Personally, number 3 and 11 would keep me home, especially, number 11

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 4:43 PM Joe Olson <> wrote:

> I have lots of information, but I'm having difficulty prioritizing it
> 1. They are following distancing guidelines
> 2. My states case numbers are steady and relatively low / low positive rate
> 3. I take public transportation there
> 4. My work does not require much face to face work with the public- desk
> job.
> 5. All guidance on SCI shows that we are at higher risk
> 6. Very little actual outcome based results on COVID and SCI. Only a
> single case study
> 7. I live in a place where community transmission has been active for a
> while and may have had it asymptomatically already.
> 8. I'm typically pretty healthy (besides UTI, occasional skin breakdown)
> 9. One of my caregivers has emphysema
> 10. I'm not impacted economically either way
> 11. If I do come down with it mildly symptomatic, it may be difficult to
> get my caregivers to show up. I would likely need to be hospitalized due to
> lack of care- even with mild symptoms.
> 12. I'm getting bored staying home
> 13. Due to lack of human connection while isolating, I could see myself
> taking part in - or may have already taken part in activities that could be
> more risky than work.
> 13. I think staying out too long may affect my reputation as a reliable
> useful employee.
> Like I said, kinda complicated. What things would you be looking at?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 13, 2020, at 5:06 PM, Eric Olson <> wrote:
> Good question. I would look into what precautions your company is taking
> at the office. Are employees required to wear masks? I would get all the
> facts before making a decision.
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 12:36 PM Joe Olson <> wrote:
>> I know that COVID was a topic before but it's been a while and things are
>> changing all the time. I'm C5 complete and am trying to decide if I should
>> go back to the office (day job). I was wondering, for people who went back
>> or have decided to continue to stay out: what did you consider before
>> making your decision?
>> I'm a bit of a lurker on this list-serve. I posted a similar post on FB
>> today but it seems like FB replies are not always the same quality as what
>> happens here. Thanks for all your great posts and responses!
>> -Joe

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