[QUAD-L] Re: aides or caregivers

2005-05-25 Thread reelquick
Perhaps we should name this book EXCUSES caregivers give to not show up for work.
With another chapter about reasons they need to leave early.
I'm so exhausted from taking care of all the paperwork I don';t have time to write a book
But if any of you decide to write this book I can give you a list of experiences we have had.
also my other son is a writer for a newspaper. He is a good writer, can proof read anything you want to write.
Maybe instead of a book it could be an ongoing series in a large newspaper.
Actually I think it is the work ethic of today's people in this line of work. For each good person you find there will be at least 10 bad ones.
Just my observations,
Carol in KY

[QUAD-L] Wednesday 25 May 2005 The legislation would make human trafficking a felony of

2005-05-25 Thread RHawkes12

Wednesday 25 May 2005 
The legislation would make human trafficking a felony offense in California. It also would provide restitution and services for victims.
San Francisco - As concerns over human trafficking build nationwide, a California coalition is pushing what appears to be the most comprehensive state effort to combat forced labor. 
Proposed legislation that goes to the Assembly Appropriations Committee today would make human trafficking a felony offense in California and enable victims to sue their captors in state court years after they were freed. It would also expedite federal benefits such as counseling, housing and visa assistance for victims, who tend to be undocumented immigrants with little education. 
The bill was crafted with support from established community groups working with trafficked victims as well as with the sponsorship of San Francisco Dist. Atty. Kamala Harris, who has won backing for the legislation from the California District Attorneys Assn. 
A recently released report found that 10,000 people in the United States at any given time are being forced to work against their will under threat of violence. As an entryway for undocumented immigrants, California is particularly affected: Research released in February by UC Berkeley's Human Rights Center identified 57 forced labor operations in a dozen California cities between 1998 and 2003. 
The bill's principal author, Assemblywoman Sally Lieber (D-Mountain View), became interested as a city official after Mountain View police broke up a $6-million trafficking ring that forced Chinese women to work off debts in massage parlors. 
California's proposed law is part of a shift nationwide to acknowledge the status of victims rather than subject them to arrest, Lieber said. However, she conceded that "our main challenge right now is getting a bill that costs money out of the Legislature." 
The bill has won bipartisan support, including from Appropriations Committee vice chairwoman Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster). Its estimated annual cost to the state of $700,000 in increased incarceration has not posed a particular barrier so far, Runner said, although she is pressing for civil liability limits. Opposition has been lodged only by the California Public Defenders Assn., which could not be reached for comment. 
Trafficking often involves women and girls coerced to work in the sex trade, but also plagues the domestic worker, garment and agricultural industries, among others. California's most notorious case: the 71 Thai workers liberated from virtual slavery in an El Monte sweatshop in 1995. That case spawned the Los Angeles-based Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, a national voice on the issue. 
Among recent clients is 33-year-old Florencia Molina, lured in 2002 from Puebla, Mexico, to Los Angeles with promises of good pay and room and board. Instead she spent 40 days imprisoned in a garment shop where she worked from 5:30 a.m. to midnight, was fed only rice and beans and never allowed to shower. Molina eventually escaped. Her captor was prosecuted under a federal anti-trafficking law. 
"She told me, 'Dogs have more rights in this country than you,' " Molina, who received a special visa to remain here, said in a phone interview. The state law would ensure help for others, said Molina, who hopes to serve as the victims' representative on an advisory committee that the legislation would create. 
California's penal code currently does not address human trafficking, so cases must be prosecuted federally under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 or charged as kidnappings, false imprisonment, pimping and pandering or other state crimes. 
The pending bill, AB22, would make trafficking in people for forced labor or services, as well as trafficking in minors , felonies under California law. It would provide for victim restitution and protect communications between victims and counselors as privileged. 
While the federal statute outlaws trafficking across state lines, the state law would cover movement within the state. It also would define coercion more subtly than the federal law. Prosecutors would maintain the ability to refer cases for federal prosecution - as they do in gun and drug cases - if stiffer penalties would result, Harris said. 
In addition, Harris said the new law would spur local law enforcement to "take ownership" of a crime that has long been overlooked and misunderstood. 
Federal officials recently funneled grants to local police departments - including in Los Angeles and Oakland - to train officers who are often oblivious to signs of trafficking when they come into contact with victims. 
To enhance enforcement efforts, the U.S. Department of Justice last fall began encouraging states to add trafficking felonies to state penal codes. Washington, Minnesota, Arizona, Missouri and Texas had already passed limited laws - although no 

Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags citrate

2005-05-25 Thread Stacy Harim

Thanks for the support.  My idea so I would be better by my 
bday.  Memorial weekend is my 4yr anniversay.  I'm not much for 
celebrating memorial weekend anyhow.  Just brings tourists and makes this 
place crowded as hell.  Locals stay home while they take over our 
beach. LOL!!!

