Re: [qmailtoaster] qmail colas llenas

2008-10-01 Thread Jake Vickers

Wilder Deza wrote:
hi all I have a problem with the mail server qmail have a queue of 230 
something abnormal? how can I do to lower those queues

Depends on the situation. I have some servers that run a load that high 
(or more) and others where I would be in a panic wondering what was wrong.
To flush them out, try lowering your /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime 
from the default to something more sensible like 14400 (4 hours). That 
way any messages in the queue longer than 4 hours (or whatever you set 
queuelifetime to) will be bounced/flushed. Otherwise they can sit in 
there for days before being bounced.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] qmail colas llenas

2008-10-01 Thread Wilder Deza
hi all I have a problem with the mail server qmail have a queue of 230 
something abnormal? how can I do to lower those queues

* *


*Wilder Deza*


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Thiago - TI - Realeza escribió:

Hola que tal ? Esta lista es apenas en ingles.

Hi, Wilder, this list is only for english language, try to translate 
your doubt.



Wilder Deza escreveu:
Holas a todos tengo un problema con el servidor de correo qmail 
tienes una cola de 230 algo anormal??? como puedo hacer para bajar 
esas colas..!!

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Re: [qmailtoaster] qmail colas llenas

2008-10-01 Thread Thiago - TI - Realeza

Hola que tal ? Esta lista es apenas en ingles.

Hi, Wilder, this list is only for english language, try to translate 
your doubt.



Wilder Deza escreveu:
Holas a todos tengo un problema con el servidor de correo qmail tienes 
una cola de 230 algo anormal??? como puedo hacer para bajar esas 

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[qmailtoaster] qmail colas llenas

2008-10-01 Thread Wilder Deza
Holas a todos tengo un problema con el servidor de correo qmail tienes 
una cola de 230 algo anormal??? como puedo hacer para bajar esas colas..!!


* *


*Wilder Deza*


*/Área/**/ de /**/Sistemas/*

Phone: + 51 (1) 222 4176 ext. /205* */

Fax : + 51 (1) 221 4955

Nextel: 51 (1) 403*8302

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