Re: [QUAD-L] cleaning leg bag

2013-01-15 Thread Quadius
I do a similar thing, but when I have had some serious issues with the
fetid smell of my urine, I have had to put a Ziploc freezer bag around my
bed bag so that the smell doesn't escape out into the world. It's an awful
smell and to me it smells like I have it infection, but my blood and urine
doesn't show it. We have tried using vinegar and it does help a little bit,
but I found it best to use the vinegar and the cover.

Freezer bags or thicker than the regular storage bags. It also gives you a
little bit of extra insurance in case you're urine bag leaks.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Quad Dude  wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> I do almost exactly what you do for your son except instead of running the
> tube inside my pants, up my leg, I run the tubing up and beside my chair,
> then connect the tubing to the catheter through a hole cut into the left
> pocket of all my pants. This works especially well with shorts. The tubing
> is covered with black cloth so it's virtually invisible unless you look for
> it.
> Steve - C4, 24 years
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Richard Galli wrote:
>> My solution for my quadriplegic son, beginning about 13 years ago, was
>> not to use a leg bag at all. I mounted a black utility bag so it hangs off
>> the front of his power chair base, behind his lower legs. We put a big
>> 2000-ml bedside drainage bag in that, and run the tube inside his pants, up
>> his leg. We cover the transparent tube with the kind of black flexible
>> wire-concealing wrap you can get at Radioshack.
>> The tube connects at top to his Texas or Foley cath (depending) and the
>> tube is held in place by a white strap with velcro clamp.
>> When the drainage bag gets near full, we just take it out, open the
>> valve, and either fill up a bottle or two, or hold it over a toilet and let
>> it drain.
>> There is virtually no odor except when draining; it can go without
>> draining three or four times as long as a leg bag; and it is much easier to
>> manage in just about every way.
>> Richard Galli

Re: [QUAD-L] mouthstick

2013-01-15 Thread Quadius
Does anyone know where I can get some inexpensive sleeves for this type of

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Greg  wrote:

> Hi Linda,
> I've never used a bendable mouthstick, but I do use the Sammons Straight
> Wand mouthstick. The replacement sleeves (for the part that goes in your
> mouth) are expensive but I recently found a slightly cheaper source for
> both the mouthsticks and the sleeves. I have not yet ordered from them, but
> they sell via the website below and also on ebay.
> Good luck.
> Greg
> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:14 PM,  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I know this is an old question but where do you get your mouthsticks
>> from? I ordered one like I always do, one that says bend the bottom but
>> it's loose already. They aren't cheap but the quality is piss poor this
>> time!
>> Thanks Lindaf

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: My Buddy Ray

2013-01-15 Thread Greg
Thanks for sharing that, Billy.  I'm sorry for your loss.


On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Billy Lang  wrote:

> So, as a tribute to Ray, my Buddy, here’s a message he sent me in October,
> 2012 as an attachment:
> *Just in case I'm gone tomorrow*
> As I approach my mid-seventies, I am struck by the inevitability that the
> party must end. And one clear, cold morning after I'm gone, my wife will
> awaken in the warmth of our bedroom and she will be struck with the pain of
> learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore".
> No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone
> calls just to chat, no more "just one minute."
> Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away,
> never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you."
> So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's
> broken and heal it when it's sick.
> This is true for marriage.And old cars. And children with bad report
> cards, And dogs with bad hips. And aging parents and grandparents. We keep
> them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
> Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a
> sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy,
> no matter what.
> Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep
> them close!
> Suppose one morning you never wake up, do all your friends know how you
> really feel? The important thing is to let every one of your friends know
> your true feelings, even if you think they don't love you back.
> RIP Ray, I miss you and the emails.
> Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!
> Billy