  - Original Message - 
  From: David K. Kelmer 
  To: Stacy Harim ; Quad-List 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:30 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags 
  Hi Stacy,
  Whose idea was it to do the surgery so you'd be in the hospital on 
  Memorial Day Weekend?  I hope all goes better this year for you, this 
  being your 5 year Quadiversary!  You'll be in my prayers.  As 
  far as the Magnesium Citrate, it made me go fast and cleaned me out 
  great.  You take care and stay strong!  :-)
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, 
  USA     Stacy Harim 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm going for my surgery for the stoma/mitrofanoff on Thursday.  
I'm a bit nervous about it but really nervous about taking this  
Magnesium Citrate.  I convinced them to let me go in the hospital a day 
early so I don't have to worry about going 2 and 1/2 to Baltimore after 
taking it.  What are your experiences with it?  Did you end up 
going to the bathroom a long time?  
Thanks in advance,

Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags citrate

2005-05-25 Thread Stacy Harim

Thanks.  I'm getting ready to go now.  Just one last over my 
email.  cya yall in a week or so.  Dumb me scheduled it on my 4 yr 
anniversary but at least it's my choice to go in the hospital this time.  
LOL.  Take care,

  - Original Message - 
  ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Quad-List@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:36 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags 
  Hey Stacey, I wish you the very best in surgery. I hope you can enjoy 
  your stay there. 
  Your in my prayers.

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Today - National Call/Fax Day for Stem Cell Research!

2005-05-25 Thread DAANOO

I did a day late, website provIdes letter.
Dana (C4-5, 30 years post, 51, KC)
--- Begin Message ---
Title: Untitled Document


Urgent Action Alert! 
Tuesday, May 24th!! 
The House of Representatives soon will be voting on HR 810, The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005. CAMR is joining with patient, research and health organizations across the country to hold a 
Monday, May 23rd 
Urge Them to Vote in Favor of the
Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, HR 810 
All Members of Congress  even those who are supportive  need to hear from constituents about the importance of passing this critical bill. These calls and faxes can and will make a difference. Now is the time to call your Representative using the talking points provided below and to ask your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and anyone else you can think of to call in, too. Representatives need to know that people back home care deeply about this issue. 
Make your support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research known - call and/or fax your Representative TODAY, Monday, May 23rd! 
To fax a letter to your Representative, go to www.camradvocacy.org, and follow the steps to Contact Congress . To find out who your Representative is and what her/his phone number is, go to www.camradvocacy.org  and follow the steps in Find Your Rep. 

I am calling because HR 810, The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, will be considered by the House this week; 
  As your constituent, I want you to know that your support for this bill is important to me ( you can explain why, give your personal story ); 
  Embryonic stem cells hold the potential to develop therapies and cures for many diseases and afflictions, which would benefit millions of Americans; 
  HR810 would allow scientists to conduct research on additional stem cell lines that have been created within the ethical framework that President Bush established in 2001; 
  I understand there will also be a vote on cord blood research this week. Although I support that legislation, I want to be clear that it is NOT a substitute for expanding the federal policy on embryonic stem cell research as HR 810 would do. 
  I will be watching the debate and the vote on HR 810 and I hope that I can count on Representative __'s support of the bill. 

  When President Bush announced his stem cell policy in August 2001, we did not foresee that the 78 lines available for research at that time would not be sufficient. The problems with the current restrictive policy include the following. 

  While it originally appeared that 78 embryonic stem cell lines would be available for research under the federal policy, now nearly four years after August 9, 2001, only 22 are currently available to researchers. 
  All of those lines are contaminated with mouse feeder cells, making their therapeutic use for humans uncertain. 
  Scientists are reporting that it is increasingly difficult to attract new scientists to this area of research because of concerns that funding restrictions will keep this research from being successful. 
  This promising field of research is moving overseas. We have already seen researchers move to countries such as the United Kingdom, South Korea, Singapore, Israel, Sweden, and Australia, which have more supportive policies. 


--- End Message ---

Re: [QUAD-L] Is the stuff U all talkin, really possible?

2005-05-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

hi alley101, Im john,49, c-5 spinal injury with a touch of brain damage. 29 
years post. I don't know if I have any valuable advice. Sort of taking care of 
problems as they happen. Glad to have you on the list.

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Good news amid the gloom and doom

2005-05-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Now I want to move out of ohio..

Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags citrate

2005-05-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Hey Stacey, I wish you the very best in surgery. I hope you can enjoy your 
stay there. 
Your in my prayers.

Re: [QUAD-L] hbtm

2005-05-25 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Dave,
I don't know what kind of man you would have been if you didn't break your neck, but I'm proud to call you my friend today.  You've done a lot and have a lot of love in your family, and I believe you deserve to be proud of it all.  Stay strong.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA  dave oconnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

May 24, 1967..  A day I shall remember.  I'm not particularly sad or hateful about what happened that Wednesday night,  it's just curious as to where I am now as a result.  My mom said it was a good thing I broke my neck because otherwise I'd have killed myself.  (10  feet tall and bullet proof don't ya know...age 19 )  I have done many things I never thought I could have.  Wife, kids, job, responsibility, house, inlaws, ... all that stuff.  I don't think I'd have killed myself - but would have slowed down by some other means.  I'm rather proud of my accomplishments all things considered and feel I won't have too many things to answer to the MAN for what I've done here.  I feel we are all dealt the hands we are currently playing and our job is to do the best we can with what we have.  Absolute measurements are crap - only things relative to our situations matter.  Be proud fellow quads.  We are wa!
 ! lking
 where mere mortal men fear to go.  38 down,  ??? to go.
DaveDave(what's a quad?) 

