Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc

2013-03-11 Thread wheelchair
Power Pans and Drop Pans are still available thru registered NMEDA  
Dealers.  Altering the OEM design and dynamics that will affect the safety  of 
vehicle/van must be done by a NMEDA Approved Dealer.  The safety  factor of 
each vehicle is based on its year of production and the model of said  vehicle.
Cutting out the floor of a new van, you could damage wires and controls  
under the floor area.  Ford Vans used Drop Pans, but it was more difficult  
with Chevy and Dodges because of the different between the floor and the  
I hope this helped
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/11/2013 6:01:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I don't know if anyone still makes those power pans. I haven't seen  
another one in years.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From:  _lwillis821@yahoo.com_ ( 
Date:  March 11, 2013, 6:56:52 PM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Fwd: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable  van.doc

I have a power pan instead of lowered floor. It takes me down about 5  in. 
It is in my 1979 E -150 that I bought new back in '79. I don't remember  
them doing lowered floors back in those days.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: "dbqjohn" <_dbqjohn@yahoo.com_ ( >
Date:  March 11, 2013, 4:13:23 PM EDT
To: _SCIC@yahoogroups.com_ ( 
Subject:  [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc
Reply-To:  _SCIC@yahoogroups.com_ ( 

I'm just curious if anybody in the group drives a full size van from  their 
wheelchair and does NOT have a lowered floor or raised  top.

If anyone does, I would like to know the make and  model.

I recall somebody talking about it a few years  back.

Thank you!
John C5-6 quad since 1973

--- In _SCIC@yahoogroups.com_ ( , 
_SCIC@yahoogroups.com_ (   wrote:
> File : Buying an accessable  van.doc 
> Description : buying an accessable  van

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2013-03-11 Thread nichole rohling
I’m tellin’ you, I really was thinking I was going to stroke out! I would get 
severe AD in the first year and the it just has always been mild. I still have 
a bit of a headache and it’s been over 5 ½ hours ago.

Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!



From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] AD


Whew! I can feel your misery, Nikki. There is nothing else in the world like 
it. Take care of yourself. Our old puny bodies can't take much of that.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: "nichole rohling" 
Date: March 11, 2013, 3:28:18 PM EDT
To: "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com  " 

Subject: [QUAD-L] AD

Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week off.  


My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8 weeks ago (I’m sure I have a 
bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and I’ve had to reschedule it 3 times in 6 
weeks because of weather, getting it done tomorrow (thank God).  My home health 
nurse told me not long ago that when my cath stops up have someone remove it 
until she gets here and urine will flow out.  Normally, (over the course of the 
last almost 15 yrs) urine spasms out around cath so I have never done that.  
UNTIL TODAY! Urine wasn’t leaking out, I was having spasms in my back, face and 
neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING.  I thought “here we go, I’m 
gonna have a stroke” before she gets here! Then I remembered, get the catheter 
out! My mom was able to get it out and sure enough, urine leaked out. Hated to 
pee in my pants but when AD is that bad……….it really didn’t matter!


Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! May 
have saved me from stroking out today!!




Fwd: [QUAD-L] Fwd: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc

2013-03-11 Thread lwillis821
I don't know if anyone still makes those power pans. I haven't seen another one 
in years.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From:
> Date: March 11, 2013, 6:56:52 PM EDT
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Fwd: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc
> I have a power pan instead of lowered floor. It takes me down about 5 in. It 
> is in my 1979 E -150 that I bought new back in '79. I don't remember them 
> doing lowered floors back in those days.
> Sent from my iPad
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "dbqjohn" 
>> Date: March 11, 2013, 4:13:23 PM EDT
>> To:
>> Subject: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc
>> Reply-To:
>> I'm just curious if anybody in the group drives a full size van from their 
>> wheelchair and does NOT have a lowered floor or raised top.
>> If anyone does, I would like to know the make and model.
>> I recall somebody talking about it a few years back.
>> Thank you!
>> John C5-6 quad since 1973
>> --- In, wrote:
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > File : Buying an accessable van.doc 
>> > Description : buying an accessable van
>> >
>> __._,_.___
>> Reply via web postReply to sender Reply to group Start a New 
>> Topic   Messages in this topic (28)
>> RECENT ACTIVITY: New Members 1
>> Visit Your Group
>> Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use • Send us 
>> Feedback 
>> .
>> __,_._,___

