local/16...
  checking directory queue/local/17...
  checking directory queue/local/18...
  checking directory queue/local/19...
  checking directory queue/local/20...
  checking directory queue/local/21...
  checking directory queue/local/22...
  checking directory queue/remote/0...
  checking directory queue/re

[qmailtoaster] queue problems

2009-03-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
I started to see "2009-03-18 10:51:38.427414500 qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (qq 
trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)): 
RCPTTO:helpd...@support.schoolimprovement.com" today in my logs.

 I cannot send any messages to this sever.  I have heard many evil things about 
messing around in the queue directories.  Has anyone had a problem like this or 
does anyone know of a fix?  Thanks,


RE: Re: [qmailtoaster] Barracuda

2008-12-29 Thread Josh Hopkins
I really do agree with Eric.  I cannot tell you how many barracuda
appliances that I have returned for customers once they realize that
they did not need them.

Not much of a need for a barracuda if you have a qmailtoaster.  Just my
2 cents.

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:02 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Barracuda

Sysadmin wrote:
> I had Non-related problems with my Barracuda today, their Tech
> setting qmail to send smtp through the barracuda:
> Here`s what they said:
> The Barracuda Spam Firewall can be configured to fully process either 
> incoming or outgoing mail, but an inbound Barracuda may also be 
> configured to relay outgoing mail simultaneously. The Barracuda still 
> scans outgoing mail, but not as thoroughly as incoming mail. Outbound,

> relayed mail is scanned for everything except Recipient Verification, 
> Spam Scoring, Bayesian, Attachment Filtering and the Tag/Quarantine 
> regular expressions. This means outbound, relayed mail IS scanned for 
> RBL checks, Rate control, Whitelist/Blacklist, Intent, Virus scanning,

> Fingerprinting (in firmware 3.4 and above), and Block regular 
> expressions. As such, using an inbound Barracuda with Outbound Relay 
> will increase the load on the Barracuda.
> Thanks
> Dave MacDonald

I think I'd lose the barracuda. ;)

-Eric 'shubes'

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
For additional commands, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com

RE: [qmailtoaster] Barracuda

2008-12-29 Thread Josh Hopkins
Do you mean send to the barracuda and then come back to the qmail

I use mine as a perimeter or gateway appliance.  I have clients that
have barracuda's and it come into the toaster and then goes either to
their email server or their appliance.  My smtproutes looks like:

And so on down the list.

-Original Message-
From: Sysadmin [mailto:sysad...@tricubemedia.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 2:22 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Barracuda

Hi List : )

Can anyone help me setup Qmail, to send all my smtp mail to a barracuda 

I am sure I have to enter something in; /var/qmail/control/smtproutes
but not sure what:

: Should this be the Barracuda IP address or Qmail 
server IP address ) ?

Thanks in advance

Dave MacDonald

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RE: Re: [qmailtoaster] Receiving Email from AOL

2008-12-29 Thread Josh Hopkins
The bayes_auto_expire is set to 0.  The email address and the domain are
whitelisted in for spamassassin.  Need to look into spamdyke.  Does it
run well in a Gateway setup i.e. sits in front of my Exchange server?  

-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:35 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Receiving Email from AOL

Root cause seems to be that the connection w/ AOL is timing out.

Is bayes_auto_expire turned on (1) in /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf? 
If so, turning it off would be a good idea.

If you're running spamdyke (a good idea anywise), you can use that to 
whitelist the domain. Then at least you won't be a relay (I think - Sam 
could say for sure).

