Re: [Qt-creator] How to put individual classes to sub dir

2010-08-17 Thread Coda Highland
You can make frames.pri include frame1.pri and frame2.pri; just take
the technique I showed you and extend upon it. I knew what I was
showing you didn't completely match; I'm not doing your homework for
you. :P

/s/ Adam

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Jakov wrote:
 Dear Adam,

 It works! Thank you a lot!

 However, the layout is not completely as I expected. Or my expected layout
 is impossible for this current Qt Creator version (2.0.0)? I'd like the
 hierarchical layout should be like this:

 .|__ Frames

 If QtCreator supports this, it's great. And I can try another layout that I
 tried some days ago, but failed:

 Group Project
 .|__ Main Project
 ..|__ other files
 .|__ Share
 ..|__ SharedForm1
 ..|__ SharedForm2

 In which, Main Project uses SharedForm1, 2, etc.

 Thanks so much for taking time helping me.

 Best regards,

 -- Jakov

 On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Coda Highland

 My thought on the matter would be something like this:

 HEADERS += Frames/Frame1/Frame1.h Frames/Frame2/Frame2.h
 SOURCES += Frames/Frame1/Frame1.cpp Frames/Frame2/Frame2.cpp
 FORMS += Frames/Frame1/Frame1.ui Frames/Frame2/Frame2.ui

 et cetera. Notice that you still need to use the path relative to, not to the .pri file -- this is a fairly common mistake.

 /s/ Adam

 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Jakov wrote:
  Hello Alan,
  I'm editing the pri files. I search the old archive, and find out that
  whenever I include a .pri file, Qt Creator creates a virtual directory
  node) in the Projects window (on the left side).
  The main .pro file will include the frames.pri, so it would create the
  Frames node in the window:
  + include( Frames/Frames.pri)
  + frames.pri:
  I think the frames.pri should do the same:
  include(Frames/Frame1/frame1.pri), but it doesn't work... So I left
  frames.pri empty.
  At this step, if I put a class in Frames dir, the project works fine.
  But I
  do want to make a lower level: adding Frame1 and Frame2 directories
  include their own classes) within Frames.
  There's no link line yet, Alan.
  Thanks for your quick reply!
  On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 6:20 AM, wrote:
  Ahh, I see.
  What does the first .pri file look like?
  Do you see the frame.cpp files compile from the compiler output?
  What does your link line look like?
  On Aug 16, 2010, at 3:54 PM, ext Jakov wrote:
  Dear Adam,
  Thanks for your reply. I remove the subdirs already, to make it a
  app project. I try-and-error many ways, but the layout is not as
  Could you please suggest me the config or give me the document of using
  and .pri file? The idea is, I want to group individual classes (.h,
  .ui) in a separate directory (to have a better look, easy to
  find/edit/manage...) within the main project dir, or even at the same
  directory level with main project dir.
  I'd like to thank Alan, but there's no libs yet. They're just pure UI
  classes, just at lower directory level, as compared to main project
  directory. I'll not include every single .h, .cpp, and .ui in the
  SOURCES, FORMS in the main .pro, as those files will be included in
  corresponding nodes (Headers, Sources, Forms) separately.
  I'm looking forward to your guide... In the meantime, I'll try-'n-error
  again. I look at demo and examples in Qt SDK, but there's no helpful
  examples... Thank you again.
  On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Coda Highland
   First off, don't use a subdirs project for that. Just use a normal
  app project and use relative paths in the .pro file. If you want to
  organize the .pro file you can use include() with some .pri files --
  Creator knows how to sort this out. (Note that .pri files consider
  paths relative to the main .pro file, not to itself.)
  Second, INCLUDEPATH += Frames in the main .pro file (or possibly in
  frames.pri) so that Frame1/Frame1.h can be found inside of the
  Frames directory.
  /s/ Adam
  On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 

[Qt-creator] Thou Shalt Not Lock Thy GUI Thread

2010-08-17 Thread Willy P
I really love Qt Creator but the recent version is giving me lots of
trouble.  Code completion for my project was REALLY well done with the
Qt 4.5.3 sdk.  It was somewhat weak on templated objects but it was
fast and it made my day easier.  For whatever reason, the most recent
SDK, 4.6.3, has dog slow code completion.  And what's worse, it locks
my GUI thread while it's thinking.  I should never get a spinning
beach ball while I'm typing text.  It's missing characters that I type
and completely ruining my flow.  I know code completion is a REALLY
hard problem to solve but it would be great if Creator were not so
confident in it's ability to solve it that it prevents me from just
typing it myself.

On a smaller scale is there any way I can give you a repro without
handing over my source code?  I'm happy to help get to the bottom of
this problem in any way I can.

Running OSX.5 on a MacBook Pro

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