Re: [Qt-creator] How to keep ".." in default build directory

2016-06-08 Thread Prav

> If you're saying "But unfortunately QtC replaces ".." with full folder
> name", do you mean it get replaced in the build directory in the 
> project's Build settings (not in the line edit "default build directory"
> in the options)?
You right. I mean it is replaced in project settings.
I did not even thought that this can be understood as changes in the Options 
line itself (where is not clear what should replace "..")

> Why would that be a problem?
Because if I move project to another folder I need to change build folders for 
all Qt versions and build-types in project settings
(which currently mean 12 string replacements).

It is so strange for me that QtC supports relative folders buts does not allow 
me to use them and
forces me to use full folders names.

Probably someone will say that he/she likes absolute build-folder name and it 
is fine for him/her ...
but why it is imposible to turn this folders absolutization off, if not 

I would say it would be nice if this can be done with some flag in options
at least special treatment of string ...
for example if I set " in both sides of string ... like:

would mean that in project setting I would get something like

and not

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] How to keep ".." in default build directory

2016-06-07 Thread Prav
Hi, Joerg!

>> But unfortunately QtC replaces ".." with full folder name (wonder why there 
>> is this obtrusive service ... but never mind).
> This doesn't happen for me. Which version are you using?
May be this does not happed for you because you work not in Windows?

In every version I used I saw this. Currently I am using 3.6.1. Clang in 4.0.0 
is unswitchable and it crashes all the time.
So 3.6.1 for now.

Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] How to keep ".." in default build directory

2016-06-02 Thread Prav
I want the "Default Build Directory" for new projects to be 

By "Default Build Directory" I mean parameter in Options -> Build & Run -> 

But unfortunately QtC replaces ".." with full folder name (wonder why there is 
this obtrusive service ... but never mind).
This forces me to put ".." back and delete full folder name in the begining.
For EVERY QtKit and EVERY Build-type! I am tied of this same task.

Is there a way/trick to somehow keep ".." inside Default Build Directory?

Thanks in advance!

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Searching for names in locator with starting letters as it is in code-completion

2016-04-15 Thread Prav
Hi, David and Everyone.

> there is already a suggestion for this feature at
Thanks for pointing out. I voted.
By I wonder how votes influence things. May be there is like decision what for 
every 20 votes we increse priority 1 level? No?

May be someone know how in JIRA get list of most wanted/voted bugs?

> Vote on this suggestions if you would like to see it at some point in 
> creator, but to
> be honest it hasn't currently the highest priority.
:( I see

Does  only me feel that all fields outside of code-editor are like from old 
90's ...
we are used to edit and search names in one way and outside of code-editor all 
line-edit-boxes are like
not for C++ devs ... they are like for word-editors

*I mean that ctrl-left and ctrl-right does not respect uppercase "midle-points" 
(like is skips
whole "setPlaintText" which is not the way it is in editor). Test this in 
search fields, renaming refactorings ... everythere!

*Line-edit-boxes font is small (not the one you have selected for code editor) 
... and I never found how font size of them can be increased.

*And search in locator and search in code is also unaware that it is possible 
to search with middle-point letters.

May be someone can point out other code-editor and code-completion features 
missed from line-edit-boxes all over QtC UI.

So I am not clear why this whole situation is not important (P3 for bug 3111).
It seems that if to subclass once from QLineEdit and add features we have in 
code-editor this can benefit ALL edit-boxes of QtC.

I welcome everyone share thoughts about look and feel of QtC line-edit-boxes of 
is vs to code-editor look and feel.

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-15 Thread Prav
Hi, Tobias.

>That is what we have JIRA for. You sort the list by priority and start working.
Got it. Thanks!

I was trying to see this list and also found
list like"C%2FC%2B%2B%2FObj-C%2B%2B%20Support"%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20"Qt%20Creator%204.0.0%20(4.0%20branch)"%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC
which I opened from

What is the meaning of this list?

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Why QtC does not use QDockWidget for most tool-panel

2016-04-14 Thread Prav
Hi, Murphy, Sean.

> I'd  argue  that  the  combination  of  the  Projects pane, the Open
> Documents pane ... is a redundant use of screen real estate ...
May be you better create new thread with your ideas as soon as they can
be lost inside discussion of dockability of pannels.

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-14 Thread Prav
Hi, Tobias Hunger.

>> Is there somewhere list of bugs planed for fixing for nearest versions of 
>> QtC?  May be in JIRA itself?
> Nope.
> There is JIRA, which has all known bugs and feature requests. We will try to
> process them in a timely manner based on priority and other factors.
> In my experience it is really hard to do mid- and long-term planning in an 
> open
> source project with lots of volunteer contributors like Qt and Qt Creator is.
> Contributors come and go, fix small issues here and there, add new 
> functionality
> or even implement whole plugins.
Ok,  I understand about long terms. And I am asking not about volunteers (they 
are unpredictable ... I can understand that)
What about short terms? Like how to get to the point of next QtC release.
There probably have to be list of bugs which were decided to be fixed before 
saying that next release is ready.

Or this is like "in three months there will be next release". We will fix as 
many bugs as we can and will call this - "the next release".
But also in this case there should be priority list of bugs to grab from top of 
(if developer finished fixing his current bug).

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-13 Thread Prav
Hi, Nikolai.

> I'm fine with making enum values "locatable", though personally I 
> haven't missed them.
OK ... as result filled

Is there somewhere list of bugs planed for fixing for nearest versions of QtC?
May be in JIRA itself?

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-12 Thread Prav
Hi, Nikolai.

>> it seems that there is support for enum declaration... but not for enum
>> values (not yet?) ...
> Correct.
Ok. I see. Does  it  make sense for you to add enum values in Locator? ... From 
my experience enum-values seems to be used same or
even more frequently in programs

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-11 Thread Prav
Hi, Cristian.

> Try
> ? KeyPress
I had to give more explanations ... sorry.

I was thinking about finding enums (mine in first place but Qt's too ... all 
enums) in the code ... ( there is no help for my enums ;) ) ...
and was wondered why I don't get them with locator.

I want to find out is this a bug or I miss something about locator?

Qt-creator mailing list

[Qt-creator] Looking for Enums with Locator

2016-04-11 Thread Prav
Does anyone know how to find things like

QEvent::KeyPress with help of QtC locator?

I am trying
: KeyPress
and gets nothing found :(
Do I miss something?

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