Josh Hopkins wrote:
> Last week we started to have problems receiving emails from AOL
customers.  They would get the following back.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem 
> To: 
> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:50:32 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
> *** ATTENTION ***
> Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with
> delivery.  The address which was undeliverable is listed in the
> labeled: "- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors
> The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section
> labeled: "- Transcript of Session Follows -".
> The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your
e-mail could
> not be delivered.  The next line contains a second error message which
is a
> general translation for other e-mail servers.
> Please direct further questions regarding this message to the e-mail
> administrator or Postmaster at that destination.
> --AOL Postmaster
>   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
>   - Transcript of session follows -
> 451 4.4.1 reply: read error from mx01.pd360.com.
> ... Deferred: Connection timed out with
> Message could not be delivered for 3 hours
> Message will be deleted from queue
> Final-Recipient: RFC822; some...@schoolimprovement.com
> Action: failed
> Status: 4.4.7
> Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:50:32 -0500 (EST)
> I added the sender to the whitelist.  That did not work.  Called AOL.
Not fun.  They gave me their outbound server list.  I added them to the
tcp.smtp file with the relayclient="" option and now I get emails again
from AOL.  There needs to be a better way to fix this as now I am an
openrelay for AOL email servers.  Anyone else having problems receiving
emails from AOL?  
> Joshua R. Hopkins
> Director Information Technology
> josh.hopk...@schoolimprovement.com
> The School Improvement Network 
> Know-How Now
> Phone: 801 566-6500
> Fax: 801 566-6885
> 8686 S. 1300 E.
> Sandy, Utah  84094
> www.schoolimprovement.com 
> -
>  QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>

-Eric 'shubes'

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
To unsubscribe, e-mail: qmailtoaster-list-unsubscr...@qmailtoaster.com
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 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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[qmailtoaster] Receiving Email from AOL

2008-12-29 Thread Josh Hopkins
Last week we started to have problems receiving emails from AOL customers.  
They would get the following back.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem 
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:50:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details


Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its
delivery.  The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section
labeled: "- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -".

The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section
labeled: "- Transcript of Session Follows -".

The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could
not be delivered.  The next line contains a second error message which is a
general translation for other e-mail servers.

Please direct further questions regarding this message to the e-mail
administrator or Postmaster at that destination.

--AOL Postmaster

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

  - Transcript of session follows -
451 4.4.1 reply: read error from mx01.pd360.com.
... Deferred: Connection timed out with 
Message could not be delivered for 3 hours
Message will be deleted from queue

Final-Recipient: RFC822; some...@schoolimprovement.com
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.7
Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:50:32 -0500 (EST)

I added the sender to the whitelist.  That did not work.  Called AOL.  Not fun. 
 They gave me their outbound server list.  I added them to the tcp.smtp file 
with the relayclient="" option and now I get emails again from AOL.  There 
needs to be a better way to fix this as now I am an openrelay for AOL email 
servers.  Anyone else having problems receiving emails from AOL?  

Joshua R. Hopkins
Director Information Technology
The School Improvement Network 
Know-How Now
Phone: 801 566-6500
Fax: 801 566-6885
8686 S. 1300 E.
Sandy, Utah  84094

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
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RE: [qmailtoaster] alternative to Spamhaus

2008-12-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
Any good instructions for setup with qmail toaster?

-Original Message-
From: PakOgah [mailto:pako...@pala.bo-tak.info] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:56 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] alternative to Spamhaus

Jake Vickers wrote:
> Dnk wrote:
>> Anyone had a go with the new baracuda rbl?
>>> http://www.linux.com/feature/15588
> ...
> Seems to work really well.  Wonder how long it will stay free
"Starting in September 2008, Barracuda Networks introduced the Barracuda

Reputation Block List

Barracuda Networks is currently making this service available free of 
charge and we hope to keep it that way."

ah I know what you mean Jake..
I'll wait for 3 months, then if they still providing free service I'll 
register next year.

btw: after googling, some says that Barracuda RBL is a little too strict

and bounces legitimate email.

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[qmailtoaster] block email sent to a specific address

2008-12-15 Thread Josh Hopkins
Is there a way to have all emails sent to a specific address go to
/dev/null or just have them go to a tar pit?  I am using the toaster as
a relay for my exchange server.  I would guess that I would have to use
spamassassin to do this.   Any ideas.