Do You Yahoo!?Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new Resources site!

[QUAD-L] Is the stuff U all talkin, really possible?

2005-05-25 Thread leigh parrish

Hey guys,
I've been readin' & I do not even know 
if I'm doing this right? Please, bare with me, I'm green! And, I'm not 
technically a (quad) but I am a 29 yr old, multiple, stroke victim. Which has 
left me basically parallyzed in all limbs & speech diffs. I didn't even 
know there were such concerns! I've been totally ignored. 
I had a little movement in all my limbs at first.I don't know 
if I could've ever gotten it all back. But it was 
definately possible at first. They just shoved me in a nursing home, 
where I've been for 5 years with no therapy.(for a min. maybe) & I 
was making progress then! Hell, I could stand. Now, they've left me alone 
altogether, & my feet have curled up in little balls, like the " wicked 
witch of the East" when the house fell on her! And U know what else? I let 
  I guess the moral is I had no idea you 
people were out here, living normal or trying anyway, to live normal 
lives! I'm finding it hard to beleive it can happen. But I'm gonna keep 
on readin'.& slowly but surely I'll catch on.
whom read all this.

Re: [QUAD-L] Yes, we have no bananas ... :-)

2005-05-25 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Lori,
I don't know about everyone else but I was just referring to spasms that caused leg cramps.  The potassium will help with that.  :)
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA  .Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Never stop trying what seems to be working!  However, to mine and my husband's knowledge..
there is nothing in bananas (even potassium) that get to joints, etc.
Glucosamine (for dogs & humans) has proven to help lubricate joints and pains.  Both my dog (hip
dysplasia) and my husband (knee joint pain/arthritis) take it daily.  It's an over-the-counter supplement.
---Original Message---

From: David K. Kelmer
Date: 05/23/05 20:16:12
To: William Willis; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About Spasms...hey John

Hi Larry,
Bananas are high in potassium so they would help with leg cramps.
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USAWilliam Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John,Do bananas actually help? I've tried baclofen, but it totally destroys me.hallucinations, dizziness, disorientation. Bad stuff. Bananas sound apeeling.(couldn't help it!) Larry>From: "Silas Shelburne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About Spasms>Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 14:08:20 -0700>>Hey John,>I mite try quinine, it helped my leg cramps before I got hurt.>Silas> - Original Message -> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quad-list@eskimo.com> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 1:46 PM> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About Spasms>>> I usually eat a banana when spasms are particularly annoying. I have >diazepam to take also. I th!
 ink m!
 ost folks get baclophen. (however it is >spelled) If I'm getting a lot of leg spasms usually, I'm sitting on a >wrinkle or something is irritating me somewhere. Some days, the spasms are >just worse and I don't know why.> good luck> john

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Good news amid the gloom and doom

2005-05-25 Thread DAANOO

Dana (C4-5, 30 years post, 51, KC)
--- Begin Message ---
> The new MEDSTAT Medicaid numbers are out for 2004 (SEE BELOW)
> It may be slower than we want, but we are making a big difference!!
> TOTAL LONG TERM CARE SPENDING FY 2004 - $89.32 billion
> Institutional Spending - 64.5%
> $57.60 billion
> Community-Based Spending - 35.5%  $31.72 billion

The formatting below may get messed up so first comes your states name then
the first number is the percent of dollars your state spends on
institutional services, the second number (may be on the next line but
before the next state's name) is the percent of dollars spent on community
> OREGON29.5%70.5%
> NEWMEXICO32.4%  67.6%
> ALASKA 39.9%62.1%
> VERMONT42.3%   57.7%
> MINNESOTA44.1%   55.9%
> WASHINGTON45.3%54.7%
> WYOMING46.6%   53.4%
> COLORADO  51.5%   48.5%
> MAINE53.1%46.9%
> KANSAS  53.1%46.9%
> CALIFORNIA55.4%   44.6%
> NEWYORK56.6%   43.4%
> RHODEISLAND57.9%42.1%
> UTAH  58.7% 41.3%
> IDAHO59.2%40.8%
> WISCONSIN   60.6%  39.4%
> WESTVIRGINIA 61.2%  38.8%
> NORTHCAROLINA  61.2%   38.8%
> NEWHAMPSHIRE 61.8%   38.2%
> MARYLAND   62.3%  37.7%
> CONNECTICUT  62.6% 37.4%
> SOUTHDAKOTA63.0%  37.0%
> OKLAHOMA   63.2% 36.8%
> HAWAII 63.7%36.3%
> TEXAS64.0%
> MONTANA   64.2%35.8%
> MISSOURI  64.5%35.5%
> MASSACHUSETTS   64.6%35.4%
> NEBRASKA68.2%   31.8%
> VIRGINIA   68.3%31.7%
> NEWJERSEY   68.4%   31.6%
> IOWA   68.9%31.1%
> SOUTHCAROLINA   69.4%   30.6%
> NEVADA 69.9%30.1%
> KENTUCKY70.3%  29.7%
> DELWARE   71.0%  29.0%
> MICHIGAN  71.8%  28.2%
> INDIANA  73.3%
> ILLINOIS73.4%26.6%
> FLORIDA   74.0%26.0%
> ALABAMA74.6% 25.4%
> ARIZONA 74.9%25.1%
> GEORGIA  75.2%24.8%
> NORTHDAKOTA77.5%  22.5%
> LOUISIANA   77.6%23.4%
> PENNSYLVANIA 77.7% 22.3%
> OHIO  78.4%
> ARKANSAS   78.5%21.5%
> TENNESSEE  82.7%17.3%
> WASHINGTONDC  88.3%  11.7%
> MISSISSIPPI   94.8%   5.2%

