Re: [QUAD-L] Sleeplessness

2011-12-23 Thread wheelchair
Sleeping disorders can affect anyone, quads included.  Those reasons  vary 
greatly. Some drugs and OTC help, while environment can also aid, like a  
small fan or tv/radio.  White noise using a sound generator can improve  
sleeping habits. Diets or the lack of a diet can affect the length of a sleep  
cycle. The body does an amazing amount of healing during deep sleep.  Are  you 
getting enough rest?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/22/2011 5:10:12 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Do any of you have any problems sleeping at night?   if I don't  drug 
myself, I lie awake for hours on end and often have 'panic attacks' in  the 
middle.  They are terrible forcing me to sit up and turn the fan  on.  When 
below 70, that's too cool for me - but if it is much  warmer, the pa's are 
worse and more frequent.  I use a plethora of otc  drugs and root extracts in 
alternating sequence.  My body seems to  quickly figure each one out and 
render it useless so I have to switch  around.
What do you guys do, just lie down and sleep like a baby???

Time  draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast 
friend,  which neither heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can 
alter or  diminish   ( 
John Lyly  quotes 

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleeplessness

2011-12-23 Thread lindakrn

It must be a quad thing because I wake up during the night too. I'm counting 
sheep too.   S ometimes I turn my TV on real low. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Wishing Merry Christmas Happ-ier New Year Coming !!!

2011-12-23 Thread lindakrn
Thanks Matt, the same to you  everyone on the Quad-list. Love all of Ya'll

From: "Matt Wermer" wer...@wk.netTo: quad-list@eskimo.comSent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:38:27 PMSubject: [QUAD-L] Wishing Merry Christmas  Happ-ier New Year Coming !!!

Wishin Ya’ll aaa Very Merry Christmas  Happi-errr New Year Coming !!!

Thanks for another great year of sharing and friendships!

Mey Christmas Ho-Ho-Ho !!!


A C/4 1989-er 
Puryear, Tennessee

[QUAD-L] rocket fetcher

2011-12-23 Thread hellodaveoc
look who can get my rocket out from the back  room without hitting 


Re: [QUAD-L] Wishing Merry Christmas Happ-ier New Year Coming !!!

2011-12-23 Thread DAANOO
Hi Quad-gang,
I want to thank you all for the friendship and caring that you  show for 
each member of the group. It is wonderful that we have this group to  learn 
from each other and grow from sharing. Thank you Jim for starting this  group.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and hoping that you  celebrate the true 
meaning of Christmas not just the Christmas presents and  Santa Claus. I 
realize how fun this is for all the children.

Love you all  as well,

Thanks Matt, the same to you  everyone on the Quad-list.  Love all of Ya'  


From: Matt Wermer
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:38:27  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Wishing Merry Christmas  Happ-ier New Year  Coming !!!

Wishin Ya’ll aaa Very Merry Christmas  Happi-errr New Year Coming  !!! 
Thanks for another great year of sharing and  friendships! 
Mey Christmas Ho-Ho-Ho !!! 
A C/4 1989-er  
Puryear,  Tennessee

inline: image001.jpg

[QUAD-L] Re: Tell CMS we have waited long enough for freedom!

2011-12-23 Thread DAANOO

, Please click on the link below and tell your story to support home and  
community-based services to not be assigned to exclude others from living in  
their own home. I believe this is important and a good thing to do at 
Christmas  as those of us who have escaped nursing homes and realize how 
difficult it is to  live in a nursing home without privacy, personal caregivers 
andthe ability to  engage in our communities and see our families.
I have a large family but  only a few people came to the nursing home. Even 
if you have  not lived in a nursing home I know you realize the benefits of 
home and  community-based services. There are over 3000 waiting to get 
services. In Kansas  200-400,000,000 is being cut in services. It's a good idea 
to write your  senators and representatives also. If you feel they don't 
listen, at least you  have tried to voice your thoughts. Your comments may help 
to convince our  legislators to understand that the institutional bias to 
institutions should not  be continued.
Please write state and federal legislators about not supporting block  
grants to the states, but to support matching grants that states have always  
received. Block grants will devastate home and community-based services.
will rob I only worked once you and as you based on the record with Alfonzo 
 and I wish you you are a hormone work to do almost stood soon as you you 
you you  you you you you you will they find I'm getting help and utility for 
Clinton to  quit this will go insane if I get the hundred $30m/used to work 
what you use  sleepless for a vote you you you you you
Hopefully all states are sending  documentation that legislators how HCBS 
saves money for the state through their  advocacy groups you can contact your 
centers for Independent living to get this  documentation..
Just my thoughts,
thank you,
save this and and please do this after your Christmas activities!.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
During the holiday season we can't help but think about those who aren't  
to be at home with their families or who won't enjoy the simple  pleasures 
the holidays because they are stuck in an institution. This  year, many of 
expected that, as the holiday season arrived, we would be  working to 
the institutional bias by urging our states to select the  Community First
Choice (CFC) Option or serving on CFC Development and  Implementation

Unfortunately, even though the Community  First Choice Option became 
to states on October 1st, nearly three  months later, CMS still hasn't
released the final rules. The final CFC rules  have been delayed, in part,
because of comments made against CMS's proposed  rules about the definition 
community in 1915(c) waivers. In those rules,  CMS proposed ways to better
define community, so that certain settings  couldn't be funded using 
home and community based services waivers.  There are similar provisions in
the CFC rules. Under the proposed rules,  cottages on the grounds of public
and private institutions, segregated  facilities housing only people with a
specific disability, and assisted  living (in certain cases) wouldn't be
eligible for HCBS waiver  funding.

ADAPT and other advocates were pleased with the proposed rules.  
others opposed this policy. CMS heard loudly from those who  profit from the
segregation of our people, those who oppose our efforts to  promote the full
integration of people with disabilities, and those that want  to maintain 
status quo. This included 14 state Medicaid  directors.

Now, CMS and the Obama administration need to hear from  us!

We need to tell them that they have waited long enough to issue the  final
rules implementing the Community First Choice Option!
They need to  hear that we support a STRONG definition of community that
distinguishes  between REAL integration and segregated settings 
masquerading  as

Using this link (, send emails  to CMS and the White
House telling them that it's time they release these  rules! You are sending
email directly to the new CMS Administrator, key staff  at HHS, and the 

Feel free to personalize your message.  You can share your own story, talk
about the importance of freedom, or point  out that as everyone else 
the holidays, Americans with  disabilities and older Americans remain
needlessly stuck in nursing  facilities, intermediate care facilities and
institutions for mental disease  because CMS hasn't got the job done. 
it's wonky or personal, SEND A  MESSAGE NOW! Then forward this email to 
folks and urge them to take  action too!

We wish the best to you during this season of many holidays  and thank you 
working to end the institutional bias all year  long!
Together, we will FREE OUR PEOPLE!

- The ADAPT  Community

NATIONAL ADAPT MAILING LIST - Adapt Community Choice Act List