RE: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Hopkins
So my goal is to have mobile and remote users connect to the toaster as
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to send emails.  Their actual email address will
be something different.  In side of outlook, outlook express, ect.. I
have set them up to use a username ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and the
password for connecting to the smtp server.  They seem to connect just
fine.  When they go to send they get an error 5.1.1 chkuser.


From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 11:08 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error


Josh Hopkins wrote: 

Within the network it works just fine(not using the chkuser for local
addresses in the network).  From outside the network it fails.  The user
account that I am connecting as to send with is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Users just need to be able to connect to the server for smtp relay
either to external domains or for any domain in the smtproutes file.



So you have all of your users using the same account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to
send emails with?  And you do have them set to SMTP-AUTH?  Remember that
their account name must be that address for logins, but their reply-to
addresses can be something different.

RE: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Hopkins
Within the network it works just fine(not using the chkuser for local
addresses in the network).  From outside the network it fails.  The user
account that I am connecting as to send with is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Users just need to be able to connect to the server for smtp relay
either to external domains or for any domain in the smtproutes file.




From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 10:19 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error


Josh Hopkins wrote: 

The domain I am trying to send from is joshopkins.com.  The domain that
is local on the toaster is fragrack.net.


From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:52 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error


Josh Hopkins wrote: 


When I set the client whether it is outlook, thunderbird, or on mobile
devices it connects and authorizes the users (or looks like it does) and
then I get an error when sending saying "5.1.1 sorry, can't find valid
MX record for sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser).  When checking DNS on
the toaster it resolves both MX records back to itself which is correct.

Check the client configs (unless I'm not following what your problem
is). I obviously have no real email addresses to use as a check, but
telnet seemed to go okay:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mx01.pd360.com - Welcome to School Improvement Network SMTP Gateway
helo mydesk.com
250 mx01.pd360.com - Welcome to School Improvement Network SMTP Gateway
250 ok
511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser)
221 mx01.pd360.com - Welcome to School Improvement Network SMTP Gateway
Connection closed by foreign host.

Are you testing from within the same network, or outside?  

RE: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Hopkins
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]# dig joshopkins.com mx

; <<>> DiG 9.3.4-P1 <<>> joshopkins.com mx
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 63259
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 6

;joshopkins.com.IN  MX

joshopkins.com. 717 IN  MX  5 mx01.pd360.com.

joshopkins.com. 717 IN  NS  dns2.name-services.com.
joshopkins.com. 717 IN  NS  dns3.name-services.com.
joshopkins.com. 717 IN  NS  dns4.name-services.com.
joshopkins.com. 717 IN  NS  dns5.name-services.com.
joshopkins.com. 717 IN  NS  dns1.name-services.com.

mx01.pd360.com. 1076IN  A
dns1.name-services.com. 57100   IN  A
dns2.name-services.com. 57100   IN  A
dns3.name-services.com. 57100   IN  A
dns4.name-services.com. 57100   IN  A
dns5.name-services.com. 57100   IN  A

;; Query time: 44 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Dec  8 09:34:36 2008
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 264

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]# dig mx01.pd360.com

; <<>> DiG 9.3.4-P1 <<>> mx01.pd360.com
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 21373
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 3

;mx01.pd360.com.IN  A

mx01.pd360.com. 849 IN  A

pd360.com.  1159IN  NS
pd360.com.  1159IN  NS
pd360.com.  1159IN  NS
pd360.com.  1159IN  NS
pd360.com.  1159IN  NS

ns0.schoolimprovement.com. 123245 INA
ns1.schoolimprovement.com. 123245 INA
ns3.schoolimprovement.com. 1496 IN  A

;; Query time: 49 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Dec  8 09:38:30 2008
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 238


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Shubert
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:53 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

Josh Hopkins wrote:
> I am having trouble setting up my toaster to relay for remote clients.