In order of best to worst.
Institutional services are nursing homes and ICFs MR.
Community services are Personal Care, Waivers, &  Home Health.

NATIONAL ADAPT MAILING LIST - Adapt MiCASA List http://www.adapt.org
--- End Message ---

Re: [QUAD-L] surgery and mags citrate

2005-05-25 Thread David K. Kelmer

Hi Stacy,
Whose idea was it to do the surgery so you'd be in the hospital on Memorial Day Weekend?  I hope all goes better this year for you, this being your 5 year Quadiversary!  You'll be in my prayers.  As far as the Magnesium Citrate, it made me go fast and cleaned me out great.  You take care and stay strong!  :-)
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA     Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm going for my surgery for the stoma/mitrofanoff on Thursday.  I'm a bit nervous about it but really nervous about taking this  Magnesium Citrate.  I convinced them to let me go in the hospital a day early so I don't have to worry about going 2 and 1/2 to Baltimore after taking it.  What are your experiences with it?  Did you end up going to the bathroom a long time?  
Thanks in advance,

Re: [QUAD-L] Aides again

2005-05-25 Thread Dana Miller
This sounds great like it always does--but who is going to pay for the wage 
they deserve?  I certainly cannot afford it.  Should I win the Lottery, then 
yes, I could pay as much as was needed to get the best people.  I could 
build a few home-like apartment group homes and screen the tenants well. 
But that takes money.  The PCA program I am on pays more than the agencies 
do, but still cannot fill my positions right now--not even to cook supper 
mon.--fri.  I have 2 attendants, one is leaving for a week on a vacation 
then will start school and will not be working the weekends or nights 
anymore.  The other gal puts me to bed and works for 2 agencies during the 
Part of the problem is the amount of hours--like you said, its not enough to 
make it feasible and people are getting stingy with gas prices, so driving 
here for 1 hour then coming back 3 hours  later for another 1 hour, is just 
not worth it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Aaron Mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Quad" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Aides again

I've been pulling together information on what might be involved in
creating a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) business funded by private
sponsors / Medicaid / Medicare / Insurance.  I want to create a business
that is founded and run by the people that actually use the services.  I
believe that, combined, we have enough successful approaches to finding
the right people.  In my experiences the road blocks are in the
inexperienced Home Health Agency or other "fill in the blank" programs
created by often times non-disabled individuals.  They don't recruit
properly, don't train properly, and remove too much control from the

My approach has been entirely outside of any agency or other
organization.  I find people through advertisements in papers, local
colleges and at local medical centers.  I pay what I think is fair for
this type of work and detail out every aspect of what my expectations
are.  My biggest problem is that I cannot provide a full-time job for
these people.  I've run across some great people who, if they could get
more hours, would take this on as a profession.

In my ideal company I'd keep it privatized.  This way each "client"
could have their own customized care program.  Attendants would get paid
the rates they deserve.  Ultimately this would get us the quality care
we deserve.


From: Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:56 PM
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] Aides again


"People keep telling me I should write a book too.  We should flood the
market with therxse books and name names to show how we are "really"
treated!  There should be a chapter on good aides too, or something so
they do not go un-noticed.  Maybe a 2 set book--The Bad, and The Good!


Just yesterday my husband mentioned I should write a book on all this
too.  But I am so exhausted on the subject... thinking of writing it all
feels like me climbing Mt Everest as a quad!  *sigh*

I just wrote a heavy heated letter to the corporate office of my home
health agency.  They should have it today so we'll see what type of shit
hits the fan or whether it was done in vain.