[QUAD-L] Fwd: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc

2013-03-11 Thread lwillis821
I have a power pan instead of lowered floor. It takes me down about 5 in. It is 
in my 1979 E -150 that I bought new back in '79. I don't remember them doing 
lowered floors back in those days.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "dbqjohn" 
> Date: March 11, 2013, 4:13:23 PM EDT
> To:
> Subject: [SCIC] Re: File - Buying an accessable van.doc
> Reply-To:
> I'm just curious if anybody in the group drives a full size van from their 
> wheelchair and does NOT have a lowered floor or raised top.
> If anyone does, I would like to know the make and model.
> I recall somebody talking about it a few years back.
> Thank you!
> John C5-6 quad since 1973
> --- In, wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > File : Buying an accessable van.doc 
> > Description : buying an accessable van
> >
> __._,_.___
> Reply via web post Reply to sender
>  Reply to group Start a New Topic 
>   Messages in this topic (28)   
> RECENT ACTIVITY: New Members 1
> Visit Your Group
> Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use • Send us 
> Feedback 
> .
> __,_._,___

Fwd: [QUAD-L] AD

2013-03-11 Thread lwillis821
Whew! I can feel your misery, Nikki. There is nothing else in the world like 
it. Take care of yourself. Our old puny bodies can't take much of that.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: "nichole rohling" 
> Date: March 11, 2013, 3:28:18 PM EDT
> To: "Quad-List@Eskimo. Com" 
> Subject: [QUAD-L] AD
> Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week off. 
> My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8 weeks ago (I’m sure I have 
> a bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and I’ve had to reschedule it 3 times 
> in 6 weeks because of weather, getting it done tomorrow (thank God).  My home 
> health nurse told me not long ago that when my cath stops up have someone 
> remove it until she gets here and urine will flow out.  Normally, (over the 
> course of the last almost 15 yrs) urine spasms out around cath so I have 
> never done that.  UNTIL TODAY! Urine wasn’t leaking out, I was having spasms 
> in my back, face and neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING.  I 
> thought “here we go, I’m gonna have a stroke” before she gets here! Then I 
> remembered, get the catheter out! My mom was able to get it out and sure 
> enough, urine leaked out. Hated to pee in my pants but when AD is that 
> bad……….it really didn’t matter!
> Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
> because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! May 
> have saved me from stroking out today!!
> Nicki
> c5/6


2013-03-11 Thread wheelchair
Ohhh The Nurse.  I thought your Mom cath'd you  (smiling).
So the nurse did the work in reinstalling your cath and filling the  bulb.
I've done but male and female cath changes and prefer males, as it is so  
much easier.  With females ya need a flashlight and a road map of the  female 
anatomy map. (females should have TATS with instructions) smiling
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/11/2013 4:21:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

yes  she is. however, before she realized just how serious it was (like I 
said  earlier, normally urine leaks out) she told me “just don’t get it on 
your  sheets, I hate washing sheets twice a week”)… 
when  she saw how red my face was and me holding my forehead because of the 
 headache, she was going to try to get the sling under me and transferred 
to  the bed, I had to insist she wasn’t doing it, I did not want her to mess 
up  her wrist! 
I  was giving orders for sure! She had everything out and ready for the  
nurse………J   Oh the books we all could write! 
I’m  sure ready for my CT scan, results, and get whatever done to fix my  
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March  11, 2013 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  AD

Your  Mom is an Angel.  That deed was not easy from all sides of the  
issue.  I'm sure you were barking out orders while she was doing her  best.  
come with instructions and a landing strip.  Women  sitting have a fort 
with bunkers all the way around.  Again, not an easy  task, but I'm glad 
everything worked out.
Best  Wishes

In a  message dated 3/11/2013 3:49:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_zoocrew1@windstream.net_ (   writes:

Yes  I would normally agree but today we had no choice but to deflate the 
balloon  and get it out while I was sitting in my chair. My mom is 68 and 
recently  had wrist surgery (no possible way to get me to the bed and keep me 
elevated  because of blood pressure) so sometimes, you do what you have to 
and clean  up later J
From:  _wheelchair@aol.com_ (  
[_mailto:wheelchair@aol.com_ ( ]  
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:36 PM
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] AD

Nicki,  I'm glad to read your story ending and hopefully the issue gets  

Remember,  when changing an indwelling cath... even in an emergency.. 
one has to  maintain a sterile or clean area to remove the old cath and allow 
urine to  pass and then install a new sterile cath.  I'm sure you will 
agree with  that.
Best  Wishes

Just  wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
because  it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! 
May have  saved me from stroking out today!!



2013-03-11 Thread nichole rohling
thanks Shirley, I was almost in tears my head hurt so badhadn't had that
in probably 14 yrs...only mild dysreflexia.




From: shirley bell [] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:48 PM
To: nichole rohling
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD


sorry to hear this. glad you are ok.

Shirley Bell

- Original Message - 

From: nichole rohling   

To: Quad-List@Eskimo. Com   

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:28 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] AD


Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week off.  


My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8 weeks ago (I'm sure I
have a bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and I've had to reschedule it 3
times in 6 weeks because of weather, getting it done tomorrow (thank God).
My home health nurse told me not long ago that when my cath stops up have
someone remove it until she gets here and urine will flow out.  Normally,
(over the course of the last almost 15 yrs) urine spasms out around cath so
I have never done that.  UNTIL TODAY! Urine wasn't leaking out, I was having
spasms in my back, face and neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING.
I thought "here we go, I'm gonna have a stroke" before she gets here! Then I
remembered, get the catheter out! My mom was able to get it out and sure
enough, urine leaked out. Hated to pee in my pants but when AD is that
badit really didn't matter!


Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter
because it's stopping up the body's natural route for urine to come out! May
have saved me from stroking out today!!





2013-03-11 Thread nichole rohling
yes she is. however, before she realized just how serious it was (like I said 
earlier, normally urine leaks out) she told me “just don’t get it on your 
sheets, I hate washing sheets twice a week”)…

when she saw how red my face was and me holding my forehead because of the 
headache, she was going to try to get the sling under me and transferred to the 
bed, I had to insist she wasn’t doing it, I did not want her to mess up her 

I was giving orders for sure! She had everything out and ready for the 
nurse………J  Oh the books we all could write!


I’m sure ready for my CT scan, results, and get whatever done to fix my problem!




From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD


Your Mom is an Angel.  That deed was not easy from all sides of the issue.  I'm 
sure you were barking out orders while she was doing her best.  Men, come with 
instructions and a landing strip.  Women sitting have a fort with bunkers all 
the way around.  Again, not an easy task, but I'm glad everything worked out.

Best Wishes


In a message dated 3/11/2013 3:49:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Yes I would normally agree but today we had no choice but to deflate the 
balloon and get it out while I was sitting in my chair. My mom is 68 and 
recently had wrist surgery (no possible way to get me to the bed and keep me 
elevated because of blood pressure) so sometimes, you do what you have to and 
clean up later J  


From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD


Nicki, I'm glad to read your story ending and hopefully the issue gets better.


Remember, when changing an indwelling cath... even in an emergency.. one 
has to maintain a sterile or clean area to remove the old cath and allow urine 
to pass and then install a new sterile cath.  I'm sure you will agree with that.

Best Wishes


Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! May 
have saved me from stroking out today!!





2013-03-11 Thread wheelchair
Your Mom is an Angel.  That deed was not easy from all sides of the  issue. 
 I'm sure you were barking out orders while she was doing her  best.  Men, 
come with instructions and a landing strip.  Women sitting  have a fort with 
bunkers all the way around.  Again, not an easy task, but  I'm glad 
everything worked out.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/11/2013 3:49:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Yes  I would normally agree but today we had no choice but to deflate the 
balloon  and get it out while I was sitting in my chair. My mom is 68 and 
recently had  wrist surgery (no possible way to get me to the bed and keep me 
elevated  because of blood pressure) so sometimes, you do what you have to 
and clean up  later J
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March  11, 2013 3:36 PM
Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] AD

Nicki,  I'm glad to read your story ending and hopefully the issue gets  

Remember,  when changing an indwelling cath... even in an emergency.. 
one has to  maintain a sterile or clean area to remove the old cath and allow 
urine to  pass and then install a new sterile cath.  I'm sure you will 
agree with  that.
Best  Wishes

Just  wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
because  it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! 
May have  saved me from stroking out today!!