> I current setup is Toaster --> Firewall --> Exchange server.  All 
> incoming email uses the Toaster as the mail gateway/filter and
> uses the Toaster as the smart host for all outgoing messages.  I now 
> have a requirement for mobile devices and remote users.  I do not want

> to open the firewall for relaying by outside connections.  I would
> to use the toaster for mobile devices and remote users (all will be
> IP addresses from various providers) for their outgoing SMTP server.
> have purchased another domain and set it to be a local domain on the 
> toaster with a single user.
> When I set the client whether it is outlook, thunderbird, or on mobile

> devices it connects and authorizes the users (or looks like it does)
> then I get an error when sending saying "5.1.1 sorry, can't find valid

> MX record for sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser).  When checking DNS on 
> the toaster it resolves both MX records back to itself which is

Please elaborate here. How did you check DNS on the toaster? The MX 
record needs to resolve to a valid type A DNS record.

> I don't want to change the tcp.smtp file if I don't have to.
> Any ideas?
> -Josh

-Eric 'shubes'

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Hopkins
The domain I am trying to send from is joshopkins.com.  The domain that
is local on the toaster is fragrack.net.


From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:52 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error


Josh Hopkins wrote: 


When I set the client whether it is outlook, thunderbird, or on mobile
devices it connects and authorizes the users (or looks like it does) and
then I get an error when sending saying "5.1.1 sorry, can't find valid
MX record for sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser).  When checking DNS on
the toaster it resolves both MX records back to itself which is correct.

I don't want to change the tcp.smtp file if I don't have to.

Any ideas?

Looks like DNS.  Can't really check unless we have the domain(s)
involved so we can do checks here.

[qmailtoaster] chkuser 5.1.1 error

2008-12-08 Thread Josh Hopkins
I am having trouble setting up my toaster to relay for remote clients.
I current setup is Toaster --> Firewall --> Exchange server.  All
incoming email uses the Toaster as the mail gateway/filter and exchange
uses the Toaster as the smart host for all outgoing messages.  I now
have a requirement for mobile devices and remote users.  I do not want
to open the firewall for relaying by outside connections.  I would like
to use the toaster for mobile devices and remote users (all will be DHCP
IP addresses from various providers) for their outgoing SMTP server.  I
have purchased another domain and set it to be a local domain on the
toaster with a single user.

When I set the client whether it is outlook, thunderbird, or on mobile
devices it connects and authorizes the users (or looks like it does) and
then I get an error when sending saying "5.1.1 sorry, can't find valid
MX record for sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser).  When checking DNS on
the toaster it resolves both MX records back to itself which is correct.

I don't want to change the tcp.smtp file if I don't have to.

Any ideas?

RE: [qmailtoaster] Multiple Mails from QmailToaster-List

2008-11-19 Thread Josh Hopkins
Not everyone is receiving duplicates.  I am not receiving any duplicates




From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:03 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Multiple Mails from QmailToaster-List


Anil Aliyan wrote: 

Dear Jake,


I am getting same mail multiple times, sent to
qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com by any of the subscibers to the
qmailtoaster-list. All the mails are recived 3-4 times. 


I am not getting single mail many times from anywhere else. Please check
it, might be something wrong with your mail server or mailing list.

I cannot do anything about it.  I receive the duplicates as well, and it
is a problem with the mailing list server.
Erik Espinoza runs the email server and the Qmailtoaster project, not
me.  You'll need to contact him about the issue, but you'll probably not
get much of a reply.  I didn't.

It does look bad to the community though.

RE: [qmailtoaster] Fail2Ban on CentQMT5.1.1

2008-11-18 Thread Josh Hopkins
I do the same thing.  I change the ssh port to something random like
8739 and when I get my daily logwatch email I almost never see any ssh
connection except from my ip.  

-Original Message-
From: James Beam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 5:13 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Fail2Ban on CentQMT5.1.1

No, this server is purely spam/virus front end (more efficient than the
equivalent for exchange) - no real users exist at all. I use smtproutes
forward the emails on to exchange once simscan has done its duty.

My goal was to stop the ssh monkeys from running dictionary assaults day
and day out.