RE: [QUAD-L] A REALLY great new SCI book "Roll Models"

2005-05-25 Thread Cameron Wallace
Title: Message

That's the second rave I've read here. 
That's the book Bobbie mentioned in which she was profiled. 
where ever you are
-Cameron W

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:06 
  PMTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] A REALLY 
  great new SCI book "Roll Models"
  here: Amazon.com: Books: Roll Models 
   I HIGHLY recommend "Roll Models" by Richard Holicky People 
  Who Live Successfully Following Spinal Cord Injury and How They Do 
     This book can only be 
  obtained through Amazon.com
  [back page reads]
    Why do some spinal cord injury survivors succeed after 
  injury and others spiral into inactivity and depression? Richard Holicky, 
  himself a survivor, talks to spinal cord injured people throughout the country 
  and comes up with answers.
    What do these people have in common? What enables them to 
  be happy?   Roll Models contains 
  profiles of 53 people how are successfully coping with spinal cord injury, and 
  examines how they met the challenges of living with paralysis and it's impact 
  on their lives. Their stories are accompanied by an analysis of how they dealt 
  with fears, obstacles, and problems common to such life altering circumstance. 
  Roll Models is filled with questions, answers, information and 
  resources, all the essential building blocks nessary to make success in the 
  broader sense - work, marriage, materiel comfort - a 

[QUAD-L] A REALLY great new SCI book "Roll Models"

2005-05-25 Thread Begitee

Click here: Amazon.com: Books: Roll Models 
 I HIGHLY recommend "Roll Models" by Richard Holicky People Who Live Successfully Following Spinal Cord Injury and How They Do It.
   This book can only be obtained through Amazon.com
[back page reads]
  Why do some spinal cord injury survivors succeed after injury and others spiral into inactivity and depression? Richard Holicky, himself a survivor, talks to spinal cord injured people throughout the country and comes up with answers.
  What do these people have in common? What enables them to be happy?   Roll Models contains profiles of 53 people how are successfully coping with spinal cord injury, and examines how they met the challenges of living with paralysis and it's impact on their lives. Their stories are accompanied by an analysis of how they dealt with fears, obstacles, and problems common to such life altering circumstance. Roll Models is filled with questions, answers, information and resources, all the essential building blocks nessary to make success in the broader sense - work, marriage, materiel comfort - a reality.

Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could help

2005-05-25 Thread Dana Miller
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by "invisible careers"?  or do you mean 
invisible care takers?  because they sure do not show up!  I am still 
looking for a supper person a weekend, and.3 nights a week person.  Have 
been for a couple of months now.  I have not gotten "stuck" yet, but time is 
running out fast!

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could help

Hey Dana,

How are you?  How comes you keep getting sent these invisible  careers
Have you ever got stuck because of them??

Hope you get sent another decent career soon!

Love Smurf xxx

In a message dated 13/05/2005 01:33:31 GMT Standard Time, 


Just  this a.m. my "new" attendant called and said she would be here and
bring  something from McDonalds with her.  She never showed up.  In the 
2-3 weeks I have had 2-3 "new" aides come and go.  I have 2  excellent 

now, but one is going to Florida in june for a  week.
Another 'interviewee' called and wanted to change her interview until
Sunday--she forgot her husband was having a colostomy and urostomy

People keep telling me I should write a book  too.  We should flood the
market with therxse books and name names to  show how we are "really"
treated!  There should be a chapter on good  aides too, or something so 

they do not go un-noticed.  Maybe a 2  set book--The Bad, and The Good!

-  Original Message - 
From: "Silas Shelburne"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;  "Quad" 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 4:32  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could help

Oh  man!
You wouldn't believe the trouble ive had with nursing and aids, been 

6 in 3 years.  One ive got now comes in every morning with  alcahol on her
breath even drinks through the day.  It doesn't seem  to bother her so I
haven't said anything, hell I may not find another  nurse.  Thats how 

I am for help.  Lol.  Thats just  the tip of the iceberg that ive been
through with help, im real easy too  get along with to.  That was the 
with one nurse, she wonted  to marry me.  Lol.  When I said no she ran 

to her husband  the next week, and quit not long after.  Sounds kind of
fishey don't  it.  Oh ill tell you more later, im going to write a book 

my  trials with help.  Lol.
- Original Message -
From: Lori Michaelson
To: Quad
Sent: Wednesday,  May 11, 2005 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could  help

Believe you me, Stacy, DO  consider yourself fortunate!

All us quads  have faced the low caliber of character that so many
aides have.   They want the job, then they don't.  Many are thieves.

My latest (via my MediCARE agency) began about a month  ago.  At
first I thought she had it all together.  NOT!   She's dating a guy in 

and is a single mom to 4 kids under age  11!

In the last 12 days of work here ...  she's called in FIVE times with
car trouble.

I just don't know how people like them can survive themselves let
alone have a conscience.


---Original  Message---

From: Stacy Harim
Date: 05/11/05 13:04:02
To: Quad; Dana Miller
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  also, your opinion could help

wow, the  experiences you all are going through with aides makes me
sick to my  stomach.  Makes me realize how lucky I am to have the
independence I  have.  My friend/neighbor is my aide and I mostly just use
her for  chores.  She does more while I am going to school.  When I first 

home from rehab and needed more personal care, my aides were 2 women one 
her 40's and the other  early 50's.  they bother were very  dependable. 
got on my nerves once she got comfortable.  She  stayed longer than I 
her just so she could get overtime so she just  sat around.  That is 

compared to what you all are going  through.  I'm so fortunate that I was
physically able to learn to  take care of my personal care.