2013-03-11 Thread nichole rohling
Yes I would normally agree but today we had no choice but to deflate the 
balloon and get it out while I was sitting in my chair. My mom is 68 and 
recently had wrist surgery (no possible way to get me to the bed and keep me 
elevated because of blood pressure) so sometimes, you do what you have to and 
clean up later J  


From: [] 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] AD


Nicki, I'm glad to read your story ending and hopefully the issue gets better.


Remember, when changing an indwelling cath... even in an emergency.. one 
has to maintain a sterile or clean area to remove the old cath and allow urine 
to pass and then install a new sterile cath.  I'm sure you will agree with that.

Best Wishes


Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter 
because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come out! May 
have saved me from stroking out today!!





2013-03-11 Thread wheelchair
Nicki, I'm glad to read your story ending and hopefully the issue gets  
Remember, when changing an indwelling cath... even in an emergency..  
one has to maintain a sterile or clean area to remove the old cath and allow  
urine to pass and then install a new sterile cath.  I'm sure you will agree 
 with that.
Best Wishes
Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the  catheter 
because it’s stopping up the body’s natural route for urine to come  out! 
May have saved me from stroking out today!!



2013-03-11 Thread nichole rohling
Wow! Nothing like a big dose of AD to start my week off.  


My catheter has been stopping up so I went to dr 8 weeks ago (I'm sure I
have a bladder stone).  He ordered CT scan and I've had to reschedule it 3
times in 6 weeks because of weather, getting it done tomorrow (thank God).
My home health nurse told me not long ago that when my cath stops up have
someone remove it until she gets here and urine will flow out.  Normally,
(over the course of the last almost 15 yrs) urine spasms out around cath so
I have never done that.  UNTIL TODAY! Urine wasn't leaking out, I was having
spasms in my back, face and neck were fire engine red, my head was POUNDING.
I thought "here we go, I'm gonna have a stroke" before she gets here! Then I
remembered, get the catheter out! My mom was able to get it out and sure
enough, urine leaked out. Hated to pee in my pants but when AD is that
badit really didn't matter!


Just wanted to share that if no urine is leaking out remove the catheter
because it's stopping up the body's natural route for urine to come out! May
have saved me from stroking out today!!




Re: [QUAD-L] meditation

2013-03-11 Thread bobbie299

Love it!

Smile Everyday

-Original Message-
From: Danny Hearn 
To: RONALD L PRACHT ; quad-list 

Sent: Mon, Mar 11, 2013 10:14 am
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] meditation

I lay here next to Ron..meditating...he is the pilot and I am the 
co-pilot..we are preparing to take of on this large jet-liner bound for 
the carribean Islands, We have a total of 201 souls on board. My final 
thoughts before take-off, Ron I sure hope we have not taken 
too many meds for this flight ! 
(just thought i'd add this bit of silly humor that popped into my mind- 
lol )  Dan***

Sent: Sun, March 10, 2013 7:22:04 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] meditation

i lay there in bed and think about things with my eyes closed when my 
pain level is out of control..i try to get in the right frame of 


Re: [QUAD-L] meditation

2013-03-11 Thread Danny Hearn
I lay here next to Ron..meditating...he is the pilot and I am the co-pilot..we 
are preparing to take of on this large jet-liner bound for the carribean 
Islands, We have a total of 201 souls on board. My final thoughts before 
take-off, Ron I sure hope we have not taken too many meds for this 
flight !  

(just thought i'd add this bit of silly humor that popped into my mind- lol )  

Sent: Sun, March 10, 2013 7:22:04 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] meditation

i lay there in bed and think about things with my eyes closed when my pain 
is out of control..i try to get in the right frame of mind