From: "Phil Leinhauser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Fail2Ban on CentQMT5.1.1

> Do you aim fail2ban at your POP, IMAP, SMTP logs?  Have you caught
> with it?
> -Original message-
> From: "James Beam" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 18:13:50 -0500
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Fail2Ban on CentQMT5.1.1
>> Thanks - that did the trick!
>> --
>> From: "Eric Shubert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 12:24 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject:  Re: [qmailtoaster] Fail2Ban on CentQMT5.1.1
>> > James Beam wrote:
>> >> Has anyone had any luck getting this to install via yum on 5.1.1?
>> >> is
>> >> not being found in the repository when I try to install it via
>> >> install fail2ban'
>> >>
>> >> I use this utility on my other *nix boxes with great success in 
>> >> keeping
>> >> the pesky script kiddies out.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks in advance for your time folks.
>> >>
>> >> I highly recommend the CentQMT5.1.1 iso for anyone wanting to have
>> >> simple automated build, worked great out of the box (well no box
>> >> still...).
>> >>
>> >
>> > Fail2ban appears to be in the rpmforge repo. QTP has a script that
>> > install that repo for you, albeit in a disabled state.
>> >
>> > After running qtp-install-rpmforge, you should be able to
>> > # yum --enable-repo=rpmforge install fail2ban
>> >
>> > -- 
>> > -Eric 'shubes'
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
>> >
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: 
>> -
>>  QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail:

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
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 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
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RE: [qmailtoaster] SpamAssassin whitelist_from is bypassed sometime

2008-11-05 Thread Josh Hopkins
They have changed the formatting on the whitelist variable.  It is was
whitelist_from now it is def_whitelist_from_rcvd or def_whitelist_from.
Once I changed mine it worked just fine.

-Original Message-
From: Kent Busbee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:21 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] SpamAssassin whitelist_from is bypassed

See response below; Kaven Gagnon wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> @4000490aec170a635ed4 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote
>  rcpt
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient
> @4000490aec172428011c simscan:[24762]:SPAM REJECT
> (6.10/3.95):0.4125s:***SPAM***
> @4000490aec17242814a4 qmail-smtpd: qq hard reject (Your email is
> considered spam (6.10 spam-hits)): MAILFROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I do not use SpamDyke.
> Thanks,
> Kaven G.
>> Kaven Gagnon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got email addresses listed in whitelist_from still rejected as
>>> This is like a intermittent problem...
>>> The spam reject do not come from blocking lists.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kaven G.
>> Need a few more details, Kaven.
>> What sort of rejection message are you seeing?
>> What's the full path of "whitelist_from" (spamassassin or spamdyke)?
>> SA could still reject anything in a SD whitelist. They're totally
>> separate.
>> --
>> -Eric 'shubes'
>> -
>>  QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
>  QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Take a look at qmlog spamd, this should give more info as to why it was
rejected, and tell if it hit the whitelist.  I also would check the
or your whitelist command in your .cf file.  Which file do you use and
where is it?

Kent Busbee
Director of Technology
Northlake Christian School

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
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[qmailtoaster] 5.5.3 chkuser rcpthosts

2008-11-04 Thread Josh Hopkins
I just started to get this today on one of my domains.  I have about 12
domains listed in the rcpthosts file.  They all worked until yesterday.
I looked though the smtp logs and could not find the test message below.
I am not sure what to look at.  Thanks,


This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for
further information about the cause of this error. The error that the
other server returned was: 553 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list
of allowed rcpthosts (#5.5.3 - chkuser) (state 14).

  - Original message -

Received: by with SMTP id j7mr46717bkk.77.1225839200062;
   Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:53:20 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 4 Nov 2008 14:53:20 -0800 (PST)
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 15:53:20 -0700
From: "Josh Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Josh Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: testing for qmail
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

this is qmail testing

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  - Message truncated -

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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[qmailtoaster] SpamAssassin and whitelisting

2008-10-29 Thread Josh Hopkins

Ok, I know that in the past to create a whitelist I would create a file
and place it into the /etc/mail/spamassassin.  Usually I would call this
the whitelist.cf.  Inside the file I would have entries like:

whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This however does not seem to be working.  In the headers of the email I
still get messages marked as spam even though they are in the whitelist.
I also tried putting the file into /usr/share/spamassassin with no luck.
Has there been a major change to where I can add whitelist_from or
whitelist_from_rcvd entries to.  I really don't want to have to have
them in the local.cf file.  I have ran spamassassin -D --lint and it
does not give errors. Any ideas?