I think you  would definitely benefit from the waiver.

- Original Message - 
From: Dana Miller

To:  Quad
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:34  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion  could help

For a long time I was on  Medicare only.  Then noticed Medicaid began
to pick
up things for 3 months if I happened to be in the  hospital.  I
getting involved  in the 'spenddown' just to get my meds paid for.
attendant program is paid by the state--but had to wait 4 years  for
it.  I
had private insurance  before that.

It took me a few years to  figure out what medicaid was and how to
use the
spenddown.  Then my case worker from senior services (a more
correct term, ugh) came to do  his yearly review and somehow--I don't
ask--came up with 6 hours a week for homemaker services.  They come
3  times
a week for 2 hours.  They do  cleaning, shopping and 

RE: [QUAD-L] Aides again

2005-05-25 Thread Aaron Mann

I've been pulling 
together information on what might be involved in creating a Personal Care 
Attendant (PCA) business funded by private sponsors / Medicaid / Medicare / 
Insurance.  I want to create a business that is founded and run by the 
people that actually use the services.  I believe that, combined, we have 
enough successful approaches to finding the right people.  In my 
experiences the road blocks are in the inexperienced Home Health Agency or other 
"fill in the blank" programs created by often times non-disabled 
individuals.  They don't recruit properly, don't train properly, and remove 
too much control from the patient.
My approach has been 
entirely outside of any agency or other organization.  I find people 
through advertisements in papers, local colleges and at local medical 
centers.  I pay what I think is fair for this type of work and detail out 
every aspect of what my expectations are.  My biggest problem is that I 
cannot provide a full-time job for these people.  I've run across some 
great people who, if they could get more hours, would take this on as a 
In my 
ideal company I'd keep it privatized.  This way each "client" could have 
their own customized care program.  Attendants would get paid the rates 
they deserve.  Ultimately this would get us the quality care we 

From: Lori Michaelson 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:56 
PMTo: QuadSubject: [QUAD-L] Aides 


  "People keep telling me I should write a book 
  too.  We should flood the market with therxse books and name 
  names to show how we are "really" treated!  There should be a 
  chapter on good aides too, or something so that they do not go 
  un-noticed.  Maybe a 2 set book--The Bad, and The 
  Just yesterday my husband mentioned I 
  should write a book on all this too.  But I am so exhausted on the 
  subject... thinking of writing it all feels like me climbing Mt Everest as 
  a quad!  *sigh*
  I just wrote a heavy heated letter to 
  the corporate office of my home health agency.  They should have it 
  today so we'll see what type of shit hits the fan or whether it was done 
  in vain.



[QUAD-L] Well they passed it!

2005-05-25 Thread QuadPirate

Now we'll see if the majority of Americans means anything.
House Approves a Stem Cell Research Bill Opposed by Bush

WASHINGTON, May 24 - The House passed a bill on Tuesday to expand federal financing for embryonic stem cell research, defying a veto threat from President Bush, who appeared at the White House with babies and toddlers born of test-tube embryos and warned the measure "would take us across a critical ethical line."

President Bush made his opposition to the stem cell bill known yesterday at the White House, showing off month-old Trey Jones, who was born as a result of one couple’s donation of frozen embryos to another.

