How frustrating!  I wish I had answers or even suggestions.  When you first
told us about this, I thought it was a heart problem.  I'd suggest a second
opinion, but it sounds like you've already done that.  I know this doesn't
help but I'm praying for you

On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 6:53 PM Greg <> wrote:

> Just spent another three days in the hospital because of my breathing
> problem. I'm having a hard time inhaling without there being heavy
> pressure. And breathing like I just run a marathon. This time they did
> another CAT scan and at least found out my lung blood clots are gone. They
> also did a heart Echo, an ultrasound of my heart and it came out fine. They
> also did a sniff test, and it showed my diaphragm was pretty good. When I
> breathe feels like a rubber band around my chest. Then I start breathing
> very heavy and my shoulders go up and down just cuz it's so hard to
> breathe. It started seven or eight months ago, right after I had an
> ablation of my heart to fix a flutter. I had to be intubated, and right
> when I came out I was breathing like this and they thought I had too much
> CO2. So I was on a respirator for a week or so. But after that I still have
> the breathing issues. Since then I've had to be on a respirator at night
> just to help me breathe easy enough to sleep.
> I've been to at least three lung doctors, a couple different heart
> doctors, the neurologist, a blood doctor, the quad doctor. No one can
> figure it out.
> I thought maybe it was just getting older, muscles and lungs getting old,
> and my spine is curving a bit, but it happened so fast right after the
> heart ablation.
> I am scheduled for one more test, a stress test on my heart, I just hope
> they can find something. I can't keep breathing like this it's constantly
> hard to breathe and then gets really hard times. Like I've run a marathon
> with someone sitting on my chest.
> About 3 years ago I had a pleural effusion, where fluid fills up between
> your lungs. It kept coming back and I wood drain about a liter and a half a
> fluid once or twice a week. But I had a procedure to fix it. I keep saying
> that's what it feels like, but they all keep saying there's no fluid
> anymore in there.
> I get so exhausted just typing a few words, haven't been able to go out
> for almost 3 years. Just too tired and breathe too hard.
> Any ideas,
>  thanks Greg

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