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RE: [qmailtoaster] RBL's

2008-10-27 Thread Josh Hopkins


Any update on this script?  Thanks,





From: Jake Vickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:07 PM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] RBL's


Josh Hopkins wrote: 

In the past and on some of my non-qmail instances I use
world.tqmcube.com in conjunction with zen.spamhaus.org.  It really
worked well.  The tqmcube.com blocks connections based on the response
of the return status code.  Example would be if the IP connecting
responded with zone (IP block for Japan) it would be blocked
if it was in my list.  Would this be possible with either the blacklist
file or somehow in the tcp.smtp file?Thanks,


I know there were some options for various things with the blacklists
file; in the distant past I'd also written a firewall script that used a
blacklist to block connections on the firewall level.
I'll dig around later and see if I can't find the other options
available for the blacklists file unless someone beats me to it.

[qmailtoaster] RBL's

2008-10-21 Thread Josh Hopkins
In the past and on some of my non-qmail instances I use
world.tqmcube.com in conjunction with zen.spamhaus.org.  It really
worked well.  The tqmcube.com blocks connections based on the response
of the return status code.  Example would be if the IP connecting
responded with zone (IP block for Japan) it would be blocked
if it was in my list.  Would this be possible with either the blacklist
file or somehow in the tcp.smtp file?Thanks,


RE: [qmailtoaster] popular blacklists

2008-03-21 Thread Josh Hopkins
My windows mobile users use port 587.  Just set the smtp server as


From: Dan Herbon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:03 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: [qmailtoaster] popular blacklists


What blacklists is everyone using? I currently am using only:


-r bl.spamcop.net -r list.dsbl.org -r cbl.abuseat.org


And I am getting a massive influx of spam this week. I cannot use
spamhaus as my users who are using windows mobile on their phones cannot
change the send port to 587 and the authentication rarely works.



[qmailtoaster] qmailtoaster and maia

2008-03-07 Thread Josh Hopkins
Has anyone used or setup qmailtoaster with maia <
http://www.maiamailguard.com> ?  We are currently using qmailtoaster
both to host mail for clients but also as a filter or edge mail router.
This look like it is promising.  Thanks,



[qmailtoaster] lost password

2007-01-09 Thread Josh Hopkins
I have a customer who has lost the password to login into
domain.com/admin-toaster/.  I am able to ssh to the box as root but
don't know where the .htaccess file is stored.  Does anyone know where
this file is stored and if there is anything else to do to either
recover or change the password.  Thanks,




Josh Hopkins


I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. 

Re: [qmailtoaster] bamailto

2006-11-27 Thread Josh Hopkins
So that would mean that if I wanted to stop users from sending mail to any
yahoo account I could add it like [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the badmailto file.

On 11/27/06 8:12 PM, "Alexey Loukianov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Çäðàâñòâóéòå, josh.
> Âû ïèñàëè 28 ?? 2006 ?., 0:34:50:
>> Can the badmailto file be used to block users from sending to a specific
>> email account or domain?  Thanks,
>> -Josh
> Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on local/rcpt domains/accounts for
> badmailto, and this check can't be bypassed in any way.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] Pyzor installation

2006-09-20 Thread Josh Hopkins

Jake Vickers wrote:

Steve Huff wrote:

would you mind writing up your procedure, Jake?  i tried to install 
Pyzor a while back but couldn't get it to build (on a CentOS 3 box).



It's been added to the wiki now:
I wrote it while installing on a new FC5 box.

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I have looked on the web for an explanation of how pyzor works but have 
not been able to find a quick and dirty version.  How does pyzor work to 
catch spam?

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