Susan Walsh/Associated Press
President Bush appeared at the White House with babies and toddlers born of test-tube embryos, some wearing shirts that read "former embryo." 
The vote, 238 to 194 with 50 Republicans in favor, fell far short of the two-thirds majority required to overturn a presidential veto, setting up a possible showdown between Congress and Mr. Bush, who has never exercised his veto power. An identical bill has broad bipartisan support in the Senate; moments after the House vote, the Senate sponsors wrote to the Republican leader, Bill Frist, urging him to put it on the agenda.
The House action is the first vote on embryonic stem cell research since August 2001, when Mr. Bush opened the door to taxpayer financing for the studies, but only with strict limits. The new bill permits the government to pay for studies involving human embryos that are in frozen storage at fertility clinics, so long as couples conceiving the embryos certified that they had made a decision to discard them.
"The White House cannot ignore this vote," said the bill's chief Republican backer, Representative Michael N. Castle of Delaware, adding, "I'm elated."
But opponents also said they were elated. Representative Joseph R. Pitts, Republican of Pennsylvania, said: "I hate to lose, but I feel pretty good about this vote. We beat a veto-proof margin by 50 votes."
The big question now is what will happen in the Senate. Dr. Frist, a heart surgeon from Tennessee who supports the existing policy, is already facing intense pressure from conservatives over the issue of Mr. Bush's judicial nominees and does not seem eager to schedule a vote on stem cell research. He said last week that he wanted to check with his colleagues before doing so. 
The House vote followed an impassioned lobbying campaign by advocates for patients, including Nancy Reagan. Mrs. Reagan, who became a strong backer of stem cell research as her husband struggled with Alzheimer's disease, telephoned fellow Republicans this week urging a yes vote, Mr. Castle said. 
But Mr. Bush countered with a powerful one-two punch, throwing the full weight of the White House behind the opposition. On Friday, he issued a rare threat to veto the Castle bill. On Tuesday, just hours before the vote, he appeared in the East Room of the White House with families created by a rare but growing practice in which one couple donates its frozen embryos to another.
"The children here today remind us that there is no such thing as a spare embryo," Mr. Bush said, amid the squeals and coos of babies cradled in their mothers' arms. "Every embryo is unique and genetically complete, like every other human being. And each of us started out our life this way. These lives are not raw material to be exploited, but gifts."
The parents, who worked through a Christian adoption agency, applauded enthusiastically. When Mr. Bush said that "every human life is a precious gift of matchless love," a mother behind him on stage mouthed the word "Amen." 
The White House event, on what conservative Christians and the president call an important "culture of life" issue, demonstrated just how far Mr. Bush is willing to assert himself on policy that goes to what he considers the moral heart of his presidency. In another sign of how important the issue is to conservatives, the House Republican leader, Tom DeLay of Texas, managed the opposition to the bill, also casting it in stark moral terms.
"An embryo is a person, a distinct internally directed, self-integrating human organism," Mr. DeLay said, adding, "We were all at one time embryos ourselves. So was Abraham. So was Muhammad. So was Jesus of Nazareth."
He went on: "The choice to protect a human embryo from federally funded destruction is not, ultimately, about the human embryo. It is about us, and our rejection of the treacherous notion that while all human lives are sacred, some are more sacred than others."
Human embryonic stem cells, isolated from human embryos for the first time in 1998, have the potential to grow into any cell or tissue in the body, and so hold great promise for treatment of disease. But the embryos are destroyed when the cells are extracted. So Mr. Bush, intending to discourage further embryo destruction, insisted in 2001 that federal financing be limited to studies of those stem cell coloni

[QUAD-L] Aides again

2005-05-25 Thread Lori Michaelson

"People keep telling me I should write a book too.  We should flood the market with therxse books and name names to show how we are "really" treated!  There should be a chapter on good aides too, or something so that they do not go un-noticed.  Maybe a 2 set book--The Bad, and The Good!Dana[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Just yesterday my husband mentioned I should write a book on all this too.  But I am so exhausted on the subject... thinking of writing it all feels like me climbing Mt Everest as a quad!  *sigh*
I just wrote a heavy heated letter to the corporate office of my home health agency.  They should have it today so we'll see what type of shit hits the fan or whether it was done in vain.

Re: [QUAD-L] Font

2005-05-25 Thread Smurfonwheels

Another great free font website is www.fontfreak.com  they've got loads on 
Hope it helps,
Love Smurf xxx
In a message dated 20/05/2005 02:01:50 GMT Standard Time, 
CotillionDiskus D MedEmbassy ETEnglish111 VivaceRage 
  ItalicSignatureStaccato222SurferTypo UprightWeddingText 
  BTFind free Fonts 
  > Anyone have any suggestions for a nice looking cursive font to use 
  for > invitations? > > Eric> > > 
  -- Freedom: United States Constitution© 1791 All Rights 
  PreservedMy first 
  page. http://tnthompson0.tripod.com/homeincyberspace/Computer 
  Graphics portfolio. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Regaining movement

2005-05-25 Thread Smurfonwheels

Hey Little Quad,
I wouldn't say your recovery is amazing, no way.  I would describe it 
as being super duper amazing!!   To 
non injuried people moving 3 toes is minor.  But to people in our 
situation, moving three toes is a huge milestone, so WELL DONE and 
Have you tried speaking to either your GP about it, or maybe even try 
getting in contact with a physio?
Take care,
Love Smurf xxx
In a message dated 19/05/2005 18:03:46 GMT Standard Time, 

  I don’t know how many of you are incomplete, but can you feel your 
  muscles when they twitch etc? I have regained the movement of 3 toes in the 
  last 6 years. I can feel the muscles in both of my legs twitching when I try 
  moving them. My mom can put her hand on my leg/foot and feel the muscles 
  So the question is: what kind of doctor should I go see? The current 
  one doesn’t seem impressed! This is amazing to me. What do you think?? 
  Thanks, littlequad
  http://fly.to/littlequad Yahoo ID - 


Re: [QUAD-L] pain

2005-05-25 Thread Smurfonwheels

Hey there,
Hell yeah I've had that problem  I also had it for a year 
before I was diagnosed with having RSD.  I use to tell them that 
my leg hurt, but I couldn't pinpoint where exactly the pain was, nor 
could I describe it.  Typical really!
Take care,
Love Smurf xxx
In a message dated 15/05/2005 17:12:45 GMT Standard Time, 
  people,Just wondering if any of you ever met a doctor whodidn't 
  believe you really had pain below your injurylevel.I have a hard time 
  explaining the pain to them.D.E.WHAT A LONG STRANGETRIP IT'S 
  __ Yahoo! Mail Mobile Take Yahoo! 
  Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 


Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could help

2005-05-25 Thread Smurfonwheels

Hey Dana,
How are you?  How comes you keep getting sent these invisible 
careers  Have you ever got stuck because of them??
Hope you get sent another decent career soon!
Love Smurf xxx
In a message dated 13/05/2005 01:33:31 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  this a.m. my "new" attendant called and said she would be here and bring 
  something from McDonalds with her.  She never showed up.  In the 
  past 2-3 weeks I have had 2-3 "new" aides come and go.  I have 2 
  excellent ones now, but one is going to Florida in june for a 
  week.Another 'interviewee' called and wanted to change her interview until 
  Sunday--she forgot her husband was having a colostomy and urostomy 
  today--what!People keep telling me I should write a book 
  too.  We should flood the market with therxse books and name names to 
  show how we are "really" treated!  There should be a chapter on good 
  aides too, or something so that they do not go un-noticed.  Maybe a 2 
  set book--The Bad, and The Good!Dana[EMAIL PROTECTED]- 
  Original Message - From: "Silas Shelburne" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
  "Quad" Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 4:32 
  PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could helpOh 
  man!You wouldn't believe the trouble ive had with nursing and aids, been 
  through 6 in 3 years.  One ive got now comes in every morning with 
  alcahol on her breath even drinks through the day.  It doesn't seem 
  to bother her so I haven't said anything, hell I may not find another 
  nurse.  Thats how despert I am for help.  Lol.  Thats just 
  the tip of the iceberg that ive been through with help, im real easy too 
  get along with to.  That was the trouble with one nurse, she wonted 
  to marry me.  Lol.  When I said no she ran back to her husband 
  the next week, and quit not long after.  Sounds kind of fishey don't 
  it.  Oh ill tell you more later, im going to write a book about my 
  trials with help.  Lol.Silas  - Original Message - 
    From: Lori Michaelson  To: Quad  Sent: Wednesday, 
  May 11, 2005 1:35 PM  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion could 
  help         Believe you me, Stacy, DO 
  consider yourself fortunate!        All us quads 
  have faced the low caliber of character that so many aides have.  
  They want the job, then they don't.  Many are thieves.  
        My latest (via my MediCARE agency) began about a month 
  ago.  At first I thought she had it all together.  NOT!  
  She's dating a guy in jail and is a single mom to 4 kids under age 
  11!        In the last 12 days of work here ... 
  she's called in FIVE times with car trouble.      
    I just don't know how people like them can survive themselves let 
  alone have a conscience.        
  Lori        ---Original 
  Message---        From: Stacy Harim  
        Date: 05/11/05 13:04:02        
  To: Quad; Dana Miller        Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  also, your opinion could help        wow, the 
  experiences you all are going through with aides makes me sick to my 
  stomach.  Makes me realize how lucky I am to have the independence I 
  have.  My friend/neighbor is my aide and I mostly just use her for 
  chores.  She does more while I am going to school.  When I first got 
  home from rehab and needed more personal care, my aides were 2 women one 
  in her 40's and the other  early 50's.  they bother were very 
  dependable.  One got on my nerves once she got comfortable.  She 
  stayed longer than I needed her just so she could get overtime so she just 
  sat around.  That is minimal compared to what you all are going 
  through.  I'm so fortunate that I was physically able to learn to 
  take care of my personal care.        I think you 
  would definitely benefit from the waiver.        
  Stacy        - Original Message -   
        From: Dana Miller        To: 
  Quad        Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:34 
  PM        Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] also, your opinion 
  could help        For a long time I was on 
  Medicare only.  Then noticed Medicaid began to pick    
      up things for 3 months if I happened to be in the 
  hospital.  I started        getting involved 
  in the 'spenddown' just to get my meds paid for. My    
      attendant program is paid by the state--but had to wait 4 years 
  for it.  I        had private insurance 
  before that.        It took me a few years to 
  figure out what medicaid was and how to use the      
    spenddown.  Then my case worker from senior services (a more 
  politically        correct term, ugh) came to do 
  his yearly review and somehow--I don't        
  ask--came up with 6 hours a week for homemaker services.  They come 3 
  times        a week for 2 hours.  They do 
  cleaning, shopping and laundry.  I used to have    
      to pay my attendants to do that.  Now they can concentrate 
  on my care.        These people come from 
  agencies and I have gone thru a bunch of th

Re: [QUAD-L] About Spasms..

2005-05-25 Thread ~LittleQuad~
talk about the best cure for spasms. maye a few during build up, but the after effect is nice...can sleep all nighthaha[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sex? I only get spasms. Tell me about sex? lol

Re: [QUAD-L] About Spasms..

2005-05-25 Thread Quietstream25322

  Mabey what you need is a nice big  BANANA , Like they have 
mentioned lately.  LOL !